1.5::You didn't say she didn't

"Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains"

I can't recall a time without my twin.

A day when she and I were apart.

Sure, their were countless, irritating disagreements, that occurred over, boys, fashion, friends, and phones.

But, their has never been a moment were I didn't love her with all my heart.

We might be different, personality and looks, but I had never felt more connected to her.

Through my sisters pain.

I gripped the hospital chair with all my strength, splinters wedged themselves in my palms, burrying them in my flesh, a searing white-hot pain, blinding me.

My eyes were squinted, knuckles white, knees buckled.

Trying to do anything and everything to shut out the pain.


Then it disappeared.

Fluttering my eyes open, I was met with sheriff Stilinski.

I bit my lip, whilst tears streamed down my face.

I already knew my eyes were bloodshot, clawbeds bloody, hair a birds nest, and a soiled, ripped dress.

He noted my distress, and I felt his warmth engulf me in embrace.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulders.

The injury of Lydia, slowly making me fade into a scarred, broken shell of a girl.

"S-she, I-i s-should've s-saved her....."

He pulled back, sweeping a tear away from my sunken eyes.

I've been here for minutes, hours, days.

Lydia had still lay there, her shallow breaths, and strong scent of blood haunting me.

She was moving, but those moments had scarred me.

The sheriff left, as did the others, except for mum.

She was my rock, my anchor during these torturous hours, the only one feeling my pain.

Stiles came in again.

Snoring happily and contently, murmuring my name.

Right now, out of boredom, I had made my way towards the slumbering boy.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I whispered, he had a colored balloon saying.

Get well soon.

"Just like that"

"No you first"

"Me first?"

A hormonal creepy guy smile etched onto his face.

"Haha, Gwyn you're dirty"

I couldn't help it.

The building was filled with my laughter.

Stiles jumped, landing on the cold floor.

"G-Gwyn? I was having the best dream..."

A goofy smile washed over his face.

"Yeah, great description by the way, 'Stiles you're dirty'"

He gasped, a crimson blush arose in his cheeks.

"Uh, erm...We were in the mud!"

He stuttered, quickly pulling himself up and ridding his flannel of imaginary dust.


A smirk made its way onto my face.

"Oh shut it Martin!"

He shoved my shoulder.

"You want me that much?"

It was my turn to blush.

Flustered, I gaped, moving my mouth but failing to produce words.

"Screw you Stilinski".

Not the best choice of words.

"Gladly Gwyn".

I narrowed my eyes, at the all of a sudden cocky Stiles in front of me.

"Well Stilinski"

I brought him closer to me, holding his collar.

I was an inch away from his lips.

"Let's see"

He began to nod his head vigorously, making me chuckle.

"Oh my god! You thought I was serious?"

I was bent over laughing, whilst Stiles scratched his neck awkwardly, flushed.

"Y-You, tried to s-seduce me!"

He squeaked.


Stiles fidgeted beside the machine, shuffling, and eyeing the chocolate bars.

He entered a coin in the slot, its entrance making a sound of metal hitting metal.

Then, the reeses stopped moving.

The boy frowned, and began beating the machine, kicking and punching it in hope of collecting his prize.


Thats when the machine fell.

And glass smashed around us.

His eyes widened, and before he could turn to blame me, I was already down the hall.

"Gwyn!" He hissed.

I pointed to him, jogging backwards.

"All you Stilinski-"

And then the wall attacked me.

I wasn't expecting it, it's not every day a wall decides to make you crash to the ground.

But today was just one of those days.

Stiles was bent over laughing, but quickly recovered, helping me up.

And we were running away again.

A piercing scream stopped me in my tracks.

I gasped at how it made me feel as if my ears were bleeding.


Stiles and I made our way to the baby blue jeep seating a frantic Scott.

I slid into the back, and held my face.

How many times was Lydia going to be in danger because of me?

"I won't let anything hurt her" Scott told me, grabbing my hand and staring sympatheitcally.

"You better not, because if she's dead...I'm going to kill the nearest person, that isn't Stiles, Allison or Isaac".

Scott growled, "Really?"

I nodded my head sarcastically, "Really".

"Alright, just shove the thing on your face Scott, and let's find her". Stiles demanded.

The headlights began to beam, as the car vroomed.


None other than Allison Argent stormed towards us.

"What are you doing here? Someones gonna see us". Scott gazed through the window at Allison.

"I don't care, she is my best friend, and my other best friends sister, we need to find her before they do".

I smiled, the first real smile in days.

"I can find her before the cops can".

"How about my father".

"He knows?!" I screeched, putting my head through and gaping at the dark-haired girl in front of me.

"I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in 2 suvs".

I felt a tear splash my cheek.

The hunters were going to kill my sister.

Apparently they had troubling history with Scott.

Thanks wolf-boy!

"Search party".

"It's more like a hunting party".

"Get in".

Allison made her way into the back, and stroked my hair.

"It's okay Gwyn".

"She'll be fine".

I hope so.


"She came here?'

We were at the burnt Hale house.Trudging through scattered autumn leaves.

"This is where the scent leads". Scott said.

"Also where the physcos lead. Not Allison though".

"Haha Gwyn".

I lead the party, going further than the others dared.

"Wait...Does Lydia know how to get here?"

I turned to see Stiles shaking his head.

I continued strolling towards the murders house.

I felt like little red riding hood, now where's the big bad sour wolf?

"Hey guys, I think it's a trip wire" Stiles activated the trap, which caught Scott.

"Stiles." I had to surpress my laughter.

"Yeah buddy?" Stiles swiveled around, wide-eyed at Scott's sight.

"Next time you see a trip wire...Don't trip it".


I heard crunches on the leaves, a few hundred metres away.

"Wait wait wait wait!" I motioned for them all to stop.

"Someones coming. Hide! Go!" 

Allison and Stiles searched for a hiding spot, whilst I put a hand on my hips, and gazed at my nails.


"-Is staying, that is correct Scott".

Three men started towards us, glaring daggers at me.

"Hey Mr Argent!" I smiled sunnily.

Despite the fact the man hunted me for a living, I was rather fond of him.


"My alpha wasn't nice..."

He stared shocked whilst the others, glared menacingly.

"But, he's dead now, unfortunately the other one isn't"

"Gwyn" Scott hissed.

"So, he was gonna find out about me and-"

Scott shot daggers at me. 

I put my hands up in surrender.

"I have no filter".

Mr Argent crouched face first to the swinging boy.

"How you doing guys?"


"Great!" I smiled chirpily.

"Just uh...Hanging out, uh this one of yours?"

"It's good". I stared admiringly at the structure.

"Nice design, very constricting-"

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for a friend".

"Ah that's right Lydia's apart of your group now, isn't she? Or is it..clique, or another word..pack".

I glared, suddenly pissed at the usually kind man in front of me.

 "Sure, yeah, we go hunt rabbits and bake them in our little ovens, oh we usually start a sing-along".

"Actually clique sounds about right for me".

They ignored my statement completely.

Guess I'm seen as the less threatening werewolf here.

"I know she" He nodded to me "And Gwyn, are special friends of hers. Under circumstances, those two I can handle, not three".

I narrowed my eyes.

"Do you know what the human corpteractomy is?"

"No, but I have a feeling I don't want to". Scott shrugged.

"I want to". I focused on the Argent..

"Medical term for amputating someone at the waist".

Why do I have a feeling that was a threat?

"Cutting someone in half, takes a terrific amount of power to cut through the bone and fat"

He locked eyes with Scott.

"That's when the demonstration becomes necessary".

He walked off to his cronies.

Leaving us alone.

"Well...he's straightforward".


"She ate the liver?"

"I didn't say she ate it"

"You didn't say she didn't"

I stopped the two boys, glaring at them.

"My friend was attacked, did she eat the liver after scaring the crap out of him?"

Stiles and Scott shook their head, continuing up to the stairs.

They started their useless chatter.

Whilst I searched around for a trace of Lydia, or Isaac.

He'd stopped talking to me recently, it scared me.

I didn't want to lose him.

"Wait hold on...you guys are the test case for this, what were you first attracted to when you were turning?"

Scott blushed, smiling "Allison".

"Nothing else, seriously?"

"Nothing else".

He motioned to me.

"A more logical explanation?"

I reddened as Scott chuckled.

I was drawn to Stiles.

Like hell I was going to admit that.


"That's good though right? The night she was but, she was with you".

I felt a fragment of my tortured heart, smash against my ribs.

"No, she was looking for Jackson, and I was mostly with Gwyn".

