"The Entire Story on How Clara Got In The Hole"

Alice & Clara: EHHHHHH!!!!!

Alice: Master Iruma is going to be helping Kuromu as Irumi professionally as her partner?!

Clara: Does that mean we have to be Demdols professionally too?

Iruma: No, she only ask me but I wanted to make sure that you two knew about so it doesn't come as a shock later in the news.

Alice: Always so considerate, Master.

Clara: Oh boo, I wanted to be a Demdol with Iruma-kins too!

Iruma: Oh, that also means I'll be away sometimes to do my piano lessons.

Alice: Piano?

Iruma: Yes. Grandpa mentioned if I plan to tackle being a Demdol I should at the very least polish my piano skills again. So I'd be off sometimes.

[Clara gets bored and rolls around a bit]

Alice: Oh, who's your tutor, Master?

Iruma: Oh I don't have one yet, but I actually plan to ask Professor Kalego since grandpa recommended him to me.

Alice: Professor Kalego plays the piano? Well if the Chairdemon recommended him, he must be the perfect pianist for Master.

Iruma: (I just need to ask him but I... I don't know. What if he says no... I-.)

[Clara falls in a hole from rolling]

Clara: Gah-!

[Alice and Iruma looks behind them to see no one, then turn to realize Clara wasn't with them]

Iruma: Where did Clara go?

Alice: Not sure, but she usually is close by. I don't imagine she'd leave without saying anything.

Iruma: Clara! Where'd you go?

Clara: (*yelling from the hole*) IRUMA-KINS!!!

[Iruma and Alice go to where they heard her voice and Alice pulls Iruma before he fell in the hole.]

Alice: Careful Master!

[Iruma looks down at the hole to see Clara]

Iruma: How'd you get down from there?

Clara: I went rolly rolly, then I went whoosh and kabam! But my back is sore and I could pull out my wings.

Alice: She must have damaged her wings roots from the fall.

Iruma: Azz, can you reach her?

Alice: My body is too large to fit in that hole. You could probably get her with your body shape.

Iruma: Azz I... I can't.

Alice: You can't?

Iruma: Y-Yes... I can't tell you why yet... but I really can't... Please understand... It's personal...

Alice: ...Well okay then, I won't push it. But how will we get her out of there? Today is a half day, and most of the teachers should be gone by now.

Iruma: I'll ask my grandpa to see if anyone is around to help. You stay here, Azz.

[Iruma runs off]

Alice: (...I know you told me not to press it, but I think I figured it out already. He didn't really hide it much of his disability looking back at it. Master Iruma... has no wings... but a demon who can't fly? Is that even possible? F-For how long?! When?! He must have been hiding this burden all this time and I failed to see it! Whatever! It doesn't matter if whether he can fly or not! Master Iruma is still Iruma in the end, my friend, and I'll be his wings from here on out.)

To Be Continued...
