Yule Ball (6)

Today is the day of the yule ball, and I don't have a date. But then again nobody of my friend group had one because we all agreed to go as friends. well Megan did get a date, a Ravenclaw 5th year who she had liked for a while now. There were moments when I thought that Draco was going to ask me to go with him but we were never together without Pansy being close, and I think he knew that I wouldn't say yes with her present. 

Right now I am in Pansy's dorm getting ready  "Do you want your hair up or down Y/N/N?" "Up please." "okay so maybe I can curl your hair and then but it in a messy bun with your first hair strings hanging lose?" "yeah that sounds nice what about you how do you want me to do your hair?" "uhm I think I'm just gonna leave my hair down with some curls at the end ." "okay let's do that."

When we both did each others hair and put on our dresses the other 2 girls that slept in that dorm already left for the ball so we decided to also go already the ball would begin in less than half an hour anyways. 

We walked down the stairs with our arms entwined and Blaise, Nott, Draco and his goons all stood at the end of the stairs waiting for us. When we reached the end of the stairs Pansy and I let go of each other and pansy took Blaise his arm and I took Draco's "Pansy, Y/N you both look beautiful don't you agree Draco, Theo." "yes I quite agree" Draco agreed with Blaise, and pansy and I both started blushing and I silently prayed that they wouldn't see it under our make up blush we applied earlier this evening.  

We walked in to the great hall witch was beautifully decorated and watched the tri wizard champions walk in with their dates. Potter was with one of the Pafati twins,  Delacour was with Davies a Ravenclaw , Krum was with Granger and Diggory was with Chang. they stared the first dance and after a couple seconds me Draco, Pansy and Blaise joined on the dance floor. the other boy's stayed behind for the first dance

"I know I already said that you look beautiful before with the others but I just want to say again that you look absolutely ravishing" "Thanks Draco you don't look to bad your self, I like your Black suit it suits you." "Thanks " we danced till the end of the song and by the end of it I had my head leaning on Draco's shoulder. I let go of Draco and we walked back to Pansy and Blaise we switched partners and began to dance again

"You like him a lot, don't you" "yes... but it doesn't mater because it's never going to happen so" "why not? if you like him and it is obvious that Draco likes you too, then why not try it?"   "uhm I don't know Blaise, maybe because it would ruin my friendship with Pansy or maybe because Draco's parents would never approve of me. and I don't want it to get awkward."

"Y/N you need to put your self first for once in your life and do what you really desire and not what other people expect of you. that's the world we live in, to make it you need to be selfish sometimes." "oh I know, I just don't want the people around me to get hurt in anyway." "I don't see how you dating someone could hurt someone. Y/N/N listen to your self it's ridicules your putting someone else's feeling before your own happiness"  

"Your right!  I know your right but I just can't bring myself to do it."

the song ended and we walked back to the group they took we took a couple drinks. after that We danced as a group for a while and somewhere in the evening I had another privet dance with Theo we just talked about how everyone is dressed nothing Important. But overall I absolutely adored this evening and I will never forget it.


 "Turn to page 275 in your text book and read about the potion we will be making today" professor Snape said when everyone had taken their usual seat. "today's potion is a hate potion and it is said to reveal the worst traits and habits of a particular person to the drinker. The Hate Potion was recommended by Grizel Hurtz for witches and wizards who are emotionally attached to a person who does not return their feelings. Although not guaranteed for a person to completely lose their feelings for a loved one, it does show the drinker the person's worst traits and habits, and so discourages them from creating a relationship with that person. The Hate Potion is opposite of the love potion also known as amortentia , as it can undo the Hate Potion's effects, and vice versa. you will be making this potion in your usual duo and I expect a potion from all of you by the and of this lesson you may begin."

"Hey Y/N maybe if we make this potion good you can take it so that you don't have feelings for my Dracie" pansy said as we were about to put in our first ingredient. "wow first of all Draco isn't yours he is his own person and not an object to be owned and second of all are you angry at me?"  "yes Y/N I am mad, when you first said you had a crush on him I thought it would pass in like a week but your still drooling over him! and you know I liked him first!"

"you liked him first huh? well I hate to disappoint you Pansy but I liked him the moment we met I just never said anything because I knew you liked him too! and I wanted too be a good friend but your not being a good friend now either!" we screamed at each other but then I remembered that we were in class so I looked  around and saw that everybody heard everything including Draco. ugh I am such a dumbass 

that's when Professor Snape stared to talk "miss Evans, miss Parkinson you both have detention for disrupting my class, as for the rest of you all nothing to see here go on with your potions."    
