××4: Talking××

A/I hope you like this chapter!

We walked through the doors, the room felt....odd. I can't really explain how i feel right now.

“So this is our new member,” Said a man I assume to be Pain.

“Yes, Sakura Haruno. She’s the one you asked for, correct?” Asked Itachi.

He asked for me? I thought.

“Yes, I did.” said Pain.

“H-how did you-” Pain cut me off, “Don’t ask, you'll find out eventually.”

“O-okay...” I said rather slowly, still trying to get a grasp on what was happening.

I really said I'd stay with them... I know why I said that but I'm confused as to why I did...

Hell, what I'm thinking is confusing.

“Itachi, take her to her room and have her start training tomorrow.” Said Pain.

Itachi took my hand and led me through the hallways to my room, the door was wooden and carved into it was the name "Sakura".

The door several feet away said " Itachi". Guess I'll be sleeping in the room next to his...

Itachi grabbed a key and opened the door.

“Sakura, there are clothes for you in here, also, here's your ring.” Itachi then tossed me a ring, which I caught with ease.

“Thank you, I'm happy to be here.” I said while smiling.

“I'm happy that you're here as well.” Said Itachi with a smile.

“Really? Didn't think you were the type of person that'd be happy about me being near them. I'm simply worthless and weak.” I said, trying not to show emotion but letting sadness drip through my words.

Itachi grabbed my arm and rolled up the sleeves, “Just look at all these cuts and scars! Fucking hell Sakura! Don't do it. Stop. Live for us, the akatsuki. Your new home.”

“I'm sorry...” tears were rolling down my face, “I won't cut again I promise!”

“Good. Now go to sleep, Sakura.” With that, he snapped his fingers and I passed out.

××Next Day××

I woke up with an awful headache, my vision was blurry and I just didn't wanna get up. I did anyway, but still. The room was spinning and I almost fell as I stood up, I then clumsily walked to the closet to see if there were clothes in it. There were clothes that looked like mine, but I grabbed a fishnet tank top so I wasn't wearing nothing under my long, red cloud akatsuki cloak.

I put on what I grabbed and realized I didn't have shorts on, I noticed a dresser in the corner of the room and walked over to it. In the top drawer there were many pairs of lacy black panties. ‘Those pervs!’ I thought, I would wear them though. I put on the pair of panties, since I needed them. I looked through the second drawer, it had skirts and shirts that I would probably wear if I didn't have a mission, I don't know what I'll do today though. I then looked through the last drawer, there were shorts. I was quite happy to see them so I grabbed a pair and put them on.

I walked out of the room to find Itachi.

A/N: so are fishnet tank tops a thing? Probably... Hope you like it <3 if you see any spelling mistakes please tell me!
