Chapter 14

Chapter 14

May 5th

Nicole was glad that her father had seemed to give Riley a break, but the strange part was whenever Riley was over, Mr Walker would watch him like a hawk. That was why Nicole finally decided she would not bring Riley over to her place for a while.

On the weekend, Riley had asked Nicole out on another date. Nicole knew that she should have been home studying, but she was willing to make an exception because she wanted to see Riley.

As Nicole and Riley were walking hand in hand around the shopping centre, Nicole could not stop noticing the dirty looks that they were receiving. Nicole had been going out with Riley for a while now, but they were still getting dirty looks, and it was making her feel very uncomfortable.

It wasn't fair.

Nicole just wanted to enjoy her dates with her boyfriend and she didn't want to feel uncomfortable and worried about being judged.

"Don't worry about them, babe," said Riley as he wrapped his arm around Nicole's shoulder, "they are probably just jealous."

Nicole just looked at Riley. She wanted to laugh but she couldn't because she wasn't in the laughing mood, and jokes were not going to make her laugh.

"I am not worry," Riley continued.

"I know. How do you do that?" replied Nicole.

"What do you mean?"

"You make it look so easy. Aren't they making you feel uncomfortable."

"Yes, they are making me uncomfortable, but I try not to show it."


"Just by thinking about you and how much I am liking spending time with my beautiful girlfriend," said Riley.

Nicole smiled, knowing that she was blushing.

"So, try not to worry about it."

"I'll try."

"What do you want to do now?"

"I don't know. I am happy with window shopping for now," said Nicole.

"With all these girls looking at us?" replied Riley.

"I need to learn to deal with it."

"Good. Don't let them bother you."

"Practice makes perfect."

"Exactly right, babe."


May 6th

The next week, Tasha brought herself some lunch from the café that was on her university campus and then she made her way to the front of the campus to wait for Adam. He was coming to meet Sebastian, Emily and Emma today because his classes had finished early. Tasha really wanted him to meet her friends and this was a really good opportunity that popped up at the perfect time.

Adam said that he would get there around lunch time and after looking at the time on her phone, Tasha decided that he had one minute. But Tasha smiled when she heard running footsteps that belonged to Adam. When he arrived, he gave her a kiss on the lips before playfully taking a bite from her lunch. Tasha pretended that she was angry with him for doing that, but she wasn't; she thought it was funny. And Adam just smiled cheekily at his girlfriend.

"So, where is everyone?" asked Adam.

"The roof top garden," replied Tasha.

"You have a roof top garden here?"

"Yes, we do? Jealous?"


Tasha just laughed, "come on. I'll show it to you."

Adam nodded, "do you hang out up there a lot?"

Tasha nodded as well, "when the weather is nice. It gets really cold up there, though."

"Yeah, it would."

Tasha then took Adam's hand and then she led him up to the roof top garden. Adam said that he was getting lost, so Tasha told him to just keeping holding onto her hand and then she wouldn't have to find him if he got lost. He just laughed, but he wasn't complaining about holding his girlfriend's hand.

Adam and Tasha then got in a lift and made their way six floors up. That didn't take as long as they thought it would and when they arrived, Tasha led Adam out to the roof top garden. He was really liking what he was seeing and Tasha knew that he was so jealous right now. She couldn't help but laugh at him.

When she was done with that, Tasha looked around for her friends. She soon saw them enjoying the sun, sitting around a table as they sipped on coffee. She and Adam made their way over, and Tasha soon made the introductions.

"Hey, guys," she greeted her friends, "I have brought someone over to meet you."

Tasha's friends looked at Adam.

"This is Adam, my boyfriend," said Tasha.

Sebastian offered his hand for Adam to shake, "Tasha has told us so much about you."

"All lies, I am sure," replied Adam.

Everyone laughed.

"These coffees are great," said Sebastian, "you two have to try one."

"I'm fine with my lunch," replied Tasha before she looked at Adam, "but you can have one if you want."

Adam nodded. He had been getting into coffee lately so he quickly went to get himself one.

"He seems great, Tasha," said Emma, "thanks for bringing him."

"That's okay. I wasn't even planning to bring him but his classes got cancelled," replied Tasha.

"Well, that was lucky for us, then."

Tasha laughed, "yeah, it was."

It didn't take long for Adam to return with his coffee and he sat down next to Sebastian. The two guys then started talking about guy stuff which wasn't surprising, and now Tasha knew she was right when they would have a lot in common. They started talking about tattoos and Sebastian started telling Adam about his plan of the big sleeve he was planning on getting. He had the first part of the design worked out that was going to start on his lower arm; a tiger. Adam couldn't stop saying how cool that would look.

"Hey, Tasha," said Sebastian, "want to come watch me get it?"

"Not really," replied Tasha.

"Why not?"

"Not interested."

Sebastian faked being upset, "you hurt me, Tasha. You know that, right?"

Tasha laughed, "it's what I live for."

"What if Adam and I get matching couple tattoos?"

Tasha laughed again, "you guys have a bromance now, do you?"

"Yes, we do. As soon as we locked eyes I knew Adam was my bro."

Tasha then looked at Adam, "don't turn gay on me now."

Adam laughed, "can't promise anything," he joked, "I may have found a new man crush."

Now Sebastian burst into laughter, causing everyone on the roof top to look at the group.

"Is he always like this?" asked Adam.

"Worse," replied Emily, "much worse. You haven't seen the half of it."

"I am sure I haven't."

"But, you'll be hanging out with us more often now, won't you?" said Sebastian as he looked at Adam.

"As long as you let me choose the couple tattoos," Adam joked.

Sebastian laughed and nodded in agreement, "that I can do."

"Then you can expect to see me more often."

"Glad to hear it."

Tasha smiled, wondering why she had to worry about this in the beginning. As soon as she met Sebastian, she thought that Adam would accuse her of cheating. But she was completely wrong. Adam and Sebastian were getting along like a house on fire, and Tasha couldn't have asked for more right now.


"You sure have a loud group of friends," said a voice behind Tasha.

Tasha jumped. She thought she was alone on the roof top garden. She had stayed for a while longer after her friends and Adam had deserted her. She liked the peace and quiet up here. Even though a lot of people liked to spend time up in the garden, it was quiet and peaceful and a great place for some alone time if a person wanted it.

"Oh, I am sorry," replied Tasha, "I hope we didn't bother you or anything."

The man, yes, a man, he was about Mr Wilson's age, sat down, "don't worry about it."

Tasha shifted uncomfortably, "um, can I help you?" she asked.

"It's okay," replied the man, "I just wanted to come and introduce myself."

Tasha was scared.

This guy was a rapist.

He was coming to murder her.

She didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry," said the man, "I haven't come here to kill you. I am a friend of your sister's husband."

"You know Mr Wilson?"

The man laughed, "well, I know him as Ian. I guess you still see him as your teacher?"

Tasha nodded.

The man laughed again, "anyway, I am David. I am studying my masters in teaching."

"Oh, really?"


"Mr Wilson didn't go on to do his masters."

David laughed, "no, he wanted to get out into the working world. He was sick of studying."

"He's such a workaholic, though."

"He is, but he likes doing, not sitting and listening how things are done."

"You can say that again."

"Anyway," said David, "I'll leave you to it. Sorry for scaring you."

"That's okay, you know what girls are like," replied Tasha.

"I definitely do," said David as he stood up, "see you later."

"Bye. It was nice to meet you."

"You too."

David then left and Tasha now couldn't wait to tell Mr Wilson she had met one of his friends. It was going to be so funny. She would make up a big extravagant story about what happened and it was going to be great.
