Oh how the mighty fall....(School!Human!stuck Erisol)

It was the first day of senior year and many people walked the halls, talking with one another, and then there was our characters....

The Dork wiith a nack for 2ports and 2howiing that he'2 better than everyone

And The Harry Potter nerd wwho feels like he nothing

and this is the story of how they meet....


Eridan's PoV Be The New Kid==>

yes, by the PoV you sohuld know, I'm Eridan, and I've never had any friends at all, everyone pushed me away, and this school was just the same, I was halfway to my locker when I ran into someone, I looked up to see what I recognized one of the school jocks

"Watch were you're 2tepping nerd!" he walked off leaving you to pick up your backpack and anything that fell out of it, while others laughed at you, heading to class

god, why do I suddenly feel all weak near himm, ugh.....

Sollux's PoV Be the Jock==>

yeah, I'm Sollux, and I just had this run in with probably the new kid, I'm pretty sure, as no one else would have walked where you were walking, I walked to my class, no one else getting in my way, I had no girlfriend, that was true, but sense my last girlfriend died in a housefire I never really had the need to, even though all the girls fan over me, I just find it annoying...

why, when I saw him, do I feel like he's changing my mind on forgetting love...


Narrator's PoV

==>everything was normal for the rest of the day, besides a few glances shared maybe as they passed in the halls, Sollux purposely running into the boy around 2 times, by the end of the day, the both of them were left questioning a lot of past decisions, by the next day at school, I think at least one of them figured out..

Eridan's PoV ==>be worried

oh god... I seriously had a full on crush on that jock, but how?! I was pacing back and forth in my room, while tightening the scarf around my neck almost to much "what would happen if.... the whole school figured out..." oh god, how was I going to hide this?!?!

this is going to be a nightmare....

Sollux's PoV ==> be also half freaking out

ok, ok, run over this again Sollux, you somehow fell for a nerd who you only said a sentence to? But, really one glance and you can't help but just- WAIT, oh my god Sollux you are going insane!

