
"Kazuha..." Ayaka approached the soon-to-be married man through the estate's hallway.

"Ayaka, I have no other choice, but if the plan succeeds then i can run away with you", Kazuha reassured. Ayaka fixed the creased part of his attire and softly smiled, "It is all in Akikaze's hands, come think of it, how amazing he is to sacrifice everything he has all for Y/n, including his life"

He sat down on the bench, Ayaka followed as they watched the small pond before them. "I am the only son of the Kaedehara clan, it is only my father and I who is left, I understand why my father would rush this marriage"

Ayaka fiddled her fingers, "My brother and I has been talking about marriage lately, he told me i wasn't arranged to anyone due to mother and father has died while i was still young, therefore they did not have time, Ayato told me is is up to me whether i want to marry or not"

"The Kamisato clan is also a formidable clan, you are one of Inazuma's top clans. After all of this mess, i'd like to join you and take your name" Kazuha scoots a little more closer, "It is improper for a man to get close to another woman on his wedding  day" Ayaka stood up.

"I will see you again, let us hope that Akikaze's plan will succeed" She bowed before leaving to the guests area.

"Tomo, you better not die on us" Kazuha let out a tired sigh.

She wore her beautiful shiromuku, it was early in the morning of the wedding day, she was worried about Tomo's situation.

Will he live or will he die? She does not know. What if he has been overthinking about her that he loses the duel? She has so many questions only to be left unanswered.

—It was 1pm, Tomo made his way up the tenshukaku steps, other men with their swords on it's sheath was also there for a duel. Tomo did not inquire for the reward, thus, he does not need a reward, all he wanted was glory.

The matched begun and he was called, his first duel was with a nobushi. He unsheathed his katana, his purple eyes flickered with excitement with a hint of fear, but he will not succumb to that fear. He needs to focus on leaving Inazuma right after.

"It doesn't matter anymore if i die in my homeland or die in a different nation" he says before raising his sword and slashing his enemy to stagger.

——Kazuha slowly reads the words of commitment, Y/n's hand shaking, nervousness overwhelming her while she looks to her side to see her father grinning from ear to ear and nodding.

Ayaka slowly bowed when y/n looked at her. She could just feel what Y/n was feeling, she also cannot imagine how it is for a woman to be arranged with a man she barely met, Y/n's thoughts began to grow wild, the marriage has started but where is he?

—Tomo was bleeding heavily, he could have died from blood loss but thanks to his vision he was still standing, for now.

He won the duel thanks to Kujou Sara not participating, he ran as fast as he could the moment it was over.

"Y/n..." He muttered under his breath as he endured the pain, his hands calloused from his grip on the katana's hilt. He ran as fast as he could to the Kaedehara estate.

He ran through the shoji doors, eliminating every guard with his remaining power.

Kageharu heard the noise from outside the ceremony room and so did the others, he ordered one of the shogunate guards to take a turn but the moment the doors were slid open the guard's throat was slit open.

The guests were petrified, "Samurai!!" One of the women shouted out of fear and chaos begun.

Kazuha smirked as the wedding was interrupted, "Didn't think you'd survive"

Tomo rolled his amethyst eyes, "Try to expect more from me—Y/n" He turned to the bride and grabbed her, "We'll have to sprint to the nearest fishing association here in Narukami, but you can't run in that" he worried.

Kazuha snapped his finger, "Go to my room by the end of the hallway, Ayaka and I have prepared clothes that she can use throughout your journey and a sword specially crafted for you can use"

Tomo bowed, "Thank you"

Kazuha nods, "No need, but be careful, not many of us is familiar with Sumeru enemies and such, now run before it all gets too bloody, let me handle the rest" a sword appeared on his hand while more shogunate guards entered the venue with people running out as soon as they can, Kujou Sara having a hard time directing people, hopefully word does not spread to the shogun.

Tomo grabbed Y/n by the wrist and dashed through the Kaedehara estate's hall, "Tomo, you're bleeding" she tried to get out of his grasp but failed.

Tomo slid the door open which revealed a clean room and a set of clothes along with a newly kaedehara-style forged katana on the desk.

He closed the door.

She ran to the clothes and took the katana, "Tomo, here" she passed the sword, "Also, look away i'm going to change!"

Tomo scoffed, "You think there's time for that- just..hurry up before they find us", he crossed his arms and turned around.

A few moments went by and Y/n finished.

Tomo opened the window slowly while he replaced his clan sword with the one Kazuha gifted to him, Tomo decided that Y/n should use his sword but now's not the time to give it to her, besides, she is not that used with using a sword as she lacks proficiency in the art of the sword.

He hopped out of the window and Y/n followed, they hid through the bushes, to the garden and then to an opening to one of the Kaedehara estate's walls.

They both squeezed through and successfully escaped.

They ran and ran through the shoreline searching for that Liyuean rowboat. A liyuean man then spotted the two running through the distance, "Must be Kazuha's friends' ' he waved.

"Come quickly before the Shogunate guards see us, we'll have to row to the Alcor" The man shouted.

Tomo and Y/n finally arrived at the rowboat and quickly got on.

As they were already quite far and nearing the Alcor where Captain Beidou awaits one of the Shogunate spots them, "We lost them..." the guard let out a sigh.

Kazuha on the other hand was glad, happy that the plan was successful and raised his bloody hand in victory, but his father was displeased.

"Kazuha, what is the meaning of this?" Kageharu exclaimed and grabbed Kazuha by the shoulder.

Kazuha was silent, he did not feel bad but rather he was ready.

Kageharu grit his teeth, "You defied me, son!"

He looked into his father's eyes with hid ruby ones, "How can you call me your son but you did nothing but neglect, this clan wouldn't have rose up if not for me, all you did is nothing"

Kageharu slapped Kazuha on the cheek "When i thought things were already getting good until you pulled this stunt, we could've gotten the recognition from the shogun and be as powerful as the shogun, son! But now you defied me and the almighty shogun might want your head for your crime"

"Like i said, i am not your son, and i am done with this clan, the is conversation is over" Kazuha shook his head and walked away.


"Captain Beidou!" The Alcor crewmember helped both of them get on board up the net.

"Tomo and Y/n right? 'Heard the whole story, must've been hectic! I prepared both your quarters, you two must've been so tired" Beidou approached them with a bottle of liyuean alcohol in her hand.

Tomo bowed, "Thank you, Captain Beidou"

"Well going from Liyue to Inazuma is just a piece of cake, and we're off to Sumeru, but we cannot drop you off of port ormos, we'll have to drop you to a beach" Beidou took a swig of her alcohol.

"A beach?" Tomo asked.

"News spreads like wildfire, of course the tenryou commission would pay a good price to Sumerian authorities to catch you, just hope they decline the offer, the Shogun must be after your head now" Beidou chuckled before going back to her work while drinking her alcohol.

One of the crewmembers lead them to a room where they can stay in for the night, "So..what's your plan in Sumeru?" Tomo asked. Y/n sat on the ground, "when i thought Sumeru is safe, now i think Mondstadt is a better option- seriously, what is going on...there's no safe place for us anymore!"

He shook his head, "Stay with me for a few months so I can train you how to use a sword, until then, I'll let you go once you're quite decent at it..." His began to feel limp from blood loss, Y/n panicked and healed him right away, slowly but surely and using bandages she brought with her. She was surprised how we was able to survive with that amount of blood lost.

The ship began to rock, and it seems like Captain Beidou lifted its anchor and set sail to Sumeru.
