Chapter Seven

*warning: slight NSFW*

Admit it, you're enjoying this." Madeleine smiled up at Benedict.

"I am not hating it." He raised an eyebrow, twirling her around as she laughed, then he pulled her close to him  again.

"Have I told you that I like your dress?"

"No, I don't think you have." She smiled, looking down at her dress. It was a beautiful lilac color and it had intricate flower designs trailing down the bottom half.

"Well, I do. I think you look beautiful." He smiled softly and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Benedict Bridgerton, did you just compliment me?" She gasped, making him laugh.

"Oh, now, don't you let it get to your head. It's big enough as is." He smirked, the orchestra fading out as the song ended. She laughed and took his arm, walking over to the refreshment table with him.

"Well, thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. Apparently you do know how to clean yourself up, who would've known?" She quirked an eyebrow, bringing a glass of champagne to her lips.

He gave her a pointed glare, fussing with his cravat some more as he looked around for his sister, finding her looking rather cornered by the man he promised to keep her away from.

"Damnit." He muttered, setting down his drink and walking across the ballroom. Madeleine set hers down as well and watched with curiosity to see where he was rushing off to. Lord Berbrooke was going on about god knows what and he smiled at Daphne with that horrid smile that was bound to give anyone nightmares. Daphne saw her older brother approaching over Lord Berbrooke's shoulder and sighed in relief.

"Lord Berbrooke, wonderful to see you. I am afraid I must take my sister now, for we have.. well, I simply must take her." Benedict gave the lewd man a forced smile as Daphne clung to his arm, the two quickly walking away toward where Madeleine stood.

"I do not know if I should be grateful for your rescue, or angry for how long you left me standing there talking to that insipid man." She shook her head and Benedict chuckled.

"I am sorry, sister. I came as soon as I saw him." He smirked, nudging her side as the two approached Madeleine.

"Lord Berbrooke, hm?" Madeleine winked, laughing as Daphne groaned, bringing a gloved hand to her head.

"I believe I am in need of some respite after that droning conversation," She spoke, reaching toward the glass of champagne Benedict had set down earlier. Benedict swatted her hand away and picked it up, giving her a stern look.

"Ah, ah. Mother will have my head if she senses I've corrupted her perfect daughter." He smirked, bringing the glass to his lips.

"Let me do it then, Lady Bridgerton could never be angry with me." Madeleine laughed and handed Daphne her own glass of champagne.

Daphne smiled in relief at the older girl, taking the glass swiftly and moving out of Benedict's reach. Benedict glared at Madeleine but he couldn't help but laugh. She was right, his mother absolutely adored the girl. Anyhow, it was hard for anybody to be angry with Madeleine. She just had a certain way about her.

The three enjoyed a rather pleasant remainder of the evening, Daphne occasionally turning down suitors under the pretense of exhaustion, the two elders of the group backing her lie when she did. They simply watched from the side as Cressida Cowper swooned, or as Prudence Featherington attempted to fight for suitors' attention, failing no doubt. As the night ended, Benedict walked the two ladies back to their street. None of the group felt up for a carriage ride, and the walk wasn't far. Daphne and Madeleine talked on and on about the social season and eligible suitors, although it was primarily Daphne doing the talking.

Benedict walked a step behind the two, his mind racing with thoughts of his own, thoughts about his dear friend who stood just in front of him. He couldn't help but bask in the scent of her perfume whenever the wind blew in their direction. He did not wish to entertain such thoughts and as they arrived to the Bridgerton house, he stopped walking.

"Daphne, I am going to go out for a bit. If mother asks, please tell her I am just out for a walk with Mondrich."

Daphne simply nodded, having become accustomed to lying for her brothers, and walked inside the house. Madeleine turned to the boy.

"You complained all night of exhaustion, and now you are going out?" She quirked an eyebrow, watching him carefully. "Are you quite well?" Benedict nodded quickly.

"I am perfectly well. I will see you tomorrow." He said shortly, turning on his heel and walking the way they had come from. She narrowed her eyebrows and watched him leave, before sighing and returning to her own home.

Benedict approached Sir Granville's house and looked around before knocking on the door. It swung open after a few moments and loud music hit his ears.

"Bridgerton , I am glad to see you have taken me up on my offer!" Henry Granville clapped a hand on the younger man's shoulder, leading him into the house.

"I would dare not miss it." Benedict grinned, looking around the dimly lit room, overcome by the stench of alcohol and other substances. Smoke billowed in the air from men's cigars and people crowded either side of the hallway.

"Make yourself at home. I would show you around but, host duty calls." Granville smirked, disappearing into the crowd of people. Benedict made his way down the hall, glancing into a room on his left.

Ladies danced in a circle, swirling their dresses in a rather promiscuous manner. Benedict smirked, watching for a moment before continuing. He stopped at another room on his right, a person standing entirely nude catching his attention. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as a voice spoke up from behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

Benedict turned to see a somewhat familiar face, but he couldn't seem to place her.

"Apologies, have we met?" He raised his eyebrows, watching as she took a drag from the pipe she was holding.

"We do not need to have met. You are a Bridgerton, yes?" The woman spoke in a French accent, her voice low and seductive.

"I see my reputation precedes me." Benedict smirked, leaning against the doorway.

The lady scoffed, eyeing him up and down. "Not exactly a virtue." Benedict stepped closer to her, not taking his eyes off of hers.

"Anything that gets me your attention is a good thing, I rather think."

"You should go. Home to your brother, perhaps." She quirked an eyebrow, looking up at him as his large frame towered over her small one.

He let out a breathy chuckle, eyes wandering down far below her chin.

"But i'm receiving far too warm a welcome here." He smirked, his hand finding it's way to her waist, pulling her closer.

The woman took another drag of her pipe before handing it off to someone behind her, the pair's lips colliding in a passionate manner.

Benedict backed her up until she was pressed against the wall, his lips moving down her neck and leaving sloppy kisses. She moaned in delight and ran her fingers through his long black hair. She lifted his face with her fingers, pulled his lips to hers once again. Their tongues fought for dominance and Benedict's hands wandered her body. The two pulled away for air after a moment, and she smirked softly, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hallway.

They approached a woman sitting on a bench, and she smirked up at the two as they approached her, gesturing the man to sit next to her. As soon as he sat, she brought his lips to hers. Benedict was sure he was in heaven. Madame Delacroix, although Benedict did not know that was who she was, wandered off to find another man as the two on the bench continued their lustrous kiss. The woman stood up and held out her hand, which Benedict gladly accepted. She led him up the stairs and when they reached the top, pulled him into another kiss. Her fingers worked to untie his cravat as she led him blindly into an empty room. He smirked, pushing her shoulders softly so that she landed on the bed, before climbing on top of her.

He pressed his lips to her lips, then her jawline, then her neck, before lowering himself down slowly to remove her corset. As he removed each item of clothing, he kissed all over her body, and she threw her head back in delight. He made his way back up to her lips and their tongues danced around each other as she dropped his suspenders off of his shoulders and worked at the buttons on his white shirt.

He tangled his hands in her hair, deepening the kiss before breaking away to pull his shirt off. She took the opportunity to flip them over, straddling his waist as he laid back, watching with admiration at her confidence. She did exactly as he had done to her, lowering herself slowly until she was kneeling by the edge of the bed. She swiftly pulled his trousers down and Benedict leaned his head back, groaning in delight as she took him into her hands, wasting no time in pleasuring him.

He sighed in relief, a coarse moan escaping his throat.

