"Where Are You, Iruma-Kun?" (Side Story) (Ch.2)

Chapter 2: "The Disappearance Of Iruma-Kun" (Part 2)

Irina: I heard the news, is Iruma really kidnapped?

Karasuma: I'm not too sure, at most Iruma is labelled missing. His parents won't say a single word about it or who the person who bought Iruma's custody. But I have a few ideas. They mentioned something about a contract, and that might give us a clue about where to look. There is also a chance he got adopted by his bosses and coworkers he previously worked with so we'll look into that too but-.

Irina: But?

Karasuma: I have no idea where he has worked over the course of his life except for one incident report in his school records about taking a cafe job.

Irina: You could ask two people who have known Iruma the longest during childhood. Rinka & Chiba have history with Iruma, if I remember correctly.

Karasuma: I'll have to talk to them in private and not have it a public conversation if the parents are there.

Irina: Should we get the other students involved?

Karasuma: No, they've done more than enough help with assassination, I don't want to put more problems on those kids than the government has already done to them. I'll speak with Rinka and Chiba, you go over to the Suzuki House to find that contract.


Karasuma: Thank you two for agreeing to see me in private on such short notice.

Chiba: It's fine, Mr Karasuma. We didn't have plans for anything.

Rinka: That being said, if you called us here so urgently it must be important.

Karasuma: Alright, I'll get right to the point then. Iruma is missing due to his parents circumstances, and you two have known Iruma since childhood so I would like to know where he has previously worked over the years.

Rinka & Chiba: What?!

Rinka: Iruma would never just leave like that! Sure he's a pushover, but his attitude changed a lot since being in E-Class, there is no way he'd just let himself be taken.

Chiba: What exactly did his parents do this time?!

Karasuma: His custody got sold in exchange for money.

Rinka: Those rotten greedy pieces of-!

Chiba: Rinka, calm down. We'll tell you everything we know, we'll get him back. In exchange let us help you look for Iruma.

Karasuma: It's too dangerous-.

Rinka: Please, Mr Karasuma. Iruma's our childhood friend, we wouldn't feel okay with being left on the sidelines.

Karasuma: ...I'm sorry, but this is the government's job. Please understand.

Rinka: I-!

Chiba: Enough Rinka! Just... do as he says.

Rinka: ...


Rinka: (*walking with Chiba*) Chiba, what are you doing?

Chiba: (*on his phone*) Calling reinforcements.

Rinka: (*smiles*) You were never going to ask for Mr Karasuma's approval, were you?

Chiba: Nope. He's our friend and classmate, therefore our responsibility. If one of us is left behind we try to slow down and aid altogether.

Rinka: But some of them would be out of the country to do international studies wouldn't they?

Chiba: Not until a month or so from now. And until then, we'll figure it out ourselves.

Rinka: So another mission?

Chiba: (*smiles*) Another mission.

To Be Continued
