Promises in Relationships

Mariana stood at the top of the stairs, mouth open as she listened to Brandan and her Moms argue. Her brother was saying some shitty things about Callie, who was sitting down in the Latina's bedroom.

Shaking her head at the conversation downstairs, Mariana walked into her bedroom and collapsed onto her own bed. The Latina was surprised when her head didn't end up on her pillow and looked up to see she had landed on Callie's lap.

"Sorry." She mumbled, quickly rising, "I wasn't—"

"No, it's alright. I'll get up." She slid out of bed and made her way to the door.

"Don't go." Mariana ordered, not wanting Callie to hear the conversation that was probably still going on downstairs.

"What?" The brunette asked, sounding surprised.

Mariana patted the empty space next to her, "Come sit with me."

"Me?" She raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

The Latina nodded and patted the seat again, smiling as she watched the brunette climb in next to her.

"So." Mariana said, turning on her side and smiling at Callie, "What's your story?"

"Not a happy one." She admitted, "But I bet yours is all sunshine and rainbows, right?"

"My Birth Mom put me and my brother up for adoption 'cause she's a drug addict." Mariana admitted in a I-don't-give-a-crap kind of way.

"Seriously?" Callie asked, sounding shocked.

The Latina nodded, "But we're not talking about me we're talking about you. Tell me how you got into all this deep shit."

"I'm a Foster kid." She admitted, ", I actually got kicked out of a foster house when they announced they were going to adopt my brother without me. Which is, uh pretty messed up. I didn't want to go back into the system again, especially without him, so I ended up on the streets."

"How long?"

"Uh, about a year I think."

"Wow. Christmastime must be a bitch though, right?"

Callie laughed, "You have no idea." She smiled at the Latina, a rush of warmness filling her heart as she stared at the girl. A feeling she quickly shoved down. Getting up, Callie went for the door again which for whatever reason, made Mariana sad.

"Um, I'm gonna go downstairs and grab a snack. Want anything?"

The Latina shook her head and watched the girl walk away, completely forgetting about what had just been going on downstairs.

Grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge (she was actually more thirsty than hungry) the brunette turned around and jumped at the sight of Stef and Lena, who she'd had not noticed until now.

"Hey, sweets." Stef greeted with a smile, "What'chya up to?"

"I was thirsty." Callie answered, showing them the bottle of water. The Moms both nodded and frowned at the girl who was so clearly hurt.

"Hey, Cal?" The blonde said.


"Everything is going to be fine. We'll figure this out. You'll get your brother back, okay? Just think positive."

"Yeah, like that's my thing." The brunette responded with a roll of her eyes, "G'nyte." She went upstairs to change and grab a pillow, the came back down to crash on the couch. Stef and Lena were still talking when she fell asleep on the sofa.

"I can't even imagine how she must be feeling. What a horrible and cruel thing to do, separating them like that." Lena said, shaking her head, "And those people. How could they not feel an inch of remorse? We have to figure this out Stef, we have to do something."

"I know love, I know. I'm doing everything I can, believe me."

"But what if we can't get them back together? What would happen then, Stef? And Callie...would she end up on the streets again?"

"We will get them back together. No matter what." Stef promised, walking over and draping a blanket over the poor, worried girl.

"We'll get Jude back, however the hell long it'll take. This girl just can't suffer through anymore shit in her life."

"We can't keep her here forever, Stef." Lena said, "She isn't under our Foster license. I don't even know if this is allowed. She could be yanked out of our house any second and we won't be able to save her. If this is going to be fixed, it needs to be now or never."

The blonde woman licked her lips, knowing her wife was right. She knew that this needed to be fixed now or never.

That poor girl. The cop thought, if only we could keep her longer.

She looked up at the dark-haired woman, "Alright. I'll call someone to help get that damn restraining order expunged first thing tomorrow. I'm going to get that kid out of that house if it kills me."

Placing her hands on her hips, she walked over to the couch and draped a blanket over Callie.

"Why the hell does the world have to be like this?" Stef asked, "Why can't everyone just care about one another for once? It's utter bullshit."

"I don't know love, I don't know."

A/N: Sorry! I had a lot going on today, though I swore to myself I'd update day to day. Hopefully y'all still like it. Make sure to review, love you guys!

