Chapter 21

Chapter 21

June 3rd

Adam thought that it was time to treat himself. He had just completed his first exam and, to his surprise, he was quite pleased with his answers. Maybe this course was the right course for him and he shouldn't have worried too much about failing at the beginning of the year.

Adam knew that if all of his exams went this well, he would pass his first semester of his course and he knew that he would do well for the remaining two years.

It was just after lunch and Adam was glad that his exam was over. He had also just had something to eat because all that work made him starving. But that wasn't a good enough treat, Adam decided.

He deserved a little some more than some fatty fast food.

He wanted something to keep.

As Adam was walking through the main street of Yongeborough, he passed a tattoo parlour. Adam lifted up the sleeve of his arm and looked at it.

His forearm.

It looked a little bare and it could have used a little ink.

Adam was now satisfied. He had been doing research on tattoos he could get and they were becoming something that he really liked. He wasn't one of those people who would cover themselves in tattoos, but he did think that two or three didn't hurt. Even Nathan had helped him with some research and encouraged Adam to get another tattoo.

And Nathan was an expert.

He had already got his fair share of tattoos, more than simply one or two, and Adam thought it was great. Nathan must have really liked tattoos.

Adam thought about his research and he knew that perfect thing that he would get; he would get his name in Egyptian hieroglyphs on his forearm. That would spruce up his arm a bit, he decided.

But then there was the issue of money.

Adam looked in his wallet and pulled out his credit card.

What was the point of having his own bank account if he couldn't use it?

He had used some money from it before and his parents didn't mind, so he would use some money from it again. Surely a tattoo on his arm wouldn't cost too much and it wasn't like his parents couldn't afford it.

There was also the issue of Tasha.

What would she think?

She had grown fond of the tattoo Adam already had, but Adam didn't know. Would she like this one? He hoped that she did.

And lastly, there was the issue of his family. Adam remembered when his family found out about his first tattoo; the eye of Horus on his back. His father hit the roof when he found out, but Adam did say that his parents said he could get a tattoo when he was old enough. He used that argument on his parents and they soon got used to the fact that he had a tattoo.

And, anyway, Adam was an adult.

He had a car.

He could make his own decision on whether or not to get a tattoo.

He was an adult.

This was an adult decision.

His parents would just have to live with it.

Then it was settled, Adam decided. He raced to the bank and got out some money before he went back to the tattoo parlour, eager to see what his arm would look like. And he hoped that Tasha would like it. Adam had a feeling that she would because she was the best girlfriend ever.


When Adam exited the tattoo parlour, he examined his newly inked up arm. He liked the look of his name in hieroglyphs. His name spelt in hieroglyphs was a vulture (A), a hand (D), another vulture (A) and, finally, an owl (M). the two vultures, hand and owl spelt out his name nice, Adam decided, and the tattoo looked very good.

Now Adam found himself wondering how he was going to tell Tasha. He could have sent her a picture on his phone and say, 'hey! Look what I got!' But then Adam thought that it would be a little rude considering he had just made a big decision that he wouldn't be able to hide for very long.

Then a thought popped into Adam's head. Tasha would be getting the same train as him. Like Adam's exam, Tasha's went for two hours, but she started an hour earlier than Adam's did. If he hurried, Adam decided that he could get the same train as Tasha and he could show her his new tattoo.

Adam looked at the time.

If he ran, he could make it.

So he started running.

Adam found that he was out of breath when he stepped onto the train, but it was worth it. Adam scanned the seats for Tasha and it wasn't long before he saw her familiar blonde hair. Adam walked up the aisle and sat next to Tasha after he gave her a kiss.

"Hey," she said with a smile, "how did your exam go?"

"Yeah, I think I did well. How did yours go?" replied Adam, looking at his arm that was discovered by his jumper.

At least it was winter.

In his head, he was debating about what he was going to say to Tasha.

"Okay," said Tasha, "but I couldn't stop thinking of Amy."

"Why?" replied Adam.

Adam said nothing.

He was still trying to think of what to say.

"Adam?" asked Tasha, "what's wrong with you? Why aren't you answering me?"

"So, day dreaming. So, why couldn't you stop thinking of her?"

"Because of this baby. That's the only thing that she ever talks about now."

"Maybe because she is excited."

"I know, but I don't want to hear about it all the time."

"Have you told her?"


"Maybe you should."

And maybe it was time for Tasha to see the tattoo.

"Hey," said Adam, "look, there is something I want to show you."

"What is it?" asked Tasha, hoping that it wasn't something bad.

Adam looked at his arm and then he pulled up his jumper sleeve, revealing his new tattoo.

Tasha looked at Adam's arm.

She touched it.

She looked at it.

"You got a tattoo?" she said.

Adam nodded.

Tasha said nothing.

"You don't like it?" Adam stressed, "I knew you wouldn't like it. I knew you would be mad."

Tasha smiled at Adam, "no, no, I am not mad. You didn't have this last time I saw you."

Adam laughed, "it just got it today, after my exam."

"Obviously," Tasha replied, remembering the plastic that covered the new fresh tattoo.

"So, what do you think of it?" asked Adam.

"I like it," replied Tasha, "what is it supposed to be?"

"It is my name in hieroglyphs."


Adam smiled.

"But I do have one concern," said Tasha.

"What?" asked Adam.

"You are not going to be the type of person to get themselves covered in tattoos, are you? Surely two are enough."

"I am not going to do that. I don't know if or when I will get any more, though."

"What do you think Isabella is going to say?"

Adam remembered when Nicole and Isabella found out about his first tattoo. Nicole was okay with it, but Isabella made it clear that she didn't like it because it was an obnoxious fashion statement.

"I know this is going to sound harsh, but she needs to grow up. She can't hate me just because I have a tattoo on my arm. I am still the same person, but I just have a tattoo," said Adam.

This came out of nowhere and Adam didn't want to be harsh, but it had to be said. He didn't know if he would ever say something like that to Isabella, but it seemed that Tasha agreed and he was glad of that. It was Adam's choice to get a tattoo and Isabella didn't need to voice her opinions. If she didn't like it, she didn't have to, but she didn't have to make it clear how much she hated it.

"You have two tattoos now," said Tasha.

"Yeah, two," replied Adam.

"So, what made you get it?"

"I was so proud of myself for the exam and I felt that I needed an award. I had been doing my research and spoke to Zac, and today was just the perfect opportunity to get a tattoo. Are you sure you like it?"

"Yes, I like it. It looks good."


"So, when are you going to tell Nicole and Isabella?"

"This again?"

Adam remembered last year that he tried to keep his first tattoo a secret, and Tasha kept bugging him about telling the girls and his family. Adam eventually gave in and he told the girls and his family, and he didn't want Tasha to pester him again. But, anyway, Adam thought, it wasn't going to be easy to hide this tattoo, so he would have to come out with it sooner rather than later.

"Yes," said Tasha.

"Well, I will tell my family when I get home," replied Adam, "do you want to come with me?"

Tasha nodded, "of course."


It wasn't long before Tasha and Adam's train pulled into the train station and they headed for the car. When they were settled in the car, they made their way to Adam's house, Adam wondering what he was going to say to his family. He decided, once he stopped the car outside of his house, he could come out with it.

Wasn't honesty the best policy?

That was what his parents always told him.

Adam took Tasha's hand with the hand attached to his newly tattooed arm and, together, they walked into Adam's house. Adam was ready to tell his parents. He wasn't going to be rude; he was going to be first but fair. That was reasonable, in his opinion.

Adam and Tasha walked into the kitchen where his parents were, and Adam was ready to tell them.

"Mum, dad," he said, "I have something to show you and I don't want you to get mad at me. It was my choice."

Adam's parents clearly wondered where this conversation was headed.

Adam then pulled up his sleeve and showed his parents his arm.

To his surprise, they didn't glare at him.

They didn't even frown.

They just nodded their heads and got back to work.

"That's it? That is all you are going to say?" asked Adam, very confused right now.

"Yes, sweetie, that is all we are going to say. We are not going to get into another fight, especially in front of Tasha," replied Mrs Little.

"Right, so, when Tasha goes, will you yell at me?"

"No, it was your choice. You are an adult and we are not going to treat you like a child anymore," said Mr Little.

When that conversation over, Adam looked at Tasha, "well, that's that, then."

Tasha smiled and nodded, "I guess it is."

"You can stay for a little while if you like. I am not in the mood to study after I have just had an exam."

"Yeah, I don't feel like studying either."

That wasn't surprising.

It was time for a well-deserved break.

"So, do we still not know what is going on with Stan?" asked Tasha.

Adam hadn't really thought about his brother ever since his university work started to get harder and tougher, "no," he replied.

"You don't want to know?"

"I do, but I have focused on other stuff right now."

"Well, has his mood improved, anyway?"

"Yeah, it actually has. And he told us that he now has a girlfriend."


"Yes. So, I just think he was nervous about having a girlfriend. And he was even more nervous about telling us."

"That is so sweet."

Adam laughed, "I'm just glad he's not mad anymore. I mean, I was nervous about telling my mum and dad about you and me starting dating, but I didn't overreact like that."

"Yeah, I don't really understand why he had to do that," replied Tasha.

"Oh, well, it's over now."

"And I just hope it never happens again."

"I know."

"Unless he goes through a break up," said Tasha.

Adam raised a hand to silence his girlfriend, "don't even go there," he replied, "I don't want to think about how bad that is going to be."

Tasha nodded, "completely understandable."


That afternoon, Tasha didn't want to leave Adam's house, but she had to.

Mr Wilson was expecting her home.

He said that Amy wanted Tasha to be home, but Tasha knew that he really didn't want to be home alone.

Tasha didn't mind, anyway.

She had gotten used to be home alone with him and at least he wasn't acting like her father.

Well, not as much, anyway.

Adam and Tasha had just made themselves comfortable on Adam's bed. Adam sat cross legged on the bed with his arms out behind him, and Tasha was seated on his lap, leaning her back on his chest.

Tasha didn't want to leave.

But she had to.

Tasha then sat up, still sitting on Adam, and she turned her head to look at him, "I should probably go," she said.

"Go? It's not late yet," replied Adam, looking at the time.

"It is. It's nearly dinner time."

"You can always stay for dinner."

"No, I can't. Mr Wilson is expecting me home."

Tasha would have taken up Adam's offer in a heartbeat, but seeing as Amy was at university for her exams, Tasha didn't feel right about leaving Mr Wilson home alone.

"Don't you mean Ian?" Adam teased.

"Yeah, Ian," replied Tasha, "I still don't feel right about calling him by his first name. how would you feel if he was your brother-in-law?"

"I wouldn't feel the same as you, and he is not my brother-in-law."

"I was being sarcastic."

Adam laughed, "I know, and I was being sarcastic as well," he said.

"Well, I really should get going now," replied Tasha.

"Okay, but first," said Adam, "when is your next exam?"

"This Friday. You?"

"What a coinkidink; mine is on Friday as well."

"Yeah, but what time?"

"One. You?"

"Nine. In the morning. But Mr Wilson is driving me. We could get the same train home if I wait for you, though."

"Will you wait for me?" replied Adam.

Tasha smiled and nodded, "I suppose I can make that sacrifice just this once and just for you."

Adam knew there was a reason why he loved his girlfriend, "great," he replied.

"Okay, then, I will talk to you later."

"Yeah, okay, bye."

Tasha kissed her boyfriend and then she headed for the door after giving Bas a big cuddle. Tasha then turned around and gave the cat to Adam before she headed to the door again. Adam took his cat and Tasha smiled. He loved his cat as much as he loved his girlfriend.

"Hey, Tash," said Adam.

Tasha turned around to look at Adam, "what?"

"I love you."

Tasha smiled, "I love you too."


Before long, Adam heard the front door close and he knew that Tasha was gone.

He wanted her back.

He wanted her to stay tonight, but he wouldn't make her do it.

Bas would just have to keep him company for now, not that he needed. She had settled herself on his lap, purring contentedly as Adam stroked her fur.

"So, Adam," said Stan, "show us your arm."

Adam couldn't believe how grown up Stan was now. Stan was now fifteen and he was in year nine. He had now started spending time with girls and he had gotten himself a girlfriend. Tasha may have thought it was sweet, but Adam could now see that his little brother wasn't so little anymore. He was even slightly taller than Adam now.

"My arm?" Adam smiled.

Adam liked it how he and his brother were getting along better than ever now. He could actually now have adult, brotherly conversations with Stan.

Stan nodded.

Adam started to lift up his sleeve. He didn't mind that Stan knew, but he was not expecting Stan to even know right now.

"Cool," said Stan, leaning in to attempt to touch the tattoo.

Adam swiftly pulled his arm away, trying not to disturb Bas as he did, "so, cool," he replied, "I thought you would hate it, just like you hated the one on my back."

Stan smiled, "I think I have grown up a lot since then. I didn't mean to get so angry and I can't remember why I did."

"I am glad you like it," replied Adam, "and is it because you have been spending time with girls? How is your girlfriend?"


"Good? That's all?"

"What else do I say?"

"How about how much you love her."

"I don't know if we are at that stage yet."

"So, you don't love her?"

"I don't know," said Stan, "but I do know that I really, really like her."

"Really, really sounds like love," Adam teased.

"No, like-like means love."


Adam and Stan laughed.

This was good.

"So, about your angry moods," said Adam.

"What about them?" replied Stan.

"Well, are they all gone?"

Stan nodded his head, "I was just nervous," he replied, "I didn't know what to do when a girl liked me."

"Well, I am glad it's all worked out now. I missed my little brother."

"Thanks, Adam."

"Any time."

Adam smiled.

It felt so good to have his little brother back.
