Chapter Six



Being dragged to that anti-Valentine club inhabited by a bunch of insecure girls and a gay (Who thinks his heart was broken by Valentine) who seemingly had some intimate sexual adventures with Valentine was sort of exhibiting the lack of respect for me. I spent the rest of the night thinking about the reason as to why they picked me for that specific task. It doesn't make me any special from the rest and I'm certainly not a worm hooked in a fishing rod to catch a shark. It's true that their agenda against Valentine was promoting something that's very good to the society of this country and I commend them for having a positive motivation on forming the club but choosing me was off my table. First of all, I don't think I really have Valentine's attention because, which leads us to second, Valentine's attention now was obviously glued on Yhannie and her gorgeous face and sexy body, third, my gender assignment was male and we all know that Valentine's a straight dude which I happen to see that he can't be gay anytime soon if ever I accept the job, and fourth, I'm not capable of breaking someone's heart even if we say that I really hate that person so much to force myself to do such thing.

The more I ponder about it, the more I push myself to believe that they all judged me for that. I don't look gay at all do I?

As I was about to close my eyes and force myself to sleep I heard my phone ring and when I scampered to grab my grab, it was Yhannie.

"So finally, our dearest Angelina Jolie returned my call" I jeered up careful not to just erupt early. I bet Yhannie needs something or maybe the day we've been waiting for finally came. The day when Valentine finally decided to dump her off the dumpster because he was getting bored of her.

"I'm so sorry Nick," She began. At first she was sounding exactly normal so I just thought maybe she just finally realized that leaving her friends for Valentine was really a very bad move but then she started sniffing and I already knew she was crying. "I'm really really sorry"

"Yeah you are" I replied feeling rather serious than sorry for her. We warned her even if we really don't have to because she knows about it but she's stubborn and she jumped into the ocean of stupidity and she doesn't know how to swim or much less float. I'm not taking responsibility for her foolishness.

"He...... dumped me" She wept, her words were coming out from her seemingly clogged nose.

"I know, that's predictable of him"

"Huhuhu..... I know Nick, I shouldn't have fallen for him and his chocolate tongue and I love chocolates, you know that Nick. I just thought maybe I could be the one who can actually change him into a decent person, introduce him how love really works" She cried. This was simply stubborn. What is she? Some kind of love teacher who can teach a person with a really thick calloused heart to learn to love again?

"Are fucking serious Yhannie? Do you think you can make him love you? Do you think you can turn the table for him?" I swear if she was talking in front of me, I would be screaming mad at her. "You really think you can do that"

"Please Nick, I'm so sorry about everything. I'm so sorry. I'm so heart broken right now and I really need some doze of sympathy from you" She pleaded. Now, she's begging for my sympathy which was pissing the shit off me. I can hear how desperate and broken she is right now. Sorry not sorry boo.

"I don't know about that Yhannie. Maybe you should've thought about this before going out with him, before letting him dump you, before letting him hurt you" I said before finally ending her call and subsequently switching my phone to airplane mode so she can bother me no more.

I woke up the next morning feeling really bad at myself. I think I regret those words I just said last night when Yhannie called. That's my right, I'm aware of that and yes, she needed me in times of her dark nights and it's my obligation, as her only closest friend to share some compassion for her sufferings. I felt really sick.

"Are you alright honey?" My mom asked the moment I scampered to her minivan.

"Yhannie and the group had a little misunderstanding" I replied, looking outside of the window as she drove down the streets.

"Well then you should fix it before it gets even worse" She patted my shoulder. Her soft calming voice was not helping me think but it certainly sets the ambiance.

"I know mom but she's the one who sparked the fire" I sighed almost in an inaudible whisper.

"And you are supposed to wait for her to put it off?" I looked at her and shook my head in confusion.

"Hmm" I groaned. I don't really know what to do. We had some misunderstandings back then but it wasn't something as deep as this and we always make up just the very same day knowing that we can't really be fighting over shallows things. Although, this thing we have's really something serious that it lasted for a few days that I'm aware off.

"Honey, listen to me. If someone tried to burn down your house what would you?" My mom started off again in her indirectly prowess of pushing me to think for a solution for this problem. I adore her for that though.

"Put off the fire of course" I answered her with something like 'duh' sound in it but with a little politeness.

"Exactly. You put off the fire before it becomes a conflagration and before the conflagration becomes an inferno and burn the whole country down. No one will do that other than you" She exclaimed and everything started to make sense. "Because it's your own house"

As soon as I got to school the first thing I did was to comb every corner of the school where I think Yhannie might be, but she's nowhere to be found and it's almost time. I only found Zach and Ivan talking at our very same spot.

"Have you seen Yhannie?" I asked breathing heavily.

"Who's Yhannie?" Zach asked shaking his head in reply.

"She's probably making out with Valentine at some corner" Ivan butted in coldly. I see they are still pissed at her. I was supposed to be angry at them but I was so focused on my plans of mending this crevice for the sake of our friendship. I don't blame them for not seeing that.

"Valentine dumped her" As soon as I said that the walls they'd build up to seclude her just broke down.

"What the fuck!" Zach gasped. "Where's she?"

"That what's I'm asking for"

"Oh yeah we have to find her then"

For the remaining time we went on a panic search for Yhannie.

I saw Valentine hanging out with his usual circle and he seemed pretty normal. Of course he was. It's not like he's going to cry about it. This whole thing was just a silly game for him that actually made me realize that he was more of a game maker more than a player because players don't always win but game makers do. They create the game and when they decide to just stop it out of boredom they'll just stop it on their will. The sick bastard! Part of me wants to just jump there and confront him upfront but the part of me wanting to fix things first won.

After some time of searching Yhannie was still nowhere to be found and even when the bell rang and we all entered the room, she's still nowhere. She didn't enter which lead for me to begin catching the fall.

This was my entire fault. If only I let her talk and explain more about her side last night then our circle would probably a circle again right now. Fuck my stupid pride.

During lunch break the three of ate surprisingly quiet for a change. The space where Yhannie was supposed to be seated felt really blank, unlike the days when she was hanging out with Valentine, the space was filled with hatred towards her but now it was just empty. I can feel how sorry Zach and Ivan are for Yhannie. No one really had the guts to open their mouth before I felt my phone vibrate under my pants.

I struggled to reel it out of my tight jeans pocket and when I do, I saw a text message from Yhannie's mother saying that she's in the hospital because of over dosage. An overwhelming surge of panic pinched me in the ass.

Now what could've she done to herself? Did she try to commit suicide?

Fuck, the idea might seem absurd and exaggerated but it could be true. I know Yhannie, she tends to be very sentimental over petty things and her breakdowns sometimes make her crazy to the point that she considers killing herself. This was my entire fault.

I feel really sorry for Yhannie, frustrated at myself and very angry at Valentine.

I showed the text message to Zach and Ivan and as I was expecting they both went berserk. In the end we decided to visit her at the hospital.

"I think you should go ahead first, I'll just catch up later" Suddenly, as we were supposed to go, I called for Zach and Ivan.

"What?" Ivan asked.

"I have something important to attend to" I said then gave them both a final glare.

"Okay, but be sure to catch up fast"


I don't know what's going on inside my head; maybe it was the prevailing maelstrom of anger boiling inside me or the bottomless glass of desperation on wanting to fix things to the right lane or maybe the inexplicable combination of the two. I found myself sitting in a chair inside the room of drama club.

"Are you sure you're going to do it?" Anna repeated calmly scrutinizing me for some possible second thoughts. In my peripheral vision I can see Valerie and Bruno were smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes, I'll do it" Disregarding all of the possible repercussions of my senseless actions, I nodded with firm conviction and dedication that I'm going to break Valentine's playboy heart. I was sure about doing this thing knowing about what happened to Yhannie plus the coming days when Valentine would go out on the streets and just break anyone's heart without caring on the aftermaths of his actions. My gay soul will be more than happy to see Valentine cry and maybe he'll just kill himself for the society's good. Although I admit that I didn't have much time to ponder about it properly but if breaking Valentine's heart will set everything back to the right line then I'll fucking do it with full force dedication. I'm just overwhelmed by my frustrations that I don't care anymore if my sexuality will be put at stake. This decision is not just for me and Yhannie but for everyone else. I'm actually doing a good deed here.

"We just want you to know that once you agree to this, there's no turning back" Valerie reminded me as she pulled out a piece of paper from her file case and then placed it on top of the table.

"Yes, I'm fully aware of that. What is this?" I asked with a partial attempt to read what's written on the paper.

"This is the ODV contract" Bruno cleared giving me a pen designed with feathers and glitters. "Sign here"

"And then?" I asked giving them a look after signing on the paper. I didn't even read everything written on it. All I know was I'm doing a good deed here. I just put my signature in it and then done. I'm part this shit. This Anti-Valentine Grande seemed pretty serious about destroying Valentine. I guess that's how much of a jackass he was that everyone he hurt began organizing their very revenge.

"You may start the Operation Destroy Valentine's heart" They all sang in unison siding it with some rehearsed dance steps with their hands on their head and waist that seemed pretty awkward if I was to do it.

"So what are the things I have to do" I asked getting comfortable on my place as Bruno started writing the things I have to on the board.

10 Things to Do

1. Steal his attention.

2. Make him kiss you.

3. Make him want more.

4. Surprise him.

5. Go on a date with him.

6. Make sure that he will remember your first date.

7. Seduce him but make sure to leave him hanging.

8. Make him introduce you to his parents.

9. Be his boyfriend.

10. Destroy him.

"Do I really have to ki----"I'm about to protest on that kissing thingy but someone shushed me off.

"Shhhhhh! We said there's no turning and that also mean no complains about the things you need to do" Valerie volleyed strongly shushing me down before I even finish my sentence. Why do I have to kiss him? His mouth's probably overpopulated with sexually transmitted whatsoever disease out of kissing multiple girls. But I signed up for this and I think I might as well do it.

"Do I need to copy all of that?"

"Just take picture of it boy. Oh and we only have one rule that you must abide if you don't want to fail at this" Anna said sounding more serious.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll abide with that. I'm doing well at abiding rules"

"Well, let's see about that" Valerie smirked.

"So what's the rule?"

