1.3::God help me

"The truest love is shown, when you let them go"

"Nothings wrong, I've just got a lot on my mind" 

Allison sighed as Lydia, her and I climbed onto the elevator. 

"Smile Allison, have you heard the saying, never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile"

I mouthed along, mocking my twin, sending Allison into silent laughter. 

"Smile Allison, I'm buying you a dress". 

"Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than expected".


 Lydia said, grinning at Allison and I. 

"But not as much as I'm going to ask" 

Allison replied, I cocked my head, my brown waves cascading down my shoulder.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" 

Lydia, seemed irritated, shocked, angry and empathetic all at the same time. 

She really confuses me sometimes.

"You are going to cancel whatever dumb, subcluded, jock you said yes to-"

 My heart fell into a vat of acid

 "And you're going to go with somebody else" 

"Who?" Lydia pouted, hugging her jacket.


I finished, our heads swung towards a boy sniffing perfume samples at a counter.

 A twitchy, strange, clever boy. 


He smelt another item, making him go into a sneezing fit. 

He somehow still looked adorable, Lydia, did not seem to agree with my logic.

"Oh, don't frown Lydia, someone could be falling in love with your smile".

 My sister, downhearted, looked at my best friend as if he were a shoe that's heel had fallen off, or color faded. 

I scoffed

 "It isn't a punishment Lyd, he's nice"

I gazed at the buzz-cut boy.

 In the corner of my eye, Allison smirked at me mouthing

'You like Stiles' 

I coughed elbowing her and mouthed back 'Privacy'.

Stiles caught sight of Allison and Lydia, flashing an adorkable smile, and it grew even wider as he caught of me.


"Okay, so are you gonna try these on right now, like all of them?" 

Stiles struggled to withhold a mountain of dresses. 

I laughed, taking a couple off of him, and back onto the rack, he sent me a dorky grin before being dragged away by my twin.

Sighing I checked out my dresses. 

The first was a plain maroon dress, with a maroon fabricated belt that was tied around the waist, a one sleeved shoulder tie off, it was breezy and soft, plus it went halfway down my thighs.

The next was a mint green dress with a jeweled silver sweetheart neckline, a skirt that flowed outwards, and it was sleeveless.

Lastly there was an orange shortish dress, with an embroidered silver belt, a flowy skirt and it was sleeveless, except it was poofier than the recent one.

I chose a pair of silver heels, that had a strap at the feet and ankle.

"That's not your color" 

I stiffened at the sound of his voice, it chilled my spine. 

I swiveled around, flying into a rack.

"It suits you, but, considering your skin tone...I'd go lighter" 

Allison gave him a confused and offended look 

"'Cause I'm pale?" 

Really Al? Offended that he called you pale? This chat's going to bite you in the ass, literally! Well not in the ass, better not be in the ass.

"Fair, well you can't call skin like yours pale, ha, not skin that perfect"

You have a skin fetish hey Peter?

 Allison smiled looking down, flattered.

"Trust me I have a unique opinion on these things" 

He grabbed Allisons wrist, comparing it to a silver dress 


She started to look uneasy, she must think he's a predator, the way he's scoping it out is making me think it too. 

God, I really don't like being his beta.

"Shopping with friends are we? For the school formal-" 


I called out to Peter, when he saw me he grinned, unenthusiastically.

 "Sir, I was wondering if you could help me pick out a dress? I'm not sure if this suits my skin tone"

I fake chirped, I was the tanned twin, I could spend days on the beach, and not get a single sunburn, whilst Lydia could spend an hour and end up as a tomato.


 He smiled through gritted teeth. 

"Hey Ally, that looks perfect on you!" 

I call out, she smiles weakly back, the look in her eyes stating she wants to run.

"Attention shoppers, may the owner of a blue mazda..." 

That was Allison's car. 

"I think that's my car, oh what damn it is"

 Allison dropped the dress and started off.

 A grimace was present on the Alpha's face.

"I have to say Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity, just remember, you can't be everywhere all the time"

 With that cheerful lecture. 

He looked to me, which I gave him a fake grin.

 "Well, I've never loved him this much before, because it's saved her from you"

 He smirked and stepped closer to me 

"Just you wait, she's not my ony back-up". 

And with that, he disappeared.


I crouched on a bristly tree.

Sighing loudly and gently swaying.

I've spent an hour outside Stiles' window.

I hadn't forgotten his threat and I was staying 'till the Sheriff came back.

He had his tonue sticking out, the pencil furiously racing across the page.

He sighed and made his way to the window.

"Tonight's gonna be fun, I pity me".

And with that, I fell out of the tree.


I groaned in pain.


My eyes widened, and I scrambled away.

"I know you're here Gwyn, I see you".

I coughed making eye-contact with the pale boy.

"Uh, um, Alpha watch1 Yeah, making sure the Alpha doesn't bite you or Alison!"

I started jogging away.

"Hey Gwyn! Scared her off, I am gonna be alone forever".


"Hey Lyd" I screeched, in moments my sister teleported in front of me.

 On my bed lay, my mint green dress, a silver necklace with a moon charm. 

A chunky silver bracelet and silver nail polish.

"Going for the silver theme huh?" 

She asked, as she swept the polish neatly against my nails. 

"Yeah, just been a lot, of silver lately", I laughed lightly.

"Is that so?" 

She then finished with my nails, I pressed them against a fan, constantly blowing on them. 

"I think they're dry"

 She giggled after 5 minutes of me keeping air on my nails.

She took my hand and sat it on the bed. 


 She whispered 


 I asked, confused 

"Who are you going with? I had a dozen guys ask for you, it was quite annoying really"

She hmmphed, doing a french manicure on herself, "Seriously?"

 I was gobsmacked to say in the least, I didn't think anyone wanted to go with me.

"Sweetheart, you're the second hottest girl in school" 

She stated in a matter-of-factly tone

 "And who's the hottest?" 

"Me of course" 

She said in a sing-song voice

 "Now tell me who you're going with?"

 I sighed, Logan's image coming to my head

 "Logan Dean-"

"Perfect blonde quiff, gorgeous green eyes, tanned, and pearly teeth"

 She cocked her head

 "Yeah how'd you-" 


She huffed 

"He is nearly every girls crush, including all of my 'friends'" 

I giggled at her idea of 'friends'. 

"You scored honey" 

She smirked, pushing me onto the vanity chair.

 I sat for an hour, as she curled my hair, it ending in loose waves. 

She piled it into a messy bun, by the end. 

Even I have to admit I looked hot. 

My skin was flawless, the make-up was amazing, my dress fit my curves, and made me look fitter.

 The mint highlighted my eyes, making them seem brighter. 

"G, your boyfriends here!" 

Lydia screeched. 

I rolled my eyes and started out the room. 

"God you're lucky"

 Lydia sighed, dreamily gazing at the gorgeous boy down stairs. 

"I'm stuck with a complete loser while you, you have him"

 I glared at her. 

How could she think going with Stiles is a burden? 

He's sweet, kind, caring, hilarious, sarcastic, and his eyes......Oh his eyes, I could stare at them all day and never getting bored with the light changing his features.

What was I just thinking?

 Stiles, is way, way, way too good for me. 

He deserves someone like Lydia.

 I do feel bad for stringing Logan along but, he's probably a player anyways. 

I descended down the stairs, and was met with Logan holding his arm out for me. "You look...Amazing" 

He whispered into my ear. 

A giggle erupted from me, and I felt the need to face-palm. 

"Oh my, darling you look so beautiful" 

My mother began to admire Lydia's work, "Honey lets take some photos!"

 After agonising minutes that seemed hours. 

I was in the car driving to Beacon Hills. 

With my date.

Whom I had no connection with at all.

"So, I had three minutes to go..." 

Zoning out. 

I propped my hands on the windowsill, listening to him talking about the 'Dangerous adventures' he had experienced.

Well sunshine, I have a news flash for you.

 I've nearly been murdered,turned into a werewolf, encountered an angry Lydia, Scott and Stiles.

And somehow, am still here today.

I could not believe I'd chosen this guy.

God help me.
