Hogwarts (1)


I open the door to see a huge man with a beard and long brown frizzy hair. "Hello are you Y/N Evans" the giant man asked me. "Yep that's me, is there something I can help you with?" I responded. " Well I am going to have to speak to your parents and you about something." "Okay I'll go and get them, you can just go ahead and sit in the living room." I walked to my parents room and told them about the giant man in our house who said he had to talk to us. They walked with me to the living room and introduced them selves to the giant man who was now sitting on our couch. "Hi my name is Lisa Evans and this is my husband Rupert Evans" "hello my name is Rubeus Hagrid and I am the gatekeeper of Hogwarts school for witchcraft an wizardry. I came here to talk to you about your daughter Y/N, she is a witch and" before the giant man named Hagrid could continue I cut him off " A what?!" I said. " A witch Y/N I know that it must be shocking to hear this but there is a very good school that can teach you all about your magical abilities" my mom and dad looked at Hagrid as if he had gone mad. The man gave me a envelope with a logo witch said Hogwarts, inside there was a letter that said:

To: miss Y/N Evans
The little bedroom upstairs
63 Maple street

Dear miss Evans

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Students shall be required to report the the chamber of reception upon arrival, the dates for witch shall be duly advised.

Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours sincerely,
Professor McGonagall

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore, D.Wiz, X.J.(sore.), S.of Mag.Q.


After A long chat with my parents and Hagrid they finally approved of me going to Hogwarts. Hagrid helped me with my list of requirements in diagonally and gave me my ticket for the train to Hogwarts. He also explained how I should get onto platform 9 3/4 but today is the day that I am going to Hogwarts and all I can think about is how nervous I am! I am standing Right before the entrance of platform 9 3/4 with my parents by my side and all my stuff and beautiful owl on my trolley before me. I decide to take a sprint and just like Hagrid said I went straight through the wall to be greeted by a beautiful train with the Hogwarts logo on it. I say goodbye to my parents and leave to put my stuff on the train. My parents and I have a good bond but we never talked much so it wasn't a tearful goodbye.

I find a empty cabinet and sit down on the bench. I was looking out of the window when the door of my cabinet opened and in the entrance stood a boy who looked my age with platinum blond hair and grey eyes. He asked if he and his two friends could sit here. " yeah, sure there's nobody else sitting here" I say as the three boy walk in. The boy with the blond hair goes to sit on the opposite side of me and says " My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and these are Crabbe and Goyle and what's your name?" " Hi I am Y/N Evans, are you also first year students?" " yes we are, do you know what house you'll be in? I mean there is no way of really knowing but my whole family are Slytherins so I have to be one to right" Draco said on witch I responded with " I have no idea what house I'll be in and to be honest I don't think it really matters to me I am just happy that I am accepted at Hogwarts." We keep talking for a while but then the train stops and we all get out of the compartment and walk on the train platform. When I got off the train I hear Hagrid yelling" first years please follow me! First years please"

When we got in the giant castle (witch is Hogwarts! I know cool right!!) We were greeted by a women named professor McGonagall, she told us to wait here until she would come get us for the sorting ceremony. While waiting I was talking to this sweet girl next to me named Megan naivy, she told me that she wishes to be in Hufflepuff and told me something about that house. It sounded like a nice house and I definitely wouldn't mind being put in Hufflepuff. When professor McGonagall came back she told us to walk to the end of the great hall and wait till she called your name, when she called your name you had to take place on the stool and than she would place the sorting hat on you to sort us is to our houses.
"Hermione Granger" a girl with brown hair walk towards the sorting hat and she was placed into Gryffindor. The Gryffindor table started clapping and the girl got off the stool and walked towards the Gryffindor table. The next one to be sorted was Draco, he walked towards the sorting hat and even before the hat was fully touching his head it screamed "Slytherin". The Slytherin table and I started to clap and before walking to the Slytherin table he shot me a smile. I was next to be sorted and when the sorting hat touched my head I heard it talking inside my head ' Interesting, very interesting but where to put you? I see you are very witty and a nice thirst to prove your self, but your also very ambitious but most of all patient, friendly, hard working and non judgemental. Oh I know' " Hufflepuff"


Authors note:
Hey I really hope you enjoyed my first chapter of my book Huffelbuddy. Pls keep in mind that English isn't my native language and I am a human so I can make mistakes, your welcome to correct me as long as you stay nice, tnxx!

I know this may be not a very long chapter but I've made sure to at least make it a 1000 words long and I plan to make each chapter at least 1000 words but I won't guaranty that they will get longer. I'll have to see along the way.
