01::It's not show and tell

"If only you knew how much I think about you"

||Teenage dirtbag Wheatus

"Kay lets see this thing" Stiles uttered.

Scott lifted his shirt to show a blood stained bandage.

"Oh" Stiles poked causing Scott to wince.

At a nearby bench Gwyn scoffed inspecting her nails.

"You know Scott it's not show and tell".

Gwyn got up strolling towards the two.

"Firstly, Stiles".

She smacked the back of his head with the but of her palm.

"I had blood dripping down my back last night because of you" She turned.

Stiles muttering profanities under his breath and rubbing his soon to be bruised neck.

"And you!" She smacked Scott's arm "Nearly managed to get yourself run over!"

She narrowed her eyes at the two.

"Yes mom" They jinxed laughing at Gwyn's protectiveness.

"What was that thing?" Stiles arched his brows

"I didn't see much, but I think it was a wolf".

Scott answered slinging his back on as well as Stiles and Gwyn.

"A wolf bit you?"

Stiles rolled his eyes and looked at Gwyn.

"There was howling, but, it looked like a hybrid bear with hygiene problems.

Scott let out a chuckle.

"I heard a wolf howling, so did Gwyn" Scott argued.

"No you didn't!" Stiles once again stating. "There haven't been wolves in California for 60 years"

Gwyn stopped and put her hand on her hip.

"Well they're now, why else would Scott and I tell you this?"

"Because you wanna get me back for leaving you"


Scott and Gwyn looked questioningly at him.

Gwyn threw her arms up "Have you not heard our arguement?!"

"There aren't any wolves in California!"

"All right, but if you don't believe me about the wolves, you're not gonna believe me about this, we found the body" Scott whispered.

Gwyn scowled the image replaying in the back of her head along with a whole disturbing gallery full of nightmares.

"Ugh, don't remind me, it was-"

She made a gagging gesture getting rude glances around her.

"Hey keep to yourself!"

She called out.

A tremor seemed to go through Stiles he reached out to Scott's shoulder "Are you kidding me!"

"I wish, I'm gonna have nightmares for a month"

Stiles turned to Gwyn

"Already started".

"God. That is friggin awesome I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing for this town since since the-" Gwyn turned strutting up the stairs was her twin.

Lydia Martin, the hottest girl in school.

Most popular.

Smartest and overall best in everything.

"The birth of the Martins, hey Lydia please don't take Gwyn-"

Stiles stomped his foot and went back to Scott.

Stopping Lydia turned to scoff at Gwyn.

"Hey G! You coming with me? And who are these 'Companions' you keep?"

She studied her shoes

"These guys have been my best frien-"

Lydia pulled on her arm "Come!"

She turned on her heel and sashayed off, Gwyn in toll.

She barely had time to turn and squeak a goodbye to Scott and Stiles.

But before her arm was wrenched off by her sister she turned and smirked towards Stiles "You're talking about my birth there Stiles"

He blushed.

The hallways silenced as Lydia sauntered past.

She hooked her arm with Gwyn as the male population kissed the ground underneath her feet.

Cat calls sounded through the corridor as Lydia rushed to smash faces with Jackson.

As the duo got there Lydia unhooked her arm and draped it around Jackson's face.

"Cough" Gwyn grunted.

Lydia rolled her eyes and Jackson smirked

"Grinch, lovely to see you"

Gwyn nodded "You too Jackass"

She turned and began to dial her code in.

She had a locker besides Jackson, making it easier for Lydia to come to his. An arm wrapped around your eyes.

The voice whispered "Guess who?"

She bit her lip.

"Is it Michael Clifford?"

She huffed in mock frustration.


The arm unwrapped from her head, turning she saw her best friend.


She poked his shoulder.

"Gwynelyn" Isaac retaliated poking back.

Lydia smirked mouthing 'He your boy toy?'.

Rolling her eyes Gwyn mouthed back 'you said that about our cousin'.

Isaac laughed wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

The bell rang and Isaac started down the corridor.

"Why are all my friends so weird?" She asked giggling.

"Well, you're weird so that's that, and don't say 'why' it's a letter!"

Gwyn pouted.


Someone coughed between the two.

Swivelling around she caught sight of Scott and Stiles.

"What's this?"

Stiles glared at Isaac.

"Hey, hey, Stiles. Calm"

She gestured for Stiles to go but he stood stubbornly.

Scott pulled on his jacket whining "C'mon dude, I don't wanna be late for first day! It doesn't matter if Gwyn has a boyfriend!"

Gwyn's eyes widened and she laughed.

The three boys stared at her in confusion except Isaac soon chuckled along with her.

"What?!" Stiles hissed.

"Darling children, meet Isaac, my 'other' best friend, you know, I can have other guy friends?"

She arched her brow and grabbed Isaac's arm.

Stiles had a relieved expression on his face, whilst Scott tried to snap him out of it.

Gwyn went up to him, punching his arm "Oww!"

"Stiles, I know, you and Scott are my bro's but, taking the part too seriously"

Her heart broke at the word 'Bro', she just didn't want to raise his suspicions of her crush.

Stiles mumbled angrily as Scott coughed awkwardly "So bye! Cya Gwyn".

Isaac glanced challengingly at Stiles.

Stiles returned the stare.

"Come on Gwyn" Isaac dragged her to the class.

"But we have the same cl-"

"Yeah, I think we need to do something else though".

And with that Gwyn and Isaac trailed down the corridor laughing joyously, leaving a very pissed Stiles behind.

"Stiles, unless you tell her, that's going to be happening a lot".

Stiles snorted "Hah, I threatened all the other ones already Scott".


"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night"

The three shared a knowing smirk as the teacher continued "And I am sure your 'Eager little minds' are coming up with biased scenarios, as to what happened, I am here to tell you, that the police have a suspect in custody. Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk for this semester".

A sharp ring came out causing Gwyn to hold her face.

She looked around frantically noticing Scott doing the same.

"Mom, I'm pretty sure a call on the first day is a little over doing it" A girls voice echoed through her head.

What is happening to me?

Gwyn thought she focused on her surroundings concentrating and listening out.

Various tones and voices sprung out.

She gasped flinging her hand to her mouth.

Isaac looked over concern washing over his face.

Footsteps thudded along the floor and Gwyn's eyes directed to the door.

A girl with long brown curly hair nervously fiddled with the bottom of her jackets sleeves.

"Class this is our new student, Allison Argent".

The principal announced.

Allison sported a small smile which Gwyn returned waving to the new girl.

"So do your best to make her feel welcome".

Gwyn's eyes followed Allison seeing Scott give her a....Pen?

Just like the voice she'd heard stated.

A smug smile replaced her shocked expression, she mouthed to Scott.

'Prince charming found a princess' He smiled and blushed.


"That jacket is totally killer"

Lydia admired Allison twirling a strand of her hair.

Rolling her eyes Gwyn muttered.

"Totes adorbs, might have to stab you to get it."

Allison giggled and she heard a muffled laugh sound from Scott's locker.

She furrowed her brow and mumbled "Eavesdropper"

Bugeyed he turned.

"Where'd you get it?"

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco".

"And 'you' are my new best friend".

Jackson swung Lydia around planting a kiss on her.

"Hey, Lyds I'm wounded".

She placed a hand to her heart pouting, Lydia continued to snog.

"Allison right, I'm Gwyn".

She smiled sunnily ignoring her sister's snog session behind her.


"Oh no Gwyn, like you pronounce it with a y like Gw-in, sorry it happens a lot" She smirked.

"Especially when it comes to Scott and Stiles, they do it just to annoy me"

Gwyn began to hatch a plan phase one began when Allison quizzed her

"Who are they?"

"Well, Stiles, is sarcastic, awesome, random buzz cut kid, and Scott...."

"Scott what?"

"Scott, I believe you've already met him, Cindy".

Allison blushed


"Yes! You're his Cinderella, I could just picture you guys riding into the sunset, except, Scott doesn't have a car, or horse, so he'd steal Stiles' jeep!"

Gwyn began to laugh happily, wheezing.

Allison giggled whilst Lydia and Jackson looked down on her in distaste.

Gwyn looked up "What? You don't remember my best friends for 8 years, you won't remember that!"

Rolling her eyes Lydia looked to Allison.


Gwyn rushed over to Scott and Stiles.

"Hey g-"

"Excuse me, can someone tell me how new girl's here for five minutes and already part of Lydia's clique?"

A random girl stated.

"Cause she's hot, beautiful people herd together" Stiles replied.

Gwyn looked at him in disbelief and slapped his arm.

"How come I'm not permanently over there than?! Me and Scott aren't other there doing our thing like the future top models we are?! You've dragged us down here to your nerd depths!"

Scott smirked knowingly to Stiles.

"Shut up" Stiles muttered.

"What did I miss?"

Gwyn laughed Scott began to answer when Stiles placed a hand over his mouth.

"We don't have to talk about it".

"G!" Lydia screeched, her arm around Allison's wrist.

"Come!" Gwyn rolled around on the balls of her feet.

"Sorry. Bye!" She rushed off.

"Hey! Like I don't feel rejected enough come back!"

Stiles whined.

Gwyn strolled other to Allison and whispered

"She attacked you with questions didn't she, and lemme guess shoved answers down your throat".

Allison looked over. "I have a feeling we're going to help each other survive".

"Scott and Stiles helped me, escape".

"How long have you and the buzz-cut kid been together?"

