Need you Now.... (Cronkri)

It was around midnight and it was, not so much the normal night for these two, this was there first fight in ages, Kankri and Cronus both yelling, neighbors complaining, things shattered and broken, pictures creased and ripped, and a very stressed Kankri sitting on the bed they had once shared

Be the stressed Vantas===>

Yes I am stressed, and I need time to hate myself to death, we had a fight and Cronus went out again, I never liked the way he handled things, he went out and straight to the bar...

Gog damnit I'm an idiot....

I looked at the phone that already had his number in it, I told myself I wouldn't call, I'm not going to call... ok I'm calling, I just can't help but worry.... plus, I already miss him "Cr9nus?!" gog damnit, voicemail..... I throw the phone onto the bed and listen to the voicemail, at least it's his voice...

it's not the same, that's it, I'm going....

I need you now Cronus.....

Be the also stressed Cronus=====>

correction, stressed and slightly drunk, because that's the idiotic way I solve everything, I constantly glance at the door, wishing he would just burst through that door, I know, if I miss him, I should go back, but if he's still mad...

I can't see him like that....

another shot, at this point only 3 because I can't quit looking at the door, I make my way at least outside before I look and see a dance center, maybe he went into the dance center, maybe I can find him. I make my way there and I look all around the crowd I finally get to the center of the ballroom, and all I see, that familiar red....


i don't know how i can do without, I just need you now... Kankri.

Be the now frantic Vantas=====>

I love your wording, I'm not that frantic, anyways, I had been pulled into a crowd and into the dance center, I tried to find my way back but I stopped dead in my tracks at the center, wait, it's...

I see that regular old tee shirt with the jacket, gog damnit it really is, the next thing I hear



I couldn't help it, I was already hugging him to death by the time I finished saying his name

"Cr9nus, pr9mise me s9mething..."

there wasn't even a pause before he spoke "vwhat..?"

"never, ever, fight again..."

there was a slight nod and then he looked at me for a moment before speaking "nevwr again.." I was going to just smile when the next thing I knew, the way to familiar lips pressed against mine were the only thing I could feel

Oh, Baby I just need you now....~
