Chapter 2 Camel Valley, Bai Qing Qing & Seasoning

Evelyn POV

Harvey brought me to a village. Wood hut like houses and other beastmen outside. Just like what the webtoon described.

As Harvey brought me to his territory, a group of beast men had already gathered around, staring at me. 

"Uhm, can we go faster?" I asked with a trembled voice. I always thought that it was unfair that female leads from other stories always had their main character halo while the villains had to suffer. I didn't want to be like the female leads.

Harvey didn't answer but quickened his pace. We arrived at his hut in a short amount of time. 

"Wow, it's really neat in here!" I exclaimed.

He smiled, clearly happy that a person just praised him.

Then, as on cue, my annoying stomach just had to growl. 

"Ahem!" I blushed as I faked a cough.

"You're hungry? I'll hunt us some prey," Harvey answered, turning around and going out of the house. 

He then froze as he remembered something important. "Are you okay with staying here alone?" 

I nod my answer. Of course, anyone would be okay after embarrassing themselves in front of a guy they just met.

Afternoon while Harvey left, a beastmen came running into the hut and hammering his fists on the poor wooden door. Sigh. Poor door.

"Harvey! Harvey! Are you there?" Shouted out a very loud voice. 

I groaned and covered my ears. 

Seriously! What's wrong with him?

Almost as quick as the loud voice had shouted, a muffled voice seemed to be saying something, 

The door opened suddenly and I jumped a meter in the air. The figure froze at the doorway. Harvey! Thank god, it's Harvey. I tucked in a breath of relief.

Harvey POV

I walked back from my hunt and saw Parker rammed his fists at my door.

Tsk. Is he planing on breaking it down?

Bam! The door broke.

"Parker, I'm here." I said, trying to keep my anger in.

"Help my female! He demanded.

 A "please" and "I'm sorry for breaking down your door, Harvey" would be nice.

"Please wait," I entered my hut and saw the female surprise and alarmed. 

Can't blame you. Parker broke down the door.

"Ahem!" A rude voice coughed.

"Ah! Parker!" I said, faking the voice like I just remember something. "Ai, I'm a doctor how could I forget about my patient?"

Evelyn POV

"Uh...hi?" A small ranged out between both men or beastmen, it was a girl that hid behind the male who broke down the door.  I stared at her, thinking. 

"Parker, who know...the door..." Harvey said to the male who was standing their with his hands on his hips.

Parker? As the Leopard Prince Parker? The female is probably Bai Qing Qing, the female lead of the webtoon. Harvey will fall in love with her.

 However, Harvey seemed to think something else.

"The door, would you mind paying for the damages you caused?" 

"Heal my female first. Besides Harvey, you're a male, don't act like this. Females like males with strength." Parker nodded towards me.

"My main goal is to become a good healer, you know Parker."

"Ah!" The female lead toppled over and was caught be Parker.

"P-Parker!" She stuttered.

"Ash! Let's begin the treatment!" Harvey said changing the subject. 

"Female, please sit," he added in a softer tone. 

I sat watch Harvey treat Bai Qing Qing, thinking about the details of the book.

"Humph! Don't you dare try to steal my female!" Parker declared loudly.

"No one cares, Parker," I murmured infer my breath.

Lucky he didn't seem to hear it.

A door slammed signally that the treatment was done. 

"Evelyn?"  Harvey asked.

Harvey  POV

I glanced her the girl besides me.

She didn't answer, just shook her head. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just don't like loud noises. Why don't we eat?" 

I quickly brought out the fruits. "I didn't which foods that you would like best so I brought a few." 

She smiled. "Thanks, Harvey." 

Evelyn POV

I bite into what I think is an apple. Sweetness greeted me. 

"Why don't we have some meat as well?" I suggested. 

Harvey nodded and quickly got to work. Soon enough, the roasted meat was done. 

"Harvey, may I use some of your things?" I asked. No way was I going to eat something so bland. 


I ran to his herb pile and grabbed some red peppers and garlic. As I returned to my seat again, he look me confused. 

"You'll see," I smiled. Wait till I show the real world of food!

I spread my seasoning and cut the meat in to smaller pieces before taking one and holding to Harvey's month. He looked at me surprised. 

"Open your month and try it!" I said excited. 

He took the piece that I was holding and shallowed. His eyes lit up. I know, right?

"This is delicious!" He exclaimed. 

We spent the rest of our meals smiling and enjoying the food. 

Author's Note

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