Protect & Serve

You could just imagine Brandon's irritation when he found out that Callie and Jude were going to be living with them. The brunette was still laying down in the Moms bed with her brother, sound asleep.

In all her life, the brunette had never felt so loved. Or at least, since she was ten. The Adams Foster family were treating the brunette as if she was one of their own. They had been that way to her ever since day one, which befuddled Callie. What was she to a bunch of strangers?

Eyes fluttering open, the girl's mouth gaped open when she saw Stef and Lena holding her close. The brunette's head was nuzzled into Stef's shoulder and her hand had a tight grip on Lena's own.

Both women smiled when they saw the drowsy girl.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead." Lena greeted.

Callie didn't respond and instead pulled herself up to go to the kitchen. She had to make breakfast for Jude.

Stef shook her head and slipped out of bed herself, wrapping the girl in a hug. Angry and confused, the brunette pushed the police officer off her and began to cry.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Stef asked.

"Don't." The brunette ordered, opening the door before the police officer stopped her. She shut the door, which made Callie scream. What were Lena and Stef going to do to her? Were they going to hurt her?"

Seeing the fear on her face, Stef reached out to touch the girl, who backed away in fear, finally collapsing back on the bed.

"Don't hurt me." She begged, "Please."

Exchanging a look of shock, the two women neared the girl, who was still shaking in fear. Stef and Lena sat down on either side of her, the blonde reached out to touch the girl's shoulder. Much to their surprise, the brunette flinched and backed away, staring at them.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"You shut the door." Callie said, pointing a shaking hand at the bedroom door, "That means you're going to hurt me, right?"

Eyes going wide, Stef shook her head no then got up. Nearing the door, she opened it wide, the 16-year-old letting out a sigh of relief.

"Honey." Lena said, wrapping the brunette in a side hug, "You have to understand that we would never hurt you."

"I..." Callie gulped, "I know...I know you guys are doing your best...b-but...I've been hit before. Th-That's why..."

"That's why you don't like closed doors." Lena finished, "Understandable."

"It's just...I know you won't...I just can't help but get afraid when someone c-closes a door...."

Stef nodded and kissed the girl's forehead, "Well, it won't happen again. We promise." She paused, "Though would you be fine with a closed bathroom door?"

The girl nodded slowly, understanding why that was a necessity. She was fine in the bathroom, although she was still very quick about getting out of there.

The police officer smiled and tucked a strand of Callie's brown hair behind her ear.

"I just don't understand." The brunette mumbled.

"Understand what, baby?"

"Why you were there." She said, "At the hospital. At my house. Why were you there?"

"Well, we were afraid for you, Cal." Lena admitted, kissing the girl's cheek, "Especially when Jude called us last night."

"It was Jude that called you?" The brunette raised an eyebrow, "He must've found your number in my contact list."

"You saved our numbers?" Stef asked, already dialing Callie's phone. The brunette nodded slowly.

"Where is my phone anyway?" She asked, looking around the spot where she was sitting.

"Here, I'll call it." Dialing Callie's number, a loud ring came from under the sheets. The blonde quickly reached for it before the girl could. The police officer's heart melted on the spot as she saw the a blue heart on either side of her name. She looked up and smiled at the girl, who was blushing of embarrassment.

"What?" Lena asked.

Still smiling, Stef showed her the phone. The police officer ended the call, the brunette reaching for it when Lena became curious. She dialed Callie's number and smiled when she saw her own name pop up, with a purple heart on either side of her own name.

Blushing even redder, the brunette ended the call and snatched her phone out of Stef's hand, shooting them each an angry glare.

"We love you, baby." Stef said, kissing the girl on the cheek.

"I love you too." She whispered, the words seeming foreign to her. Both woman smiled at the brunette before wrapping her in a hug, making the girl laugh.

"I'm sorry." She squeaked, surprising the Moms.

"Sorry? For what?" Lena asked, rubbing the girl's back.

"For being so stupid. I can't take care of Jude, not how you take care of your kids. I'm not his Mom. I'm just his sister. I'll never be what he needs."

"You can't think like that." Stef said, leaning her head on Callie's shoulder, "You are exactly what he needs. We know you, Cal. We know how responsible you are. Just because you've hit a couple bumps in the road doesn't mean you're not capable of caring for Jude. Everyone makes mistakes, love."

"But the thing is, I make way too many." The brunette said, tears rolling down her face, "The Smiths were right about me. I'm a bad influence on him and he deserves so much better."

"Much better than you?" Lena scoffed, "Please. You are not a bad influence. You told us yourself that you would do anything to keep the ones you love safe. That's not being a bad influence, Cal. That's called love through courage. And trust me, you have plenty of it to go around."

"May I ask you something?" Stef asked.

The brunette nodded silently.

"That day when you ran away, when that man pulled a gun. Why did you save us? I mean, you could have just left to fend for yourself." She pointed out.

"I don't know." Callie shrugged, "I guess I'm just the type."

"The type? What exactly does that mean?" Lena asked.

"I can't just sit there and do nothing. I can't stand to watch innocent people get into such awful situations when they haven't done anything wrong."

"Even for people you don't know?" Stef asked.

"For anyone." Callie answered.

Going silent, the Moms nodded and handed the brunette a glass of water. She stared up at the two, a curious look on her face.

"Drink up." Stef ordered, "You need to have more water, remember?"

The girl shook her head then managed a small smile before chugging down the water. The brunette handed Stef and Lena back the glass and they smiled at the girl. A devious look on their faces, they tackled Callie down and began to tickle her relentlessly. The brunette laughed constantly and reached up to the two Moms, trying to get them back. But alas, they were way too fast for her.

As they continued this, the brunette found herself smiling wider than ever. A strange feeling grew in her stomach, something she only felt with Jude.

