(Chapter 5) No Time, She Has To Choose.


I have no clue what I was thinking, I had no clue where I was, nor, where to go, I just knew I was pissed off. 
"This was such a stupid idea..." I sighed to myself.  I soon ended up near this old barn looking thing, along with a windmill.  "Well, it's the only place I can stay."  I accept the fact that I truly was lost, I just had to find food, more importantly, water.  I walked inside the barn, when I heard a loud ''CRASH!''  I examined the barn in terror, what the hell was that thing!?   "Who's there!?"  I shout.  No answer.  "Whoever you are..-"  I remember that I had my pocket knife thing whole time.   "Show yourself, and nobody gets hurt."  I demand whoever that was to show up.

Soon, a small boy appears from the dark.  "The hell? What are you doing out here kid?"  I ask.   "Makin' stuff."  He answered.   Weird.   "Alright- uh- what's ya name kid?"  I ask.   "Jedidiah. You?"    "Y/N, listen Jedidiah,,, I need somewhere to stay, I got lost, I was uh...well,"   "Running from Tommy."  He answered, avoiding eye contact.  I stand in confusion.  "How the hell do you know-"     "I saw you in his room."   "The fuck- were you spying on me, you little physco!?"   "No."   "THEN HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW I WAS IN HIS ROOM!?"   "I came to see who you were. He never keeps people in the house without killing them."   "He don't, does he?"   He was gonna kill me, I knew I couldn't trust him.    Jedidiah nodded.    "I fucking knew it...he's insane."    "Did he try to kill you?"   "Guess so. I ran from that Monty guy, because he was trying to fucking kill me too, and hid in this old building, until Thomas came looking  for me, with his damn chainsaw!!"   "You can hide here."   He offers.   "Huh? Aren't you related to him?"   "He won't know you're here, i'll tell him you're not if he comes looking."  

I was finally half-way asleep in that barn, Jedidiah was already sleeping, but for some reason, I couldn't.  Thomas could find me at any moment, and kill me.  Hopefully Jedidiah will hear him before he comes near me, I needed sleep, I felt exhausted.   I thought of some positive things, then fell asleep.   I woke up, still half asleep, to that cold feeling on my skin, although, it was on my hands and legs this time.   "No....no..no..-! Shit!"  I wake up completely, laying in a fucking bath tub.   "DAMMIT JEDIDIAH!"  I shout in anger.  "I'm dead, i'm fucking dead, well that's great. Note to self, never trust anyone related to this crazy son of a bitch."   I was in that same old basement again, no one in there.   Of course, I tried getting loose again, but that done nothing.

Momma came walking down the stairs,  I still somewhat trusted her.  "Hey Y/N!"  She smiled nicely as she walked over to me, and unhooked the cuffs, now I knew I could actually trust one person here, Momma was really nice, since, no one else was really there for me before.    "Where the hell is he?"  I ask in panic, as I get out of that dirty old thing.   "Up in his room, he hasn't came out since he brung you back here."   "Which was...how long ago?"    "Bout yesterday, it's 7 in the evenin'.     "Damn, i've been asleep that long?"   "Mhm."   "Why is he doing this...?"   "What do you mean?"   "He literally pretty much fucking locked me in his basement, cuffed to chains! In a fucking bath tub- covered in blood!!"  "Why he didn't want you goin' anywhere, he knows you're upset with him, that's why he's in his room, he's trying to find a way to apoligize to you."   I thought for a while, confused.

"But- the whole chainsaw thing!"   I shout.   "He brings that thing everywhere for protection, he didn't want anyone trying to attack him, well, especially you."    "I- what- but- he was going to kill me if he found me!"   "Lord, no, he'd know if it were you."    I felt awful, I got pissed at him for no reason at all.   "Oh my god..I feel terrible- I have to go try to reason with him- Momma i'm so sorry-"   I run upstairs.  "It's alright hun!!"  She shouts in the distance.  I run to his room, and knock on the door, praying he'd forgive me. 

"Tommy? You in there?"  I ask, trying to sound as nice as I could.  I push on the door a bit on accident, as it opens a bit, but there was no response ''I can't just walk in- can I...?''    I wonder.    I pushed on the door a bit more, to see if he was in there.  He was.  He was sitting at a desk, in silence, looking down.   I sigh, as I walk in, slowly.  "Hey, uh, Thomas, look, i'm..really sorry about what ha-"   I get distracted, as I soon feel him hugging me, tightly, it was sweet, although, I couldn't breathe.  "Tommy- I- don't wanna ruin the moment- but- you're kind of killing me- it's not like i'm goin' anywhere-"  He loosens up a bit.    "Thanks Tom."  I hug him back.

Leatherface's POV:

I was so glad Y/N was back, well, kind of forcefully, i'll admit, the whole chain thing was too  far, but I had to get my world back, one way, or another, just without her getting hurt- wait-...   I stopped hugging her, and grabbed her arms, checking them.   "What're you doing?"  She asked.   I tried to explain how I was checking for any cuts if I hurt her.   She looked at me, with that one certain look in her eyes, that one certain look that said everything is going to be alright.  I sigh, and stand in front of her.  We locked eyes for the longest of time.

"Oh c'mere ya big goof."  She laughed and hugged me again, the only bad thing about it is that her arms never actually fit around me, which, made me feel pretty...well, I guess the word is unattractive, from what Uncle Hoyt taught me.  Apparently, she knew, I honestly have no clue how though, that's something else that's speical about her, she always know how I feel or what i'm trying to say, if she ain't mad.  "Thomas- you gotta be kiddin' me.  There ain't no way you could hate how your body is.  Hell, I don't even notice that about people.   It's how they really are inside, plus, it's just more of ya to love."   She explained, keeping that look on her face, smiling.      

A while later, I took her out to the fields again, to enjoy the sunset.   Y/N laid in the grass, I couldn't stop staring...i'd never seen anyone as beautiful as her, well, Momma's pretty too, she's always been.    I laid beside her, as we watched the clouds slowly turn into bright pink and orange colors.   I looked down, her hand was right there.  I could go for the move, but, i've never held a girls hand.  Besides Momma's when I was young, but this, this is a girl that, I guess the word is like.  Momma used to tell me that when you like somebody, you have a crush.  I looked back at her, then at her hand again.  I sighed, and slowly went to hold it, until she did it first.  I heard her laugh, she knew I was going to all along.    "I swear, you're the shyest man i've ever met, you'd think someone who looked like-"  She stopped talking for some reason.   "I'm sorry Tommy- I didn't mean it, well, I meant it like,  someone so big and strong, they'd never know you're so sweet and shy."  I sighed, not in a upset way, but relieved.  I got closer to her, as she smiled. 

We watched as the sun set, and the stars appear.   "Tonight has been a true dream Tommy...thanks."  She sighed.   "It's so peaceful out here...especially away from Monty-"  I looked at her,  worried, as she sat up.   "That's why I can't stay with you..."   I looked down.   She put her hand on my shoulder.  "We'll still see each other, I can sneak in somehow."  She laughed.  "We'd hang out in your room or out here, away from Monty.  You can come see me anytime, ok Tommy?"   I nodded.  "Well, i'd better get home."  She got up, and so did I, I was gonna walk her home.  I grabbed her hand again.  "Yeah-? Oh. You wanna- walk me home?"  She asked, I nodded.  "Alright, thanks Tommy, it'll be a peaceful walk."  We began walking again, through the fields, then the woods, until I got to her house.  "Here we are.  Thanks again Tommy. I've had a great time."  She smiled sweetly, as always.  "Well, you have a good night now, if you need me, you know where I am."  I nodded, about to walk away.  "Oh, and uh, Tommy!"  I turn around, facing her again.  She kissed me on the side of the face.  "Bye now."  She smiled as she walked back into her house.

I stood there, at the edge of her porch, in shock.  Was this actually- my first kiss-..?  I HAVE TO TELL MOMMA!


Word count:  1573
