Chapter Twelve

Madeleine awoke to an empty bed the next morning, and she frowned softly as she remembered the events of the day before. She pulled Benedict's duvet around her tighter and buried her face in the pillow, not wanting to get up and face a world without her mother.

She laid there for at least two hours before the bedroom door opened, and Benedict walked in.

"Hey, you're awake. How did you sleep?" He spoke softly, sitting on the bed by her legs and placing his hand on her arm. She shrugged softly and sat up, watching him with sad eyes.

"Thank you for letting me stay here, Benedict, and for everything." She spoke softly, "You are truly a wonderful person, and I am sorry I said otherwise."

Benedict shook his head, taking her hands in his. "Do not apologize, Mads. We both said things we did not mean and I said rather harsh things that I feel terrible about. I am sorry, too. I hope it all can be forgotten. You are my dearest friend and I could not bear to lose you."

She sighed in relief and nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. It felt nice knowing she wasn't going to be alone in this.

"Now, I went over to your house this morning with Anthony and my mother. I hope that is okay, we wanted to make sure everything was taken care of. It was Anthony's idea, actually. When our father died he was overcome by talk of caskets and death notices, and he did not want you to have to deal with that."

Madeleine smiled softly, that was rather kind of Anthony. Benedict continued.

"All of the official matters have been dealt with and my mother did some light.. redecorating. She simply wished to make the house feel less dark and more welcoming for you. She left your mother's bedroom untouched, she did not know if you wished to change anything there. And she had her maid stock the kitchen with all kinds of food."

Madeleine couldn't help but tear up at the kindness of her friend's family. She appreciated it more than she could express, but she was still dreading going back into that house.

"I know it must be daunting to return there, and she actually wishes to speak to you about that. Do you think you are up for that?" He titled his head, squeezing her hands softly in an encouraging manner. She nodded softly.

"Yes, of course. I will change into my day clothes and meet you downstairs?" Benedict smiled and nodded, kissing her forehead before standing and leaving the room.

Madeleine changed into her clothes from yesterday, which the maid had dried for her. She brushed through her hair with her fingers and sighed at her reflection in the mirror, not looking much like herself. She neatly made the bed and left the room to head downstairs.

Benedict was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and he smiled softly at her before walking with her into the drawing room to meet his mother. Violet stood as the two walked in and strolled over to the girl, taking her hands.

"Madeleine, dearest. I am so sorry about your mother. Are you feeling all right? Would you like some breakfast?"

Madeleine nodded softly, smiling politely as best as she could. "Breakfast would be great, thank you Lady Bridgerton." Her stomach churned at the idea of eating something, but she felt it would be rude to decline.

"You must call me Violet, Madeleine. You are a part of our family, understand?" Madeleine nodded gratefully, following Benedict to sit as his mother asked the maid to bring breakfast for the girl. She sat across from the two and smoothed out her dress, sighing softly.

"I know this must be extremely difficult for you, and I want you to know that we are all here to support you in this. You have always been a part of our family and that is more important to know now than ever. I know that Benedict has told you about our work this morning, but I want you to know that you are welcome to stay here as long as you would like. In fact, I will be rather upset if you leave sooner than you feel you are ready to because you do not want to be a burden. You are not, and will never be a burden in this household. In fact, you are quite a help to us. The children absolutely adore you and Benedict has been rather mopey this past week without you." Benedict chuckled softly at this, knowing that what she said was true, and squeezed his friend's hand.

"I have had the maid draw up the guest room for you and we have brought plenty of your clothes from your house. Everything you will need the next few weeks is here. Now, although I was hesitant at first, you may stay in Benedict's room as long as you would like. I trust the both of you. I know how important it is to have a friend during a time like this, and Benedict was a rather strong comfort to me during the days following Edmund's death. He does have quite a way with cheering people up."

Madeleine giggled softly and nodded, smiling at her friend as he returned the grin. He was glad to see her smiling.

"When you are ready, or when you are sick of him, whichever should come first," Benedict gave his mother a look and she laughed softly, "the guest room is right down the hall from him. I believe that is all for now, do you have any questions?"

Madeleine shook her head and smiled softly at the older woman. "I can not thank you enough, Violet, really. You are all wonderful people and I do not know what I would do without you. This means a lot." Violet smiled and stood, walking over to the girl and kissing the top of her forehead.

"If you ever wish to talk, you know where to find me." She winked and smiled, squeezing the girls shoulder before leaving the room. The maid walked in with a plate of breakfast and Madeleine thanked her, placing the plate on the table in front of her.

"I do not know if I can stomach anything right now." She sighed.

"Oh good, because I am starving." Benedict groaned, grabbing the plate. This made Madeleine laugh, which was what he had intended. He smiled and handed her a blueberry scone.

"At least have this, you need some sort of sustenance and I know these are your favorite." She smiled and nodded, taking it from him.

"Benedict?" Benedict turned his attention to her, a mouthful of food as he quirked an eyebrow. She chuckled softly at his silly look before gazing down to her hands in her lap.

"I know you said that neither of us meant what we said last night, but you seemed genuinely revolted by Whistledown's suggestion of us being together." Her voice was quiet and she felt embarrassed to even ask him about it, but it had been bugging her since she said it. Benedict frowned and swallowed his food, taking her hand.

"I was being completely honest when I told you that I did not mean anything I said. I am nowhere near disturbed by the idea, Mads, you must know that any man would be lucky to call you his. I simply meant that.. well, I feel that you deserve somebody better. I do not enjoy this tradition, I despise the balls and the outfits and the dancing. You deserve to endure that with somebody who will find as much pleasure in it as you seem to." He reassured her, not taking his eyes off of hers.

"And what if I said that I did not find pleasure in these traditions? That I would not mind having a partner who despised them as much as I did?" Madeleine felt rather nervous for some reason and Benedict's heart leaped ar her words.

His lips parted but no words came out. He did not know what to say, which was highly unusual for him. Madeleine smiled and shook her head, placing a hand on his knee.

"It is all right, you do not have to say anything. I am simply rambling. I am glad to know you are not revolted by the idea of me, though." She chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the mood. Benedict gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded.

The two continued to eat breakfast, chatting about random things. Benedict did his best to keep Madeleine's mind off of the tragedy and it seemed to work for now. Her words kept replaying in his head, though, and he wondered whether she had truly meant what she said. If she had been hinting at the possibility of a future between the two of them. He was certain he was reading into it, but still, a small smile found its way onto his lips.
