Germany x Canada

Waking up to the faint smell of pancakes and maple syrup made Ludwig know his love was safe. Walking down the stairs to hear the soft humming of a French song. Arriving at the kitchen to lean against the corner of a wall, watching a short and smaller male with wheat blonde hair that curled just an inch beneath his ears, a stubborn curl that stuck out and taunted you to pull it to reveal its actions. Pale creamy unblemished skin that he craved to kiss and mark, the feminine features and body. Ludwig would walk over to the boy and wrap his muscular arms around the other's small waist, chuckling at the small squeak he would get as a result. It was like this almost every morning. It was their routine.

"Luddy! You know not to distract me when I'm cooking!" Matthew scolded the taller nation, grabbing the spatula to bat away the large hands trailing down to his hips. Ludwig playfully rolled his eyes and leaned down to press a kiss against the Canadian's cheek, admiring the rosy colored blush that invaded the paleness.

"Ich liebe dich" Ludwig whispered lovingly, getting a bright smile from the younger nation.

"Je'taime" Matthew whispered back, turning off the oven and spinning around to meet his lover. He stood on his tippie toes but Ludwig still had to lean down. Both captured each other's lips, Ludwig biting the pink plump bottom lip of Matthew's and Matthew moaning quietly against pale thin lips.  Ludwig lifted the oversized shirt that Matthew wore and smirked, groping the round ass that he loved. The Canadian moaned louder, his blush darkening as he realized what he just did.

"Ugh gross!" Another accented voice shrieked, making the couple jump away from each other. Matthew pulled Ludwig's shirt down and his whole face was red, making Spain's tomatoes jealous.

"G-gilbert! Good morning, would you like some p-pancakes?" Canada greeted the Prussian, moving aside to show the large stack of pancakes and three bottles of freshly made maple syrup. The other occupant in the the room forgot all about what he witnessed amd quickly put 10 pancakes on a plate and grabbed a bottle of maple syrup, running off to the living room wirh a devious smirk and giggle. Matthew groaned and followed the ex nation, scolding him. Ludwig smiled and watched from the entrance of the kitchen, chuckling as Matthew tried dragging Gilbert off the couch.


"Gilbert! You're going to make a mess everywhere, again! And did you just call me 'mom'?" Matthew spoke, his voice barely going up an tone. Ludwig grabbed a pancake and began to eat, watching as Matthew stormed in with an adorable pout.

"You need to do something with your brother" Matthew whined, grabbing two plates with 5 pancakes on each and a bottle of maple syrup.

"I know I know. Let's just eat and get ready so we can spend some time together, hm?" Ludwig says, sitting next to his boyfriend. Matthew smiled softly and nodded.

Gilbert left an hour ago and the couple couldn't have been more happier. Ludwig sat on their bed reading a book while Matthew walked into the room after putting away the leftovers from lunch. He got on the bed and crawled towards Ludwig, only for the German to grab him by his hips and bring him to his lap. Giggling, Matthew tried escaping the other's grasp but failed. He continued to laugh, embracing the warm aura that seemed to glow off Ludwig.

The older nation soon realized how small and cute Matthew was like in his arms.

"So small" he thought, a blush spreading across his face. He unknowingly began to tickle the other, rubbing his hands up and down the small Canadian's sides.

"Hahaha! Luddy, let go!" Matthew managed to giggle out, looking up at his lover. Ludwig leaned down and captured Matthew's lips, pushing the boy into a laying postion on the bed. Wheat blonde curly hair splayed against the bed gracefully and the sun's beam through the window casted a lovely light, making Matthew's hair seem to be a hue darker. The closer Ludwig looked, the better he saw the light freckles. Closing his eyes once again, he pulled away from reddened lips and trailed down the crook of Matthew's neck and to his shoulder, spreading love bites all over light pink skin. He loved making Matthew blush, the way it went from his ears to below his shoulders. How the smaller arched his back and moaned when Ludwig sucked to hard on his soft spot. It drove both men mad.

"Gott, you're so beautiful, liebe" Ludwig growled, removing his shirt amd trousers. Matthew blushed and began to remove his own clothing, sliding off his shorts slowly to tease the older male. It worked since Ludwig laid down, pulling Matthew down with him. The younger sat on the Germans waist, grinding their members against each other. Matthew let out a moan, holding onto Ludwig's shoulders, digging his nails into the fair flesh. Ludwig tugged at Matthew's underwear, who complied and removed them quickly. Matthew began to take off Ludwig's boxers, taking his time and leaning down. The Canadian took in half the member and began to lick and suck it. Ludwig moaned and threw his head back, feeling like he was going to release early. He held back though, watching as Matthew somewhat expertly sucked him off, looking into those pretty eyes that looked back at him through those long dark lashes. He groaned and released, cursing in German about how beautiful his little Canada is. Matthew grinned and kissed Ludwig's neck, gasping as he felt something poke at his entrance.

"How are you hard already, Luddy?" Matthew cooed, leaning down. Ludwig kissed him passionately but they quickly screamed when the door was slammed open.

"Mon petit Matt- oh..." Francis stared at the couple, who stared right back at him. The three were in shock but Ludwig recovered quickly and threw a blanket over them.

"Papa!" Matthew exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Yes?" Both Francis and Ludwig replied. Matthew slapped his boyfriend on the chest gently and glared at Francis.

"Get out get out get out!" He yelled, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his father. France chuckled and leaned against the doorway.

"Hon hon hon, mon Matthieu! It's alright to show papa anything! But I came up here because Gilbert and I wanted something to eat, more specific, your pancakes" Francis explained, a blush spreading across his face. Matthew cried out and quickly put on a pair of boxers that were on the edge of the bed. He threw on Ludwig's army jacket and quickly zipped and butoned it up. He ran down the stairs, sending a kitten like glare to his father before trudging out. Ludwig watched Matthew leave and held back a groan, distracted at how hot the smaller male looked with his jacket on. A cough broke him out his trance and he stared up at France, who was glaring at him. He gulped. He thought talking to England and America was bad. Gosh, he was talking to the father figure of his boyfriend.

"Now, let's set some rules, oui?"

"Oh scheiße.."
