Chapter 1

Zane's pov

Today is the day, 15 August 2017 . The day my heart broke into pieces. Here am I , in a peach gown like all the other bride maids with peach stilettos. My dress is different that the others, it has a v-neckline. Its a long lace dress whilst the other bridesmaids' is short. I'm different because i'm the maid of honour for my best friend Lily McKenzie. I've known her since preschool. She's getting married to my first love, the love of my life. Or that's what I thought he is. London Draco! The man who broke my heart into pieces. He shattered me.

"Come on girls it's time" Mr McKenzie, Lily's father ushered us out the dressing room.

We all rushed out of the dressing room and went to the church where the wedding is taking place. The music started and the guests stood up. The bride walked down the aisle with her father. London looked handsome as always. He smiled when he saw Lily. I admit, Lily looked gorgeous in her wedding gown. She looked like a princess she is. Her father spoiled her rotten as she was his only daughter. Everything was blur, timepassed. The only thing I heard was the  pastor saying

I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr and Mrs Draco. You may kiss the bride.

My heart shattered once again. Tears pooled in my eyes and I quickly wipped them with the back of my hand. As the best friend I had to congratulate them. "Congratulations Lily and London. I wish you a long and happy marriage." Ofcourse the last line was a lie. The wedding reception took place and soon it was time for the married couple to go to their honeymoon in Bora Bora. And so they went.

Throughout the wedding I tried to remain strong. Tears were threatening to spill out. London and I had dated for four years. It was on our fourth year anniversary, his brother William had tipped me off that London bought a ring and was planning to propose that night. I was so excited. He didn't call nor text that day, so in the evening i got dressed in a fancy gown and went to out favourite restaurant thinking that maybe he's planning to surprise me. So I went, went I got inside it was dark. A couple pushed behind me in the entrance and got inside.

"Are you ready" the man asked. That voice sounded familiar.

"Yes" the woman giggled. That giggle sounded familiar

Then suddenly the lights were on. Everything became crystal clear

London was on his knees in front of Lily. They didn't see me as I was standing at the corner, in shock of the scene in front of me

"My beautiful lily, would you do me the honor of being my wife?

"Yes" she smiled in happiness. London slid the the to the finger and picked her up in a bridal style and they kissed. My heart broke into million pieces. How could they do this to me? I let out a sob startling them and dashed outside, I ran and ran until my legs gave up. They betrayed me!

I left the reception and headed home."How was the wedding?" Rosetta for short Rose my house keeper asked. "It was fine rose, i'm going to bed goodnight" I said. "I'm sorry signorita" she said softly. "Goodnight Rosetta" I said harshly and left. I cried myself to sleep hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

Hello my readers. I hope my first chapter was interesting. This is my second book in wattpad. Feel free to comment about the book. I hope you enjoy.




