Chapter 5 Curtis' Confession

Evelyn POV

His eyes were fulled with anger as he positioned to attack. I stiffened, unsure of what would he would do. 

He raised in his snake form and strikes a stone wall, destroying it in a second. Debris fell from the damage. Suddenly, he turned to me and calmed down. 


Huh? I was bewildered by his comment. What do you mean?

"I expect it."

"Y-you do?" I asked. Isn't he suppose to throw a tantrum or something?

He suddenly glared, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Only if they are worthy." He said. 


Now there's a problem...Will he expect Harvey too?

"Umm...the male I like is a doctor but...he has no stripes." I said,  cautiously choosing my words.

Curtis hissed and turned stare at the opening of the underground cave.

"My mother...she hated my father. He kidnapped her from her tribe. She was beautiful but had a bad personality. My father...he always endured her beatings and harsh words. He was at fault, but he was only trying to protect her before losing control of himself during her heat." 

He paused to look at me. 

"She killed almost all my brother. They were an eyesore in her eyes. Unworthy to be her children. I grew up to understand that appearance and strength doesn't  make a person, it's personality."

I stared at him, I didn't know what to do. I never knew his backstory as the manga never revealed much about him but the romance between him and Bai Qing Qing.

At first I stood rooted to the ground. Then, I ran to him and hugged him. 

"Curtis...I'm not able to erase your past but I'm willing to spend my future with you," 

He broke, sobbing on my shoulders. 

After a while he calmed down. "I'll bring you outside," 


He brought my to his shoulders and slithered out to the shore of the lake. 

"Are you not going with me?" I asked, unsure if his answer.

He shook his head. "Most villages will not keep calm after seeing me."

"But...aren't you afraid there I will lie to you and never come back?" 

He chuckled. "No," 

I hugged him again. "I'm Evelyn," I gave him my necklace that I had made when I was bored. "Now, you will always remember me," I grinned.


He then returned the smile and watched my footsteps leave him farther and farther until he could not hear them again. 

Curtis POV

"Evelyn..." I whispered again in my cave, her necklace in my hands.

She expected me...she expected me!

I couldn't help it, most feral beastmen were rejected and feared. But she was different. She even accept my past.

"Go away!" A shrilled voice snapped at a red snake who hissed sadly. "Bella...I'm sorry," He said. 

"Look at them! Their ferals! So are you! You're not worthy of me!" She screamed. She grabbed the basket where baby snakes were in and threw them at the burning fire. They hissed, a few were lucky to not touch the fire at all but most of them were perished. 

"BELLA!" The snake beastmen stared shocked at her.

"They..they were our children!" 

"No, they're not!"

She trapped a sharp rock and sliced the snake mark on her ankle. 

"Bella! You...I love you..." The snake beastmen said sadly before taking his last breath. 

This was all seen by a young baby snake who was lucky not to be perished by the fire. 


Curtis stared up to the opening of the cave. 

After the fire he wander through the forest and lived by the rule of the forest:

The strongest will live while the weakest shall die.

He had been through all kinds of challenges but he survived, only to live solely to meet Evelyn.

Author's Note:



Anyways, how was the chapter? Hope you all enjoyed it!

As always, tell me in the comments below!
