Chapter 2

Zane's pov

Two months later

"Mam your meeting starts in two minutes, please make your way to the boardroom" my assistant informed me

It's been two months since I saw London and Lily. Good riddance though. I've been thinking off breaking of my friendship with Lily, she's just not worth my time anymore. I mean what kind of friend cheats with her best friends boyfriend behind her friend's back. The worst part is she's not even ashamed of it,  she rubs it in my face every time she gets a chance to. 

I got into the board room and the men were had already seated down, waiting for me. "Mr Clark, Mr Knights" I greeted them with a hand shake and took my sit. Throughout the meeting I didn't pay attention because I was busy checking out Mr knights and damn does he look good. He is the perfect definition of a Greek God. He is perfectly built, you can see he is a gym person judging by his guns. His smile does things to my body. "Miss Kings" Mr Clark called. "I'm sorry, yes" I responded with embarrassment all over my face. "I said I decided to sell 50 percent of my shares to you and the other 50 percent to Mr knights, is that fine with you?" He asked. "Yes it is Mr Clark" I agreed. "Miss Kings, not paying attention is very unprofessional of you" Mr knights scolded me. Ouch, that really hurts. "Well congratulations to the both of you, you both are now owners of Paradise Hotel" Mr Clark said as he stood up shaking Mr knights and my hand. "Pleasure doing business with you" Mr knights and I said in unison. Mr Clark left. Now it was just me and Mr knights in an awkward silence. "Xavier" he said as he held out his hand to me. "Huh?" I asked confused. "My name is Xavier Knights but you can call me Xavier since we will be doing business together" he said as he kissed my hand. I blushed. "Zane Kings" I said. "Well would you like to have a drink with me tomorrow night to celebrate our partnership?" He asked with a smile. "I would love to" I said shyly like a school girl. My goodness Zane get ahold of yourself. "See you tomorrow miss kings" he said as he left.

Xavier's POV

I got to my office and started doing paperwork. My phone rang, it was Julia. "Hey honey" she said sounding happy. "Hello darling, missed me?" I asked. "More than you know it, are you coming home early tonight?" She asked. "Yes I am, why" I replied. "I cooked your favourite meal and whilst I was shopping I got you a little something" she giggled. "Oh really? Is it something I can rip off tonight" I asked with a huge smile. "Maybe, come home and find out" she laughed and hanged up the phone. I smiled to myself but my mind drifted off to Zane, something about her just ignites a fire inside me. I don't know why I asked her for drinks,but i'm really excited for tomorrow.





