Chapter 29

Chapter 29

October 21st 

The next week, Nicole found that she had settled in nicely to her second semester of university. It was just like how it was last semester, but a little different. The lecturers knew that the students now had a fair idea of what university was like and how things were run. They knew how assignments had to be submitted and what was being asked of them. Nicole was glad of that.

Nicole walked herself onto the campus and headed to the lecture theatre that she was meant to be in. And outside of the building she was meant to be in was Riley.



This wasn't going to be very fun, but Nicole still did really like Riley and she wanted to be with him.

So she made her way over.

"Hey, babe," said Riley.

"Hello," replied Nicole.

"I'm just waiting for my lecture to start."

"I'm waiting for mine as well."

Riley smiled at Nicole, "so we both have lectures in the same building this semester. Now how am I supposed to concentrate?"

Nicole laughed, "you'll find a way."

Riley laughed as well, "I hope so."

Nicole then looked at the cigarette Riley was smoking, "enjoying that?"

"Yes. No. Sort of. I don't know," replied Riley.

"Then stop it. What are you stressed about this time?"

"Nothing, I guess."

Nicole raised an eyebrow.

"I said I'd stop after this deck."


"How's that going for you?"

"I brought a new one."


"I was at the pub with a couple of guys from class."


"So, it's kind of place where you are encouraged to smoke. You know, sit and drink outside. People smoke. Then you want one. So you do."

"I wouldn't want one."

"I know."

"How's the new job going?" asked Nicole.

"Better than I expected," replied Riley.

"Isn't that good?"

Riley nodded.

"What's going to happen when you finish classes this year?" asked Nicole.

"Get a job. I don't want to be a teacher's aide for the rest of my life," replied Riley.

"Maybe the school will offer you a job."

"I hope so."

Nicole hoped so. And then maybe Riley wouldn't have been stressed any more.

"Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" asked Riley.

"Sure," replied Nicole, "that sounds good."

"Great. I'll pick you up, then."

"I'll see you then."

Nicole smiled as she and Riley went their separate ways. Even though she didn't like the habit he had picked up, she still liked him very much and he was the best. Now she was excited for tonight.
