A Mother's Love

Callie proudly hung up her apron at the end of her afternoon shift at the diner. She was exhausted and was about to go home and take a long nap when her phone rang.


"Hey." The brunette said into the phone, stifling a yawn.

"Hey, sweets. So, Mama and I just wanted to check in and see if you need anything from us. We're at the store and we wanted to check if you needed anything."

"Why? I don't live with you two."

Sadly. Stef thought, sighing into the phone.

"I already have everything I need. Fully stocked fridge, Jude has everything he needs for school. We're fine."


"We're fine." Ending the call, Callie pocketed her phone and shook her head. Why did Stef and Lena have to be so annoying?

But as she thought about it more, the brunette realized that this was how it felt to have overbearing and overprotective parents.

But they're not my parents. Callie told herself, they shouldn't care.

But still...the constant phone calls, the hugs, how worried they got? It was all too much for Callie. She found herself loving Stef and Lena much more every single day. Though every time she felt these feelings, the girl would shove them down deep inside and refuse to believe it.

Her phone rang, and she figured it was the Moms again. But instead, it was Jude. Quickly answering her phone, the boy began to stutter, "Wh-where are you? C-C-Callie school's o-o-out."

"I know baby, I know. I'm on my way right now."

"Hurry. P-p-please." He begged, causing Callie to quicken her car's speed as she turned the final block before parking in the front of the bus stop.

Quickly, he threw himself into his sister's arms, hugging her tight. The girl gently stroked his hair and squeezed him right back.

"I thought you had left me..."

"Never." She promised, kissing his forehead, "I would never abandon you, Jude."

The boy nodded and reached down for Callie's hand, the two skipping over to their crappy apartment.

Back at the Adams Foster house, Stef was pacing the floor. No matter how much confidence she had in the brunette, she could never stop being worried.

"I just...I'm always so worried about her!" The police officer announced, "I know she's going to be fine, I do. But still...I can't help but want her home. To come back to our home. I miss my daughter." The blonde paused then turned to her wife, "Am I crazy? I'm crazy, aren't I?"

"No, no honey absolutely not. It's normal for a Mother to feel like that towards her daughter."

Brandon tripped over the last step as he descended down the stairs, "Who? Mariana?" His eyes quickly filled with panic, "Where is she? Is she alright?"

"Honey, Mariana is fine. We're talking about your other sister."

"Oh, you're adopting another girl? Who?" He sat down at the kitchen table and took a bite out of an apple lying nearby.

"We're not adopting anybody. We're talking about Callie." Lena said, crossing her arms.

"That girl? She's not my sister, and she's not your daughter either." He announced, rolling his eyes, "She better not be coming back into this house."

"No, she's not, but..."

"Good." Brandon sighed, sounding relieved, "Because that's the last thing I need."

"B, what is your problem with Cal anyway?" Stef asked.

"Well, let's start off with the fact that she was in juvie."

"For defending her younger brother." Lena said.

"...got kicked out of her house."

"By unfit foster parents." Stef said.

"...You took her off the streets."

"She needed the help." Lena said.

"But you didn't bother to consult me?" Brandon shouted, "Sh-She took my guitar, she nearly broke this house trying to get back to her stupid brother!"

"Okay, well not everything needs to be runned by you, B." Stef shouted, "This was a now or never situation!"

"Well, I wish you'd chosen never." He said before walking past the two Moms and clomping up the stairs.

"What are we going to do with him?" Lena muttered to her wife.

Both women jumped when Stef's phone rang. Seeing Callie's name, the blonde quickly hit answer, "Hi baby, what's wrong?"

"This is Jude."

"Oh...well, hello Jude. How are you doin'?"

"There's something wrong with Callie!"

Panicking, Stef switched on the speaker so both she and her wife could hear.

"What's wrong, Jude?"

"Well..." The boy choked on his own words, the blonde prompting him to continue. He nodded into the phone, "She passed out." He announced.

"Passed out?" Lena asked in shock.

"Yeah...she was in the middle of cooking us dinner when she fell down. I don't know what's wrong, but this morning I did notice that she seemed super tired. She had bags under her eyes and everything."

"Did you call 911?" Stef asked, voice shaking.

"Well, you are 911." He pointed out, "Is she going to be alright?"

"Yes, honey, of course." Lena assured, "Stef and I'll be right over."

Piling into the squad car, the police officer found herself going a little bit faster than the speed limit. But she didn't care that she was breaking the law, all Stef cared about was her daughter.

"Stef." Lena soothed, placing a hand atop the blonde's, which rested on the clutch. The police officer managed a small smile, her wife's touch calming her down the slightest bit.

"She'll be alright." The vice principal said, "She's a strong girl."

"I know, I know." Stef agreed.

The Moms sped along the road, finally coming to a stop in front of the brunette's apartment building. The police officer and her wife quickly piled out of the car and ran to the room number Jude had sent.

And as they did, they found themselves staring at a very frightening sight. Callie was laying on the kitchen floor, just as Jude had said. The poor boy was standing over her protectively, crying into her hair. Worried, Stef dialed 911, requesting an ambulance.

Kneeling down, the police officer took a spot next to the knocked-out girl. She gently stroked the girl's hair and pulled her onto her lap, kissing her forehead.

"Is she going to be alright?" Jude squeaked.

"Yes, sweetie. Callie's quite the fighter, isn't she?"

He nodded and scooted closer to his older sister, wrapping her in a hug.

The ambulance arrived not much longer than that. They loaded her into the back on a stretcher, Jude and the Moms piling in with her.

According to the doctor, the brunette had passed out due to a combination of sleep deprivation and dehydration. He suggested that the Moms should take her home with them, as he didn't think that it wouldn't be the best idea to leave her alone with a child.

They had of course, agreed and taken the girl home. You could just imagine Callie's fright when she awoke in Stef and Lena's bed, snuggled next to Jude. The brunette could hear shouting in the hallway (most likely regarding Jude and her). Head throbbing, she turned to the side and noticed a glass of water on the nightstand. Reaching out, she took a couple of sips before placing the glass back down. Licking her lips, Callie came to realize just how dry her lips had gotten.

"Drink it all, love."

Callie jumped at the sound of Stef's voice. Nodding slowly, she reached over to grab the glass and drank what was left. Satisfied, the police officer entered the room and snuggled under the covers next to the brunette.

"You scared the shit out of your brother and I, you know that?"

"What happened?"

"You weren't sleeping enough or drinking enough water. You passed out, love."

The brunette frowned, "Well, I'm sorry Stef."

"You oughtta be. So, while you are staying here you must—"

The rest of the police officer's speech went in one ear then out the other.

Staying here? But why would she do that?

"I... I don't understand. I should be at home."

"Sweets, you are home." Stef said, kissing the girl on the forehead.

Home? Callie thought.

"This isn't home." She argued.

Although, it sure felt like it.
