unforgivable curse (5)

outfit while in Hogsmeade above


"Come on Y/N there's this really cool dress shop around this corner!" pansy said as we were about to walk out of the third 'really cool dress shop' and both of us have yet to find our dress. "I'm coming P but my feet hurt, can't we go next week? I am sure that there will be plenty of dresses left to choose from then."

"What no we need to find a dress today, but I promise if we won't find a good dress in the next shop we'll go back to school, okay?" "Sure Pans."

As we walk into the shop, I can already see that these dresses are going to be super expensive. "P there is no way that I am going to be able to afford any of these dresses." "Sure you are, and if you don't I can always pay for it and say it's an early Christmas present." "Fine but than you have to promise me that you won't get me anything else for Christmas." "yes yes I promise, let's just look around."

After about ten dresses pansy and I both found a dress, her dress was short and black, mine was to my ankle and grey with blue and by far the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. As I expected it was indeed way too expensive for me, so Pansy paid half of it and promised to get me nothing else for Christmas.

pansy's dress

Y/N dress ( and hair style while at the yule ball)


"Who can tell me the name of an unforgivable curse" professor moody asked in our defence against the dark arts class and I was sitting next to Blaise so I whispered to him "An unforgivable curse has he gone mad were only 14, how can he talk about this in class?"

"Well they don't call him mad eye moody for nothing but I for one do agree that we should be educated on this subject. It's called defence against the dark arts for a reason but how can you defend your self if you don't know about what to defend against?"

"Yeah I suppose but isn't there a torture curse? I don't want to see that, what is he going to use it on anyway? Surely not one of us right?!" "Naw there's no way the school would allow that."

Yes, Blaise is probably right but then how is he going to show us what the curse does? Right when I was thinking that professor Moody got a huge spider out of one of his glass containers and put the poor, terrifying spider under the imperious curse. And he just played around With it put it on people's desks or even on the person them selves.

He threatened to drown her or throw her out of the window, but he didn't do any of those things. No what he  did was a thousand times worse, he brought her back to his desk and used the crusiatus torture curse on her.
"Crusio" the word was heard loud and clear through the entire classroom. I looked at the spider and saw how much it was struggling. I had to look away immediately and my eyes were full with unshed tears. I suppressed them and slowly looked back at the spider.

There it was dead, lying on the desk of professor Moody. I must have mist him saying the killing curse, too much in my own world.


"It was barbaric that is what it was!" ugh I still couldn't belief he did that in class. "Don't you think so too Draco, pansy?" I asked "uhm sure Y/N/N" pansy said but I could hear that she didn't really mean her statement, so I looked at Draco instead. "Y/N it was just a spider what do you care?"

"JUST A SPIDER, just a spider that had feelings and it must have hurt immensely. what if it had a family, kids and they would never know where he went."  "your thinking to much about it Y/N" Nott said as he walked by apparently he had listened to our conversion

"yeah whatever I have herbology bye" I said as I quickly walked away

I walk into the greenhouse and took my standard seat next to Neville, he might be the only Gryffindor I can stand who is also generally nice to me. we bond over our obsession with herbology and plants.

"okay class today we will plant these special plants who are very rare and need to be planted in a special way for the plant to grow the best. So I only have a small amount of the saplings so you will share with the person next to you no switching please. on page 23 you will find the correct way to plant this plant and at the end of the lesson you bring your planted sapling to me with your names on a paper and I will grade it. Any questions? No? good you can begin"

"Hey Neville I'll get the pots and other reqerments will you read page 23?" "Yeah sure Y/N make sure to get the right size pot though it says here that it has to has at least 7 inches of ground around it ."

Me and Neville were finished pretty quickly so we wrote our name and houses on a paper and secured it to the pot, and then we brought our planted sapling to Professor Sprout. "first done as always lets take a look, mm yes it good good. perfect you two the class still has around 25 minutes left you can read some plant books or go around the green house to remove some weed, I trust you two to know what plants not to touch."

"yes thank you Professor"

we walked back to our seats and Neville got out a book about water plants "Hey Y/N have you read this book Professor Moody gave it to me it's about water plants with special abilities like gillyweed if you eat it you can breath under water for about an hour"

"that's so cool, no I don't think I read it let's look at it together."     
