Chapter 6
A visitor

Y/n stares at the clock, waiting for Tomo to arrive, as of now, she has no one to annoy. Despite being held captive, she found from her family's wishes, it was like she preferred to stay with Tomo, however, she knew that one day her stay would come to an end and she will eventually have to return to Narukami Island.

The clock finally ticked at 8 pm, the front door slid open to reveal Tomo, again, with bandages.

"Huh, were you waiting for me?" Tomo asked as he places a flyer and a few mora coins on the table, "What else do you think can i do without you when you know damn well i depend on you" she rolled her eyes and stood up to face him.

"I'm flustered to hear that you depend on me, which means you trust me" He teased, leaning in closer.

"Just because i do does not mean i trust you, idiot" she pouts and checks the flyer he placed on the table. "Oh don't mind that, someone gave that to me on my way home- right, heal me with your vision will you" he grabbed her closer.

"It's not nice of you to forcefully grab a lady around" She gets off of his grasp but Tomo just scoffed, "It was never meant to be nice, hurry up"

She huffed and healed him by using one of her elemental skill to avoid touching him. "How cold" he took a towel out and wiped his face from the water her elemental skill splashed while he takes his bandages off to reveal his wounds completely healed.

"So about the Autumn-Winter festival..." She starts, staring at the flyer placed on the table, "Don't get too excited, and don't think I'll be allowing you to go either" with that he left to his study.

She looked back at the flyer, "If i annoy him maybe he'll agree" she throughouly read the contents of the flyer, "Hmm...seems like they also sell Kitsune masks, i kinda wanna get one"

She puts the flyer back down and went to the backyard's poarch where she can see the stars.

Despite fighting the cold with no winter clothes, good thing her kimono was thick enough to atleast make her feel warm, but if she stayed long enough then she'll most probably catch a cold.

"Brother, do you think all of this will finally tone down once i get back to Narukami? Or perhaps there is something else waiting for me" she whispered.

Her brother was the only one she ever trusted yet the gods took him away from her so early.

For a few moments she just sat there, unfazed, finally lose.

The longer she stayed ar Tomo's property the more she felt safe, it was like she received extra protection, but she knew this isn't the right time, she was literally kidnapped by him and threatened on a daily basis even though she knew he did not really meant it.

She saw it in his eyes.

He may be a murderous samurai but she saw the hint of kindness in his amethyst eyes, he may not know it as he refuses to accept the act of kindness he has been doing towards Y/n.

Even a simple meal offered by Tomo was already more than enough.

"Shit shit shit shit, agh!"

Y/n heard Tomo cussing from his study aloud then a loud sliding of the door was heard.

She stood up and went back inside, "They're coming, i should've known, i was way too focused on YOU that i forgot that Heizou is of the Kaedahara Clan's side" he paced back and forth.

His words absuptly stopped when she approached him, "I guess you win, only took you a few days before you escape-", "I'm not leaving. I'm doing this for myself not for you, so i'd say it's a win-win" she looked at the main entrance's door.

"Don't tell me you're only staying for the festival, you know that's a stupid idea" he sighed out of perplexity.

"I'm smarter than you think. Do you think any woman out there would just want to be toyed by a bunch of bourgeoise?! I'm not buying any of their crap which is why i am staying until i find a safe way to escape Inazuma as a whole" Y/n stepped closer to him. Tomo wasn't sure what to feel about this, what will he tell his father once she actualy voluntarily stays, it's not like he has the guts to lie to his father but for his own sake he'll have to.

Loud footsteps came by, "They'll think it's stupid to bring another girl home when you have your own" She whispered.

"What are you thinking of-" without a single thought in mind she shoved him inside the vacant room behind them and forced her lips on his not even bothering closing the door behind them. Even he was surprised at the uncalled for act until a few seconds went by he knew what exactly she was thinking of.

Play pretend.

The main entrance's door slid open, Heizou with a couple of shogunate members came along with him.

"Akikaze Tomo, you are under arrest for...ah!" Heizou's cheeks flushed at the sight before him. He didn't know whether he should leave or intervene.

Tomo pretended to get startled at Heizou's presence as if he didn't know he was going to come to his home, he pulled back and stare at him at disbelief while Y/n continues to face him.

"We're sorry for the interuption, we'll be on our way" Heizou bowed before leaving.

Tomo was surprised, that was it? They didn't even bother to investigate, what exactly was their motive?

On their way back to Narukami, Heizou hummed, "I was right, she really was in the hands of Tomo, next time i'll be sure to get her, we only went there to make sure anyway, but now...i have evidence" He took several photos of them making out taken by a kamera.

Tomo looked down at her face which was flushed in deep red like a glowing pyro vision ready to burst, he took a deep breath but before he spoke she was able to speak first, "You can trust Heizou just how i trust him, as long as he does not notify father then we're clear" she spoke in a low voice.

"You have a point, Detective Heizou and i have allied history together, til then maybe i will trust him for your sake, but if things take a turn, i will kill you" He tied his hair back as it got messy when she was all over him.

"If you dare say a word about what happened between the two of us tonight, I'll make your demise slow and painful" He then left, going back to his study.

Y/n sat by the wall, "Heizou, I know you're a good man, so hopefully you'll stay by my side especially for our friendship throughout the years.."


Morning came to a start and Heizou sat infront of Kazuha in his study, "Perhaps you might want to know that dear Y/n might've fallen in love with her own captive, i find it strange, perhaps this is a case of stockholm syndrome?" Heizou presented the photos one he sneakily took before their arrival.

Kazuha observed the picture, "I don't believe Y/n has stockholm syndrome or any kind towards her captive" He took one photo in particular that was a clear close up.

"Heizou, did you notice something in this picture? Tomo's collar is creased, his hand is shyly put on her waist, it's not passionate or sincere at all"Kazuha explained.

Heizou laughed, "You're doing my job for me, they're clearly not interested in each other, not even as friends. Kazuha, they're using each other"

Kazuha hummed and placed the photos down, "Keep these photos safe, and promise me you won't show them to anyone other than me, do you understand, Shikanoin?"

Heizou nods, "Y/n has her own reasons, and as her friend, i will trust her whatever her decision is." he stood up with the photos in his pocket, turned around about to leave, he reached for the door.

"Y/n is not just planning to escape the marriage, she also wants to escape Inazuma's society, to Sumeru i heard. Heizou, do me a favor" Kazuha adds and stood up and croses his arms.

"Contact an old friend of mine, a certain pirate captain from Liyue" His ruby eyes shined through the sunlight through the window, Heizou's smile softened, "As may it seem, no wonder why Ms. Kamisato is interested in you"
