××1: Torture××

A/N: hehehe this is gonna be fun to write. I only have a vague idea of what will happen tho...

Takes place a month before Naruto returns to hidden leaf

××Sakura p.o.v××

Naruto left for training last year. I wish he was here tho, so he could protect me.

Ino is blaming me for Sasuke leaving, everyone else who had a crush on Sasuke is blaming me too.

I don't understand why, I was the last to see him but... I started crying, I-I couldn't do anything.

I clutched my pillow tighter and moved against the corner even more. Tears were flowing from my eyes, I realized now. It's my fault that Sasuke left, purely my fault.

In front of me there was a small poof of smoke, "Sakura. Stop crying, Lady Tsunade wants you now." Said the Anbu ninja in front of me.

Embarrassed I quickly wiped my tears away and said, "I-I'm sorry it's just-" I was cut off.

"Sakura, I know." he paused and took off his mask, it was Kakashi, "I'm worried." He walked towards me and grabbed my arm.

How did I not notice it was him?

He rolled my sleeve up and frowned sadly, eyeing my cuts and scars intently. "You're cutting yourself!" He said, surprised he gasped. "Please stop," he looked at me sadly, "you shouldn't do this to yourself. People care about you! I care about you. I'll be sad if you leave us, if you leave me."

"I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with life." I let out a sob, "I-is it really my fault Sasuke left? Everyone says it is..."

"No, it's not your fault. I don't say it is, and Tsunade doesn't say its your fault either." He said, staring at me with sympathetic eyes.

"But why does everyone else say it is!?" I yelled, my voice was scratchy and my throat hurt.

"Because they don't know who to blame." He paused breathing out heavily, "Would you like me to escort you to Tsunade?"

"S-sure..." I said, tears still clouding my eyes. I don't have much time anyway...

Kakashi wiped my tears away and said, "You're a beautiful girl. I don't want you to take that away, promise me you won't. Please, Sakura."

"I-I'm going to get dressed real quick, okay?" I asked.

"Okay, I'll wait in the kitchen." Said Kakashi, and he walked out of my room.

I grabbed my clothes and started changing, grabbing my holster I walked into the kitchen. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, my face was streaked with tears and I just felt...ugly.

Kakashi looked at me with a concerned face and grabbed my hand, "I hope you'll be okay Sakura. You must live, please."

With that sentence, we started walking.

People were giving me looks of pity or hatred. Some were even ignoring me all together.

I looked down the whole time we were walking. I didn't want to live but I had to.

Kakashi put his hand in front of me before I could walk further.

"We're here, are you ready to go in?" He asked.

"Yes, please let me go alone, k?" I regret saying that so much.
"Okay" he said.

I walked in and into Lady Tsunade's office.

When I stepped in she went to kick me, I dodged and grabbed my kunai. She quickly punched me in the stomach before I had time to react. She grabbed my kunai and threw it behind her.

Her punch was powerful, I fell to the ground and she started kicking me more.

A/N: So, how was it? I tried ^~^
I have a bunch of chapters ready but I'll post one next week and then I'll start asking for a specific amount of votes and comments (from different accounts) and I'll publish the chapter that comes after it^~^

Sincerely, Tsubaki ~
