Chapter Thirty-One

The wedding reception was held at Aubrey Hall, it was predicted by Lady Whistledown and the Ton to be the biggest party of the year. Anybody who secured an invite had bragged about it for the days prior, while those who didn't had sulked around with low spirits.

Aubrey Hall was decked out in beautiful flower arrangements, expensive candelabras, and the finest chandeliers had been uncovered and polished. Violet Bridgerton demanded only the best for the first wedding of her children, nothing less. She felt that this one was especially important. The entire family had grown up with Madeleine from the moment she moved across the yard at the ripe age of two. The poor girl had lost so much in the past year and Violet wanted her to have the celebration of her life.

The reception had been under way for about two hours now, and Madeleine was currently standing across the room with Benedict, talking to Henry Granville and his wife.

"It was truly an honor to watch you two officiate your love, the wedding was beautiful." Lucy gave the couple a warm smile, her hand around her husband's arm.

"Thank you, Lucy. It was quite special for us as well." Benedict grinned, winking at his new wife. Madeleine nodded in agreement, squeezing his hand as she smiled up at him.

"Attention, please. It is now time to move to the garden for the bride and groom's first dance." One of the working men called out, the guests clamoring as they hurried toward the garden. Madeleine looked up at Benedict with a confused expression.

"I did not know we were to dance in front of everybody." She whispered, a nervous look in her eyes.

"Nearly all of the Ton is in attendance, what if I trip? Or mess up and embarrass myself?" Benedict chuckled softly as she grew flustered, nervously rambling off questions as she always did when she felt anxious. He gave her a kind smile and brought a hand to her cheek, gently stroking his thumb.

"I will not let you fall, my love. Do you trust me?" He watched her with eyes full of love and she smiled, relaxing at his words.

"Of course I do. But if you break that promise you will have hell to pay." She teased and he feigned hurt, putting a hand on his chest. She giggled as she took his arm, following as he led her out to the garden. The guests separated, creating a path for the two as they walked to the middle of the garden where a makeshift floor had been fashioned.

Benedict stopped when they got to the middle, bowing to her as she curtsied to him in traditional fashion. He wrapped his arm around her waist as the orchestra began to play, taking her left hand in his. She had never felt more secure than she did in his arms, the two twirling gracefully around the floor.

"They look truly happy together, do they not?" Hyacinth observed, a bright smile on her face as she watched her brother dance with the love of his life. Violet smiled and nodded, not taking her eyes off of the couple.

"They really do. I am glad Benedict has her, they deserve the happiness they have found in each other." She wrapped her arm around Hyacinth's shoulders and the younger girl smiled, leaning into her mother.

Benedict smiled down at Madeleine as the dance finished, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. The guests applauded and, as the orchestra began to play another song, couples started to join the two on the dance floor.

"What do you say we sneak out of here, hm?" Benedict whispered, leaning down to her ear as he danced with her. She giggled and raised her head, looking up at him.

"Sneak out of a party dedicated solely to the two of us? Yes, that will not raise any suspicion." She teased.

He laughed, resting his chin on top of her head as she laid it on his chest. He swayed her gently from side to side as they danced, relishing in the moment.

Across the garden, Lord Alaister stood in the shadows of the trees, watching as his niece danced with the second eldest Bridgerton. The smiles on their faces seemed to light a raging fire inside of him. His fury grew stronger as he realized he had lost to the Bridgertons, and he was not a man who liked to lose.


Three songs had come and gone, and Madeleine felt as though her feet might fall off. She did not mind though, she would dance the night away if it meant remaining as happy as she felt for the rest of her life.

She was dancing with Anthony now, who had stolen her away from Benedict. His younger brother had protested at his bride being taken away from him but Hyacinth had run up to him at that moment, begging him to dance with her.

"I want to thank you again, Anthony. For all you have done for me." She smiled up at him and he returned it.

"You are a part of our family, Mads. I am truly happy that everything has worked out for the two of you." He smiled warmly, twirling her around.

"Are you sure you are okay with us moving into this home? I know it has been implicitly reserved for you, being the eldest of the sons." She looked up at him with a serious expression, not wanting to take that away from him. He chuckled softly and shook his head.

"Do not fret, Madeleine. I am more than all right with it. In fact, I look forward to finding an entirely new place for my bride and I to live in the future. This house seems to have a few too many memories lingering in the halls." He stared at the house behind her head, a pained expression hiding in his eyes. She nodded in understanding, all too familiar with what had happened in the house fourteen years ago.

They continued to dance in silence, neither one feeling the need to say anything. There seemed to be an understanding between the three eldest of the group as to the tragedy that had occurred, an understanding that none of the younger children could quite comprehend.

She smiled softly as she looked over at Benedict, who was beaming as he twirled his younger sister around, her laughter filling the air.

As the song ended, Anthony offered Madeleine his arm and escorted her over to the refreshments, where most of the family stood.

"It seems that the success of your wedding has propelled my mother to push for my entrance into society even more than before." Eloise grumbled as Madeleine approached, the older girl laughing at this. She wrapped her arm around Eloise's shoulders, giving her an encouraging squeeze.

"You will be just fine, El. I will be here to make sure you find the perfect husband, one who will compliment your passions rather than overshadow them." She whispered, the younger girl smiling at this and returning the hug.

"I am truly happy for you, Mads. Even if I am a little forward in my disdain for the institution, it suits you well." Eloise chuckled softly. Before she could respond, Madeleine felt an arm wrap around her waist as she was pulled into a familiar body.

"Now, if everybody would stop stealing my bride away from me, I would very much appreciate it." Benedict glared at his family, a teasing smirk tugging at his mouth. Madeleine giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.

Violet smiled at the two, her happy expression suddenly disappearing as she looked at something behind them. Madeleine narrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she turned to see Lord Alaister approaching them.

"Well, well, if it isn't the happy couple. I believe congratulations are in order." He grinned, a widely condescending grin, as he approached.
