(Chapter 6) Oh Now Can't She Stay For a While?


Holy shit. Why the hell did I did that...- it felt- so wrong- but so right- Jesus Christ...that was the most awkward moment ever.  I knew I had to see him again tomorrow, he'd either show up at my house or i'd show up at his, well, sneak in really.   Whoever the fuck that Monty guy is, he's a real dick.  I decided sleep on this whole situation, to try and forget about it.   I went over to the couch and watched TV, trying to fall asleep.  Everything got blurry, as I soon fell asleep.

Leatherface's POV:

I ran inside, so excited to tell Momma what happened, my first ever actual kiss from the girl I pretty much just got to know- well, I guess people to that as a good-bye, but at least she kissed me-!   "Whoa Tommy! What's got you so happy hm?"  Momma asked as she saw me run inside, smiling.   I ''explained'' to her that Y/N kissed me.   She gasped.  "Well ain't that sweet!"  She laughed.  "Y'all ain't talking about that bitch again are ya?"  Monty asks from the living room. I walk towards him in anger, Momma grabs my arm.  "Now you don't worry 'bout it Monty."   I look down at Momma, trying to get her to let me go.  "And she ain't no bitch. You'd like 'er once you got to know 'er."  "Yeah, ok.  She doesn't need to stay in my damn house!"   "Now Monty she ain't hurtin' a thing, Tommy loves 'er! You already know she'd never do anything to us, or tell anyone 'bout us, she lives alone, doesn't know a single damn person here."   Momma explained.   Monty sat there for a while.

"I'll tell you what. You bring 'er here tomorrow, and we'll all have a talk, I keep the gun with me the whole time she's in here, deal?"  Monty offered.  "No guns Monty."  "Who knows what the hell that bitch-"  I get free of Momma's grip, and make my way over to Monty.  "Tommy!!"  Momma shouted, running after me.   There I stood, in front of him, in complete anger.  "Alright! No guns! She comes here, and I swear to god if she makes one small fucking wrong move, Tommy actually has to have the balls to kill this fucker."   "Y'know what, fine with me, Monty."   I look at Momma like she's crazy, she walks back to the kitchen.   I sigh, I was exhausted from today, I gotta get up early too, gotta go get Y/N.  I decided to go to bed, thinking of her.


I heard something breathing above me, as I woke up in shock, Thomas was standing there, with that goofy smile across his face, I laugh a bit, despite the fact that I was still tired, it was early as hell.  The door was wide open, I assumed he still didn't know better.    "The hell you doing here so early ya goof?"  I ask, yawning.  He walks in front of me and holds out his hand.  "Monty there?"  I ask, he nods.  "Thomas...you know damn well I-"  He grabs me by the arm, and drags me out the door, to his house.  "TOMMY!"  I shout, as I tried to get loose, but his grip was too strong.

We soon arrived, and walked inside, there sat Monty.  "Ohhh shit- i'm fucking screwed- Thomas what the fuck is wrong with you-"  He sat down, motioning  me to sit beside him.  I did.  Awkwardly.  Monty sat right in front of us, with Hoyt in one chair, and Momma in the other.  It was awkward as hell being here, I was shocked that Monty didn't have a gun with him.   "So."  Monty finally said something.  I look up at him quickly.  "Tell me, you don't know a single person here in this town besides us?"  He asks.  "Uh, yeah. Just y'all. I mean i've seen a few bikers-"   "Hoyt bring me my motherfucking gun."   Thomas stands up quickly.  "Monty no! Let her finish."  Momma pleaded.  "Fine, go on."  Thomas sat back down.  "Uh...i've never really talked to the bikers- oh! And I know this kid named- Jedidiah- I think- but- uh yeah."   "So Y/N, you do realize that if anyone knows about us, we're all fucking dead, right?"  "Oh! Well- yeah- but how would anyone know?"   He stared at me seriously.   "WHAT-!?"  I shout.  "You think i'd go and tell some random ass person that, ''oh theres fucking murders across the road, make sure you get that one real hot motherfucker that i'm totally not obsessed with or anything''?"  I ask.

Thomas's face goes red from embarrassment.    Monty smirked, then nodded.  "You got lucky. Now, Momma, where the hell she gonna stay here?"  He asked.  Momma looked at Tommy.   "Ohhh, I understand now, Tommy's got a crush on that  Y/N girl now don't he?"  Thomas gets up and walks into another room.   I bursted out laughing.  Momma snickered a bit.   "Y/N you better go get 'em."  Momma smiled.   I nodded and got up to find Thomas. 

I walked through the house, still couldn't find him.  "Dammit boy where'd ya go?"  I ask.  I walk pass that same old creepy basement, the door was half open.  "Jesus Christ...why in there..?"  I sigh, and walk down the stairs.  "Thomas where the living hell are you."  I kept my eyes shut the whole way down, until I tripped and fell on the last four steps.   "SHIT-"  ''THUD!''  I hit the ground, well, now I was covered in blood and water- well, I hope it's water.   "OH HELL NO-"  I get up and try to get all of the blood off of me that I could.  I soon came to accept it, I had to get used to this.  If I was staying here then I would have to get used to all of the blood and gore...

Thomas soon appeared in front of me.  "Finally, almost killed myself goin' down them damn stairs."  I laughed.  He looked worried.  "But of course- i'm alright."   He sighs and hugs me.  This man is obsessed with physical attention from me- mental too.  It made me feel great inside though.  I smiled and hugged him back.   "I'm glad I get to stay here with ya, my big goof."  I laughed.


Word count: 1067
