Maybe Someday, is Today..(Cronkri-Cronus♥Kankri)




"Give you what you want"-Avril Lavigne ENJOY PEOPLE**

"Is this love?~ Maybe some-... day..."

You are Cronus Ampora,

and that morning, you've gotten a little fold up slip telling you that today, is your day to get a match from like, this big ass match maker, they must be pretty strict, cause like, you're sitting there in the dark listening to some music with headphones, it's around midnight and you are waiting for them to come, no one knows who they are, they're sex or whatever, so it's kinda just, weird to be this expecting, anyways, waiting... waiting...- **creek** the door opens, they're here..

You are now Kankri Vantas,

and you are hesitating to even go to the next house on the list.... The Ampora's place, sure it was his 'job' but how could he keep the secret from someone who knows his voice to well for his own good, on the chance that he actually listens to you, right now, this is the time you actually want for him not to have listened to you "here it is... Amp9ra h9useh9ld.."

Kankri fiddles with the curtains through the open window, checking to see if the lights are all off, they are, well, good enough, there was the light from the transportable device in his hand, phone or not, probably a phone, as obvious as it was, him flipping through it for songs and so on

Kankri managed to slip through the door and into the room Cronus was in, seeking up behind the dark character, keeling down behind the couch and wrapping his arms softly around the figure, he had to be way different from regular him, in order to keep himself unknown, cause, he's never met someone like him to be honest, so, it'll be easy to guess, even more so for Cronus, someone who is an acquaintance

"What ya listening t9?~"

Cronus froze for a split second, biting his lip, he somehow knew that voice, but, where, if it's who he thinks it is then that would make no sense, he never talks like that, that wouldn't make any sense at all.

"j-ust some random music I havwe on my phone, vwhy ya askin?" "9h, n9 reas9n, just.. curi9us" Kankri raised his left hand, tapping the phone to pause the music and take the phone, sitting it aside, the headphone going with it, he was used to this by now, and this little 'alter ego' him changed from a more shy character to a dominant, more flirty type.  

Cronus literally swore he knew this person, but, it made no sense, Kankri breaking his obvious confusion, as he's talking, the phone screen going black on standby "What's wr9ng?-"

Kankri stands, going over and sitting next to the slightly somewhat towering figure in the darkness, making his presence there known by laying his hand over Cronus's, both hands now softly laying on Cronus's leg

"-shy?~" he hums out the words like they're nothing, while Cronus's head is going crazy, how is he even being this calm, with a random stranger?! Of all people!

that was all Kankri had first thought about, how could he even try to predict perfectly what it'd turn out as, if love and flush, was always just a world he never knew, but, as crazy as it seems, he just seemed to know, it all clicked, and at this point, he;s found a match for everyone, not really, but you get the point

now, he's just wondering if it'll ever be his turn to be the match, as much as he never wanted to admit it, yes, Kankri Vantas has fallen in love once of twice,  though, soon after, they all were disregarded after he went to find they're match

at this moment, Cronus was still losing himself in thought, Kankri never failing to rip him from said thoughts for as long as he needed until- Cronus yawns, Kankri asked questions, almost made mistakes costing his 'characters' existence, though whatever it is that makes these matches best hurry up before-

aaaaaaaaaaaandddddddddd he's asleep, 

Kankri sighed, sitting up more then he had been, he really was pretty disappointed, he checked his flip card one last time, but, he was shocked to see letter being written in black on the paper, Cron-

wait a second




"Cr9nus.. Amp9ra.." Kankri said the match slowly as it was written on his flip, blushing a brighter red then the sweater he wore, looking back to the sleeping figure, leaning against the side of the couch now and, though he hesitated, he leaned down and softly kissed his cheek, his eyes leading him to Cronus's slip that he had gotten that morning from him, picking it up and takes out a pen, scribbling down a "Look in your room before opening." before sitting it so the note is facing him

Kankri managed to get upstairs quietly, grasping the flip-up paper in his hands, once he made it there he yawned quietly, entering the dark room he's seen many times, before, the thought of the many times he's knocked and Cronus yelling to go in ringing through his mind, everything here seemed like a memory with him somehow

the one awkward night that Porrim insisted on staying over at Cronus's with him, the power outage where Cronus was amazed at how well he could see in the dark, the 15 million times Cronus made him watch grease


memories to spare that's for sure

he sighed happily and closed the door behind him, careful to be quiet, out of habit, walking silently to the human bed, sitting on the side of the bed and looking over the slip, making sure he wasn't going insane

after an hour or so, he'd managed himself to sleep, laying curled up over the flatly lyed violet covers, smiling and holding the open slip sleepily

Eventually morning came for the two, and you are now Cronus Ampora, waking up groggily and looking around, seeing no one, noting nothing out of place but one note left for him on his slip "Look in your room before opening..?"

he was too asleep still to actually recognize what this must mean, but he went with it, heading to his room, quiet, though tired still

the first thing he saw was a hint of red and violet mixed almost so that they're blurry, blinking a few times to get a good look, seeing the picture in front of him, Kankri lyed out on his bed, his slip in hand, and smiling

quickly, and quite messily, he opened his slip to see the name of the sleeping being written neatly in almost like typed out print,  the first thought he had was joy, and then shock as Kankri started to wake up suddenly, god he was fast

"mhhh... Cr9- Cr9nus..?-" he suddenly seemed to wake up at the site of you, slipping his flip up into his pocket, Kankri did start to actually get up to leave, but Cronus stopped him with one hand, giving him a look as Cronus's thoughts un-blurred , piecing things together "I thought I knewv that wvoice~"

Kankri began to let out a soft little giggle, but stopped himself by biting his bottom lip softly "y-eah I- guess.."

he turned to leave again, but Cronus pulling him back softly, managing to make Kankri face him, meeting the bright red eyes with a content sigh, his smirk lowering into a smile

Kankri smiles back, seeming somehow veryy safe and open around him, even though it just happened and everything "I think I like this match.." he chuckles
