Chapter 4

Picture of Julia's outfit ☝

Xavier's pov

"Hurry up or i'll leave without you" I informed Julia. She was taking too long today. Women! I don't know why she even uses make up. I mean she's beautiful already. "Just a minute" she yelled from the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom looking as beautiful as ever. "You look beautiful love" I complemented her as I pecked her lips. "Thank you, now let's get going" she said and we left.

I texted Zane the name and address of the restaurant; so we will probably find her there.I can't wait to see her.  "Babe, what is the name of the man we meeting?" My wife asked. What the hell? Why would she seriously think Zane is a man! "She's a miss" I said annoyed. "Oh" she said.  I rolled my eyes as I focused on the road.

At the restaurant

"It's been ten minutes already, why isn't she here" Julia said getting annoyed. She's really pissing me off with her whining. "Maybe she's stuck in traffic" I said trying to come up with an excuse to shut her up. Two minutes later, the goddess walked in and she looked breathtaking.  I was swept away by her beauty. Her red dress which screamed danger and sexiness hugged her body perfectly. Her make-up was simple which attracted me to her even more.

"Good afternoon" she greeted. She looked so disappointed seeing Julia. I wanted to comfort her, wrap my arms around her and tell her everything will be okay. Julia made it worse. "Nice to meet you, i'm Mrs Knights" she extended her hand plastering a fake smile, I know she was pretending. She's the possessive type. Zane froze in her seat. I understand why. Not many people know that i'm married. Only my ex-PA that I fired today. My marriage is not a secret, I just like to keep my personal life private. We've been married for two years now.

For two hours we were listening to Julia talking about the latest fashion trends, gossip, etc. Zane looked awfully bored. She kept stealing glances at me and so was I. I mean I can't keep my eyes of her. Zane and I never uttered a single word to each other.

Zane's pov

I got home and went straight to bed after an awful evening.  I feel so stupid right now,here was I thinking that he's interested in me. But nope I got a reality check today, he's a married man, he's off limits. His wife is beautiful, I don't blame him for marrying her.  My phone vibrated under my pillow.

You took my breath away tonight

The text shocked me. I didn't expect it from him. And how did he get my number? But that doesn't matter right, the fact that he texted me lit up my mood.

He's a married man

My subconscious reminded me. Am I stupid for falling for a married man? What would you do if you were in my shoes?






