Chapter 12 Tiger King

Evelyn POV

Even before the sun had risen, I was up getting ready for the meeting because l had to "look presentable" and "be there early" or else it would be disrespectful. Sure, I had "offended" the female, but to have a meeting with the Tiger King about it? And to be up this early? Nah, I'll pass, I want to sleep.

I sighed, groaning that I had gotten enough sleep.

"You don't have to go, you know," Curtis said.

"I have to, he's the Tiger King," 

"And I can kill him," he answered casually.

I smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "I rather you not. A civil war might break out,"

He yawned a response and disappeared to one of the rooms to get changed.

Harvey walked in the hut with a bowl of steaming rice with vegetables for me.

"Thanks, Harvey," I gave my leopard mate a kiss on cheek.

Harvey smiled at me before calling Curtis to eat some roasted pork with him.

I whined as I rubbed my lower back, it was aching because of two certain people in the hut. I sent them a glare and they smirked.

Just as we were eating with gusto, the messenger was back, this time to remind us that it was time to leave.


"Are you Evelyn?"

The Tiger King sat back on his throne, his eyes disinterested.

Who else did you call for a meeting aside me and that female with our mates? Who else can I be?

"Yes, your majesty," I said, bowing half - heartedly.

"It's them, they were the ones that punched me!" The female from yesterday was there, pointing a chubby finger at me.

I internally rolled my eyes. What a stupid female.

She looked gloating at me, her pug nose in the air like she just had won.

"Oh? Evelyn, was this true?" Now the Tiger King was looking at me.

"No, your majesty. If I may, may I prove to you my innocence?" 

He looked at me, pretending to ponder before nodding his head yes.

I stepped forward towards the female.

"You accused that I pushed you, correct?"

She glared at me. "Yes, don't you have ears?"

I smiled at her, "Then, would you mind telling us about what happened yesterday?"

She smirked to herself. "I was walking with my mates yesterday to go to the river, along the way, I was suddenly bumped into by a female. This Evelyn started to yell at me and pushed me! I'm an attendant of Princess Rosa! This is not only a humiliation for me but also towards the Tiger King! I don't care about my reputation but ours, Tiger King!" She fell on her knees with fake tears flowing out of her eyes. "Please punish her, your majesty!" 

At the end of her "recall", the Tiger King set his cold eyes to me. 

"Your majesty, as this female said, she bumped into a female while walking, please allow her to justify for me. Also, I was walking with my friend, Daisy, she can also justify for me," I said bowing to show my "respect".

"Tiger King! She's just stalling the case! Please punish her now to save your reputation!" The female cried, tears steaming down her face.

"Your majesty, if I may offer you my humble opinion," I said, ignoring the female's glares.

The Tiger King shifted his cold eyes to me, "Speak,"

"To punish an innocent female and allow the accuser walk away is a bigger hit to the people's trust on your majesty. The females might even abandon their tiger mates because of this, your majesty! In fact, they might even trust the other kings more than your majesty! I can not let this happen, therefore, I am trying to present my side to your majesty. I trust that the Tiger King is able to make the correct judgement!" I exaggerated, also falling to my knees. 

Damn, to be honest, I don't gave a care to your reputation! People don't trust you anyways. I'm just trying to save mine.

"Invite the female here," his voice was still cold but his eyes showed interest.

In no time, a female was presented in front of the Tiger King. I recognize her as the pitiful female that the was pushed to the ground but a certain somebody.

"Your majesty, I am Anna, the female that was helped by Evelyn! The one accusing her was the one that pushed me!" 

"That's a lie, your majesty! I-"

The Tiger King waved his hand and she immediately shut her mouth.

"Kimberly, you are found guilty of accusing an innocent female, you are stripped off of the position as an attendant and will be grounded for 6 months. In addition, you will gave 10 of the best quality beast skin to both Evelyn and Anna with a season of prey to pay for damages."

He turned and left the throne room with 5 attendants and 3 guards lead us out.

I smiled at Anna as i returned to my worried mates.

"Evelyn! Are you okay? He didn't do anything to you, right?" Harvey asked.

"I can ki-" Curtis started but I slapped my hand on his mouth.

"I'm fine, guys! He didn't do anything!" I kissed both their checks to silent them.

"The Tiger Prince is coming though! Make way!" 

We instantly parted, asking what for this Tiger Prince to pass by. 

"Let's go home, I want to eat." 

Harvey picked me up to go home while Curtis went to hunt quickly. 

I yawned eventually fell asleep while Harvey was carrying me. 
