"Balam Asks About Iruma's Life"

Balam: (*writing down notes about Iruma while he reads the picture books to study*) Iruma, just at a curiosity, where were you doing before your life here in Babylus and your Grandfather.

Iruma: Oh, I was at my middle school graduation back in the Human World after-.

[Iruma hesitated for a moment, and Balam looked over Iruma curiously]

Balam: After?

Iruma: After... me and my classmates successfully killed the teacher.

[Balam so surprised suddenly stopped writing]

Balam: You killed your middle school teacher? May... may I ask why?

Iruma: ...It was part of our mission as students of class 3-E of the Kunugigaoka Junior High also known as the Assassination Classroom. Our teacher was our target, and in order to keep the Earth from blowing up, we were given the opportunity to kill him before graduation.

Balam: Blowing up?

Iruma: A lot of the details about that is... complicated.

Balam: And the school just allowed this?

Iruma: Yeah... As long as the Principal gets what he wants, he'll use anything, even assisting in a assassination plot to kill a teacher. His methods of the school system is a bit similar to Babylus is you look at it more. The higher the rank the more you're respected. The same with Kunugigaoka, the higher your overall grade the more your respected. And then we have E-Class & The Misfit Class. Both are considered the lowest or the trouble making students brought together. The only difference is the Principal's attitude and their meanings of education.

Balam: Say Iruma, would you ever want to go back?

Iruma: I thought about it, and I realized how much I like the life I live now. My teacher once asked me to find what I want in the end, and meeting my grandpa was the best thing I ever wanted. I also have Opera, my friends, Professor Kalego and you. It's all I could ever want. In E-Class I did make friends but I always felt a sense of disconnection. Not like I didn't like them, I just felt out of place...

Balam: That's okay, some people feel that every now and again.

Iruma: Say Balam, would it be okay if I bring something for you after exams?

Balam: What for?

Iruma: For helping me with studying of course. These books are honestly super helpful and I really appreciate it. Besides, I think you'll like it.

Balam: Well alright then.


[Timeskip after the exams]

Iruma: Professor Balam, I brought it with me!

[Balam is with Kalego talking among each other, but then sees Iruma]

Balam: Oh, you did say you were gonna give me something.

Kalego: Just make it quick!

[Iruma gives Balam a giant wrapped box]

Iruma: H-Here! I'll get my other book tomorrow before summer vacation! Be sure to give it back when you're done! See you later!

[Iruma leaves, leaving Balam and Kalego confused]

Kalego: What did he give you exactly? That's too big to be a normal book. Is it more than one? Or is he just being extra like his old man?

Balam: I'm just surprised he was able to carry that with his tiny body.

Kalego: Well I'll leave you to that thing, so have fun.

[Kalego leaves as Balam goes to his office opens the box to reveal Iruma's Assassination Classroom Graduation Album]

Balam: This is... from his previous school.

[Flips though the pages and always sees Koro-Sensei in most of the photos]

Balam: So many different humans... So many places unseen... is this really what the beauty of Earth is like? But who's the yellow round creature in tentacles? ...Iruma will probably tell me tomorrow.

To Be Continued...
