2. Just go with it.

"Hattie, are you sure you're feeling alright about this?" Casey asked as we sat down in the lunch hall. I pulled out my pasta and started to eat it.

"Feeling alright about what?" I asked as I looked around the hall. My eyes landed on my Jacob, he had Annie on his lap and they were feeding each other. I almost spat out my pasta as I started to choke. As I regained myself I looked at Casey, her blue eyes looking at me with worry. "I'm fine about it Case, honestly."

I sat back as I pushed my pasta away from me, "but I don't want that now, that's for sure."

'She shouldn't have cheated..' I heard someone think making me look around again as I noticed the looks I was getting from people all around me. "Does everyone know about the break up?"

"Yeah, they think that he dumped you." Casey informed me making me shake my head as I stood up.

'Slut' I heard someone think and I got angry.

"God, people are so stupid. Surely the broken nose says it all?" I said as I picked up my pasta and headed towards the bin. I put it in the bin and as i turned around I was taken into someone's arms. I was about to struggle until I heard a soothing voice.

"Please, just go with it. I've got my ex-girlfriend on my case," Brett explained and I hugged him back.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked quietly, I didn't mind, I owed him one.

"Can you pretend to me my girlfriend? She's now walking over." He asked and I smiled to myself.

"Sure," I said as we pulled away from each other. I noticed a black haired girl walking over to us, she was quite pretty and I knew exactly who she was. She was captain of the cheerleading team and I have always felt intimidated by her. Brett wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close as she reached us.

"Brett," she greeted before she trailed her eyes up and down my body with a scowl. "Who's this?"

"This is my girlfriend, Hattie." He informed her and I watched as her eyebrows raised.

'What?' She asked in her head making me bite my tongue.

"It's nice to meet you, Hattie. I'm Brett's ex-girlfriend." She smiled sarcastically, adding emphasis to the 'ex'.

"I've heard a lot about you." I fake smiled, trying not to add tension to the already awkward situation.

"That's funny, I haven't heard anything about you." She spat, I could tell she was annoyed.

'fucking bitch, he can do so much better.' she thought and I smirked.

"That's what we agree'd, isn't it Brett? To keep things on the down low because we don't want people interfering in business that isn't their own." I said calmly, and Brett hummed a response as he moved his hand from my waist to up my arm and he pulled me into him while he kissed my forehead.

"Shall we go somewhere more private, babe?" He asked, and I nodded.

"It was nice seeing you," I said sarcastically as we turned away and walked out of the hall. Brett and I walked into an empty classroom and moved away from each other.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He breathed as he ran his hands through his hair and let out a breath of relief. I smiled at him. "That was so funny, did you see her face?" He asked excitedly.

"She didn't like that one bit," I laughed and he nodded in agreement.

"No she didn't," he agreed before his eyes went wide. "I bet you she's telling her friends right now,"

"Oh no," I said as I stared at Brett. "People are going to think that we're actually dating!"

He stopped laughing, and faced me as he thought about it.

"Oh god, you're right." He admitted before he stepped forward a little bit. "We can't be seen as liars, we have to carry it on."

I stepped back as I shook my head.
"No, no, no, no! Brett! I broke up with Jacob yesterday, what the hell are people going to think when they hear that I'm already in another relationship?" I asked, getting a little angry.

"I don't know, but you can't back out now." He stated as he stepped forward making me step back again, he kept coming forwards and I kept going backwards until I was backed up against the wall. Brett stood in front of me, he lifted up my wrists and held them against the wall.

"Brett, stop." I mumbled as I looked up at him. I was nervous. His face was only inches from mine. He moved forward more and stopped when his lips were just brushing mine gently.

"We can make this work," he whispered and I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breath on my lips. "Hattie, look at me." He whispered and I opened my eyes. "You owed me, yeah? We can help each other out." He said as he moved back a little.

"But Brett, this is a crazy idea." I whispered, feeling confused. How would we even pull it off.

"Please try," He begged and I saw a little look of desperation on his face. I nodded as I finally gave in. He sighed in relief before he smirked. "Your heart is beating really fast right now."

"I know, I feel like it's about to beat right out of my chest." I mumbled as he let go of my wrists and stepped back before I looked at him in wonder.

"Wait, how do you know that my heart is beating fast?" I asked and he looked taken aback by my question. He regained him self as his famous smirk returned.

"I make you nervous Hattie, I know I do, which is understandable, seeing as I am Brett Talbot." He laughed as he humble bragged.

"Uh, excuse me," I said as I stepped forward, "I didn't know who you were until you introduced yourself yesterday.."

"I know, it's weird. How could you not know who I am? I'm captain of the lacrosse team and i've got every girl in this school waiting in line wanting to get a piece of me. And we live next door to each other." He said making me laugh.

"Not every girl," I informed him. He smiled. "And I didn't know."

"You mean you?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, not yet."

"Yet?" I asked, finding his change of character totally overwhelming and more annoying than anything. He nodded.

"It's not like you can escape it, you are my girlfriend now after all." He reminded me making me roll my eyes.

"Fake girlfriend." I corrected him.

"We'll talk about it later.. I'll come over and we can plan this all out. If anyone asks we'll call it a 'date'" he said and I nodded in agreement before he walked up to me and placed a hand on my waist and the other on my butt.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he shushed me.

"Someone's coming, I'm going to kiss you." He informed me as he moved his head down and pressed his lips firmly on mine. I felt goosebumps crawl along my skin as I heard a gasp.

"What the fuck?" It was Casey.

Brett and I turned our heads as we looked towards the door. Oh shit.

"Honestly Hattie, what the hell is going on here?" She asked, I couldn't tell whether it was anger or surprise in her voice.

"She's kissing her boyfriend." Brett answered for me and I couldn't help but look at him angrily.

"What?" She asked as she stepped into the room. "You broke up with Jacob yesterday, now you've already moved on?"

"She moved on ages ago." Brett stated as he let go of me but kept one hand on the small of my back.

"And what does that mean?" She asked aggressively. Anger, definitely anger. Her usual pale face was now bright red as her body shook uncontrollably.

"Case, I can explain." I said as I stepped forward.

"That's what I want you to do, Hattie.." She said lowly. I couldn't think of what to say, but Brett answered for me anyway. No answer would have been better than what he came out with.

"We've been seeing each other for the past 2 months. It was only a matter of time before she dumped Jacob and became mine." He told her making my mouth drop open. What? I watched Casey carefully as I didn't know what she was going to do next.

'How dare she... She lied to me, and now she tells me she's a lying dirty cheat?' She thought

"You and Jacob are the same. You both disgust me!" She said quietly, I had never seen her like this. She's never been so angry. "I'm so disappointed in you, I thought you knew better." She stated before she turned away and sped out of the door. I went to run after her but Brett grabbed my arm making me turn to him.

"You can't tell her," he told me and I started to breath heavily as tears rushed to my eyes.

"I have to, she hates me now." I said, my voice breaking mid-sentence.

"Hey, hey, hey," he pulled me into him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Shhhh," he cooed as he rubbed my back. "She doesn't hate you, she's your best friend."

I don't know what it was about Brett, but I know that I'm beginning to regret my decision of pretending to be his fake girlfriend.
