Chapter Three


"What kind of a dumb answer is that?!" I uttered impulsively, gritting my teeth out of my frustration and annoyance as we settled down onto our favourite spot for lunch. "He's a fucking asshole, dimwit, and a clear shot joke!"

"Don't be so harsh on him Nick, he has feelings too you know, and I think he's just messing with you just like how he's messing with everyone else" Yhannie shrugged her shoulder dismissively trying to reject my whole idea which to me is very annoying the moment she started speaking about it, it doesn't sound convincing at all. For any reason, this woman should be on my side and not on Valentine's stupid side. Although I have to admit both of them are most likely dumb in the same line, I hate saying the word dumb when food is served fresh and hot in front of me, so I'll say some better statement and say that they are both just lacking intellectual acuity.

"You know what?" I began pointing the fork I'm holding to her. "F.O!"

"Fuck off?" She gave me a mad, confused look purposely blinking to show how spot on her mascara with the cafeteria's lighting.

"Friendship over, you dimwit!!" I growled at her, and she just smiled guiltily at me as we started devouring our food before it gets any colder.

"FO? I think it should be UFO," Zach butted in speaking while his mouth was stuffed.

"UFO?" Ivan asked.

"Un.Friendship over?" Zach blurted out. I don't exactly know if I will laugh or I will spank his head after hearing that.

"Haha funny Zach" Faking a laugh, I glared at him sarcastically. "That was the best joke I ever heard."

We had some carrying conversations as we continued eating our food. But, really, I still can't get over the thing that just happened this morning. Valentine even tried to elaborate the most stupid answer I've ever heard in the seventeen years of my existence.

Bluntly, I don't even know why someone invests their own precious short time in teaching stupid people just to become even more ridiculous than they already are. And believe me, no matter how hard they campaign to fight against bullying, they won't and will never win. I mean, in the most factual notion, no matter how they invert our society, bullying is just a foundation of being human. It's a flaw that we all have whether or not we admit it. So technically, bullying is encrypted in our genetic codes the moment our very own loving mothers conceive us. We don't have the same level of bullying power or something like that. Some people bully just on their mind; others do it on the internet, others do it only by words, and others do it physically.

"Speaking of that fucking asshole, I think he's coming to our table," Ivan aired, sounding more lucid. I turned to see Valentine Grande oozing with that annoying, arrogant disposition cloaking him strutting his way to our table.

"What's up?" Waving as if we're close to him, he smiled. I forced myself to smile back at him as he took his seat beside me because it's the only one with the space that he could occupy. I have to admit he smelled favourable, but that doesn't cover up whatever stinking personality reeking from the inside out. He still reeks a hundred times than Zach's body odour.

"Hey dude," Zach replied to Valentine with a seemingly gentle approach.

"Why are you here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I'm not the rude bitch here, but we all clearly know that he's up to no good. In my peripheral vision, I noticed that Yhannie is composing herself with a bright smile on her glowing, blushed-on face. Is she in for flirting?

"Chill, man, I'm here to make friends with you guys, y'all seem fun to hang out with," Valentine faced me as he slowly snaked his arm into my shoulder blade. I removed his arm instantly because it was cumbersome, plus I don't like him. "I see you have a beautiful woman in here" He winked, pompously turning his attention to Yhannie.

"Oh, was that a compliment?" Yhannie asked, making her voice sweet and innocent. I glanced at Ivan and Zach, and we all shook our heads. For a second, I believed that Yhannie is just faking this whole sweet and innocent face, but a part me says otherwise. My eyes were like x-rays, and I saw right through her.

"Look, Valentine, if you're here to hit on Yhannie, you have to get through us first," I snapped, raising my chin and chest looking strong. I don't even know if I portrayed that very well.

"Yeah, Dominic's right, you need to get through us," Zach said, supporting me by repeating what I just said but with swag crunched in his tone.

"Oh, don't mind them Valentine, they're just protective of me," Yhannie said, dismissively dissuading what we are standing for. What is she thinking?

"What the fuck, Yhannie?" I glared at her, which she just brushed off her shoulder. I knew it. Yhannie somehow is attracted to this motherfucking asshole, and I don't understand why or much less how.

Everyone knows that Valentine is a heartless player.

Yhannie and Valentine had some flirtatious time during the remaining minutes. I couldn't bring out my annoyed and irritated sentiments, and I'm just so done inside, but I just kept my mouth shut tight as they flirted to each other.

The last period was Physical Education with Mr. Verzosa. Physical education was just okay for me. I was not too fond of aggressive and energy-sipping games such as basketball and volleyball. I'm more fond of board games like chess and scrabble and snake and ladder and anything that doesn't injure you. But, yeah, I concede that it was even better with Mr. Verzosa because he was hot and always looking seductive as ever that keeps on making my energy and also, I'm sure, all of the girls and probably some of the closeted gays hiding somewhere around pumped every time.

It was mid-game when I had the urge to pee, so I went rushing towards the bathroom. I don't usually use the urinal system with no valid reason at all. I prefer the solitary pleasure of peeing inside the claustrophobic cubicles and with the doors closed. Sadly, the gym's under-maintained restroom has only two cubicles, and the other one's door is broken after some angry kid kicked it.

My urinary bladder is so full and is probably leaking, so as soon as I got inside the restroom, I went to the cubicle, the one with the door, and immediately pushed it without knowing that there's someone inside.

It was Valentine.................. making out with some curly-haired girl.

And damn, that bitch was Olivia Brayden, the school principal's niece. I never would've figured Olivia to be somewhat hiding a slutty personality like this. She's a pretty sweet girl, and I thought she belonged to the twenty percent population of untouched virgin students in our batch damn that girl. I was wrong.

"Oh shit, what the fuck men!" Valentine yelled dumbstruck as they both panicked while they rushed, fixing their half-open clothes. "Did your parents even teach you how to knock?"

"Please, Dominic, don't tell this to anyone," Olivia pleaded, which I find unconvincing at all. "Especially the principal."

I just stared at her sweaty and horny face as she went out of the restroom embarrassed. This girl is busted.

"What the fuck, bro!" I heard a furious Valentine scowl in my direction that almost scared every shit out of me. I'm starting to feel the feeling that he was already skinning me alive inside his murderous stupid brain.

"A... I.... I am sorry dude. I didn't know that you were there," I whined as I tardily stepped back a few steps away from him.

"Can't you pee in the urinal, can you?" He was speaking loud, and I can hear weir delinquency in him.

"It's because of of.....uhm.... I don't really feel comfortable peeing in the urinals," I admitted losing every ounce of courage inside me.

"Why the fuck are you whining handsome guy? You gay or something?" His eyes brushed on me as if he was scrutinizing me from head to toe. Yes, I'm gay. I yelled in my mind, not the proudest one, but if you have a problem with that, then fuck off because I don't give a damn shit about homophobic, horny, assholes.

"No, man, no. I'm straight!" I bowed down quaking like a wet cat as I try my best to speak louder, but I was terrified not of him but because of the alarming thought that he might punch or kick me. "I'm just scared."

"Coward!!!! Do I look scary to you?" I nodded accordingly as he pushed my body to the farthest corner. I can smell his cologne that smells better than his personality. "This? This fucking handsome face looks scary to you?! Huh!!" He puffed, and I can sense an excessive vanity breaching in his tone.

"No, I'm not threat----"

"Shut the hell up, dude. I don't need your fucking opinion. You just interrupted us, and now how am I supposed to get this load out of my system?" I smiled at the back of my mind thinking something naughty and saying that maybe I could give it a shot with my mouth, but of course, I'm playing the straight good guy here. No gay, naughty stuff and besides, I'm already scared to the bones that I might pee in my pants right now.

"Do it the usual way?" I suggested giving him a hand gesture hoping to sound cool around him, but he didn't find me cool or my suggestion.

"Listen to me Dominic, you better tell this to no one, you got it, or I'll fucking strangle your cute face or drown your pregnant ass or maybe stab your chest until you bleed to death."

"Yap, you got it. I won't tell this to anyone" I nodded in defeat and fear. "I'm going to zip my mouth."

"Good" With the most hateful glare, he finished the conversation before turning his back on me.

You see, he was just hitting on Yhannie a few hours ago, and he really seemed friendly and dedicated, but now he's doing someone in the restroom in this god damn school. It was frustrating.

I heard a lot of bad things about Valentine, bad things that a lot of girls somehow find attractive. Like how he was an expert on breaking innocent hearts after hearts after hearts to acting like a boss to being an urban fuckboy legend to being a party boy who party almost every night. And yeah, now I remembered that he bullied me one time and that's the one particular reason why I don't pee on urinals. Yes, I remember it now. Back in middle school, I got my wrist cut by a sharp cutter during art class, and I rushed to the restroom to wash it, but I had to pee first because I just really had to pee and as I was peeing in the urinal Valentine happened to be there in the most unfortunate timing, and he peeked on my dingaling to see if it was big or if it even exists and he saw blood, lots of blood, dripping on mine. The next morning when I got to school, everyone was saying that I have male menstruation, which is considerably absurd and unjust. I can't even explain myself to them. They believed the rumour rather than the truth, which made me think twice that lies are better to hear than reality.
