××2: Itachi××

××Sakura p.o.v.××

It hurts.

“Worthless!” yelled Tsunade as she kicked me in the stomach.

I don’t want to live like this.

“Say something!” she kicked me again.

I want to cry, I won't though.

You’re weak!” She punched me.

My hair was over my eyes, my vision clouded with tears I refused to shed.

Someone grabbed Tsunade’s arm before she could punch me again.

“Touch her again and I'll kill you.” those were the last words I heard before I passed out.

××Time Skip××

I kept my eyes closed and listened to the steady beeping of the monitor.

What happened? I thought.

I heard someone cough to my right, my eyes fluttered open and I sat up quickly.

Pain rushed through my head and I whimpered.

“Shh, lye down and tell me why they did this to you.” said Itachi?

I lied down, “Itachi, why are you here? Wait, where am I?” I asked.

“You're in the Akatsukis' hideout. And I saved you, you might've died if she kept hitting you.” He said.

“W-why did you save me?” I asked, fear showing in my eyes.

“Answer my question and I will answer yours.” Said Itachi.

“O-okay. Well, while naruto was gone training everyone started to blame me for sasuke leaving... Tsunade believed that it wasn't my fault though, someone convinced her though... Everyone started hitting me a lot. I don't know about any other reasons though...” I said, my eyes were filling with tears.

“Sasuke was persuaded, they should know that.” He said, angrily.

“I know but...they won't listen...” I said, tears still streaming from my eyes.

“It’ll be okay. So now to answer your question, we saved you because you are special. You are stronger than most people, you just haven't found your true potential yet.” He said, his expression dead serious.

“B-but how? I'm just weak, annoying Sakura. I'm me, not strong. Not even close.” I said, my face was streaked with tears.

“Just trust me, we want to help you. We don't hate you nor blame you for Sasuke leaving, its in no way your fault. We think of you as a friend, or at least we will. So what do you say, stay with us?” He asked.

I breathed out heavily, i don't know if i should or not. The decision to be a rogue ninja was one I didn't want to make. I couldn't make it. Their was no way, people would hate me more. Maybe even try to kill me.

“I’ll give you some time to think about it, for now let’s get something to eat.” He said as he helped me stand up.

“Put your arm around my neck.” He said, when I didn't he moved my arm for me.

We started walking, i got a good look at the building we were in.

Lots of hallways, lots of rooms. I didn't see anyone tho, I was happy about that.

There was a silver door with a shiny handle. Itatchi, using his free hand opened it and had us walk in. It was the kitchen.

A/N: So, bad way to end the chapter but I have a word limit of about 500 for each chapter and I already passed that, sorry! The next chapter will be uploaded when we hit 3 votes and 1 comment! ^~^ When I publish the next chapter, well, that's up to you!


Tsubaki ~♪
