Chapter Fourteen


          There's nothing I love more than an empty room engulfed in total silence. If I'm a drug addict this would definitely be my drug. I totally get high in this type of situations. My mind gets its way to travel to where ever it wants. I guess detention is not that bad at all but that's until Valentine, still full of himself, came by to photo bomb the panorama and yes, he still pisses me off. I have no other choice but to turn on my shut the fuck up attitude and let him have it. But, by the unfortunate grace from above, he seems to act a little bit crass about it. I don't know if he's just blunt insensitive or he really wants to talk with me about this whole thing.

All the while I thought he's going to punch me in the face again. I thought this time he will beat the hell out of me like what he always does to everyone who tries to disrespect his selfish manipulative ass. I thought he will kick me over and over until he sends my ass to the hospital. I know I was brave enough to act mighty rude to him but that was because I was a coward. I'm aware that Valentine can be a short fuse and he might explode like a nuclear bomb once you light him up but, in an un-coated intention I'm actually just trying to figure him out so if by chance that I'll continue with my mission then I can be invincible. I never played anyone before but, crossing out my philosophical conscience, this is extremely a fun roller coaster to ride when you knew he deserves to have it all.

Pushing all of my negative thoughts aside, without my proper consent, the twisted opposite happened. I don't like plot twists but life keeps on letting me have it. This time Valentine was the one who started locking his lips on mine which came unexpected to me. He is brave enough to do this right in this room where anyone can see us. Half of me want to push him away with all the force I got but the other half of me also wants to kiss him back in a romantic way.

Why the fuck do I think like this but guess who wins?

I just became blind and voluntarily shut the door of my sentiments and passionately kissed him back without holding back. I just set everything aside. Yes, it's agreed that I'm mad at him. If there's this one person I can murder without being persecuted by the justice system then it's definitely going to be him. I want him destroyed; we all want him destroyed but then, in a quick swerve, something silent but deadly consciousness swept over me. I just realized that maybe the best way to destroy him is really to break his heart to thousands of pieces where he can't even put all of the pieces back together. It's into my best knowledge that every heart is delicate and we just have our own unique ways of building a wall to protect it from any terrorist and toxicity. I'm not planning to destroy that wall because that's going to be exhausting considering all the facts that Valentine has already unwaveringly made an adamant wall to guard his heart. My plan is to slip through the wall and by then smash it to little bits of crystals. That is diabolical of me but I'm not going to feel guilty about it because he deserves every bit.

He was steering the wheel of kissing me and I'm just letting him have a piece of my delicious lips. If I were to judge the way he kiss, it's about seven point five. It's good but it's not making me hard either. Then he began sticking his tongue inside my mouth in response and as the player of this game I have to fight back just to add some herbs and spices to the already delicious delicacy.

"Wow that was satisfying!" He exclaimed catching some air subsequently cutting the kiss off in the middle part where I'm about to make him feel more like a man. Well, what can I say I'm pretty good at kissing guys even by just playing the submissive role. A hidden talent of mine that should stay hidden.

"Shut your damn mouth!" I chirped then pulled his head back so I could smooch his lips exactly the way I did the first time I kissed him. I've already gained my momentum. This time though, I can taste nicotine mixed with strawberry.

"You know what, I think I already know the answer" He slowly backed away from the kiss and ended up stepping back away from me like he just changed his mind in blink of an eye. "I just need that confirmation"

"Then I guess I don't have to spoon feed you the answer, you should work for it" At this point, I realized that I was already beginning to sound just like my mom.

"You know what, this is crazy" He was now fidgeting. This was the first time I've seen him like this. Confidence stripped down to nothing but this fidgeting asshole. The jerk sure is easy to break, just like your piggy bank. I shrugged looking idly towards him.

"You are crazy"

"Can I take you out tonight?"

Wait hold up, just like that? He wants to take me out real quick. I know it's already 2018, we have a fuckin' updated calendar at home but this is like 2022. But, yeah I'll probably take this time to move faster. I initially planned for a slow take on the verse just to make it oblivious. Al though, when you put yourself in the shoes of the girls whom Valentine played with, I bet a fast pace is not bad. But then I remembered, we don't skip number five which is to surprise Valentine before going to number six.

I have to surprise him first before he takes me on a date. Honestly though, I don't have any clue on how to do that. I still have to brainstorm for some ideas for that.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't" I answered straightforward. There's no way I'm letting him drive the cadillac. The key is mine and it should be me who steers the wheel with my both hands because I'm the one who's playing here. I'm like the chess master moving each chess piece.

"What? Why?" He gave me a confused expression as I expected. This is fast, I mean I would take it but we really need to follow the plan accordingly and besides that I have a not-so-important errand to attend to tonight.

"Maybe next time Valentine, I have an important errand to attend tonight," I'm not really that sorry but I had to act like I am to make my acting believable. "I'm really sorry"

Finally after turning him down, in order to avoid any further arguments I just walked out of the room then went on my way without even looking back.

In fact, Yhannie's mom actually invited me to do a couple of songs at her acoustic bar tonight. I already gave my word and it's not like I'm going to cancel this gig just for a date with someone I or should I say 'we' intentionally plan to destroy. After all, Mrs. Thomas will pay me in cash.

A few hours later I ended up in Yhannie's bedroom selecting the set of songs I'm going to sing. Yhannie even stole one of his dad's tuxedo which really looks so expensive that I wouldn't even touch it with my bare hands but since it looked perfect on me I didn't even bother to object.

"I swear Queenie is boning Chris" I hear Yhannie squeaking from behind me as I flipped through the pages of the list of songs I'm choosing from. This girl really has an ear for this types of stuffs.

"Who cares Queenie is like the female version of Valentine, the last time I've heard she was boning Jani" I replied.

"Who's Jani? Is he the new kid on the block?" Yhannie inquired with an inquisitive surge of enthusiasm. Usually Yhannie, as dumb as she is when it comes to academics, knows everybody at school. Even the boring and invisible ones. She knows exactly who they are, what they do and of course, who they bone. She is like a walking track record for this kinds of shit.

"It's the janitor" I trailed.

"Oh right, Mr. Cortez, but I thought his name is Jorge?"

"Is that his name? Sorry I named him Jani because he's the janitor, I have no idea about his name"

"Jesus Nick you really need to stop with those corny jokes" I know Yhannie would say this. She says this every time I try my best to crack a joke, no  matter how dope I drop the joke she still invalidates my capability.

"What I'm serious I don't really know his name and Jani seems fitting and close to janitor"

"Ugh, but seriously though, what type of girl bones the school janitor? Is she like out of dick or something?" I can imagine Yhannie rolling her eyeballs from behind me.

"She has a dick drought" I cracked trying my best not to laugh but Yhannie followed through with the loudest laugh and we both filled the room with nothing but laughter.

This is probably the longest conversation I had with Yhannie without dropping Valentine's name into the floor. I feel relieved for this moment, like having to drink hot coffee for the first time in a while after drinking stale beer all night long.

We had some deep arguments about three of the songs I've chosen as if this is a big political deal or whatever that I have to pick the songs brilliantly. I just chose the songs that I sing very well but yeah, I might as well choose songs with the best moving lyrics for this night. Al though, it's weird that we ended up to a roster of pure love songs.

"You should sing all of these songs with your soul" She advised as if I don't have any idea on how to do that at all. Hello, I'm a human being too I have feelings. "Feel the words and let it come out of your mouth as romantic as it is, make this night romantic for everyone"

"Got ya coach, I'll be romantic" I nodded..
