
Howdy! This story here is just a big 'ol headcanon I decided to make of Tommy, since he's my comfort character, I decided to put this in first person POV. 

Of course, when the POVs change between Thomas and Y/N, i'll let y'all know.

I don't really know where this story may go, but hopefully you all enjoy it.

Also, this story is based off of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning (2006).

I'll probably be editing this a lot, since school is out and I don't have much to do, it's been a really boring summer, and it's only two weeks in, so this story is most likely to have a lot of chapters.

I'll try to upload frequently and keep y'all updated.

I won't be using any of that "eye color" or "hair color" stuff in this story either, since this is for many people to read, that obviously have different hair colors and eye colors, etc.

I am terribly sorry for making this a FEM!reader story, to all of the men out there, it'd be really stressful to try and keep up between the two sides, and the people with the pronouns that do not include She/her/hers, my apologizes for that also, hopefully once this one is done, i'll have some more time to make a few small headcanons for everyone everywhere to read!

That's all ya need to hear for now! I'll make sure to keep y'all updated!

Anyways . . .
