Finland x Canada

Canada knew he was most likely going to be late for thr meetin and was running down the grand halls with pictures of ex presdients and military heroes. America does know how to gradually impress everyone, if they bothered to acknowledge them. But it was less than Canada's worries now as he made his way to the room where the meeting was being held at.

Canada looked at the double doors and could hear England and France's yells. He also heard the obnoxious laughter that belonged to his older brother. He hesitated to open the door, womdering if he should even attend the meeting. He's on time but no one is going to notice him. Like always. Canada sighed and placed his hand on the door knob, but was startled away when a hand was put on his shoulder. Yelping and turning around, he realized it was just Finland.

"O-oh! Hey Finland, sorry if I was blocking your way an-" Canada immediately shut his mouth, blushing in embarrassment. Finlamd shrugged and gave him a grin.

"Its fine, Canada. I was about to ask you if you santed to grab a coffee with me" Finland says with a shrug, forcing a poker face and trying not to blush or smile like a creep. Canada looked surprise at the invitation and recognition. But he smiled brightly and nodded, the meeting erased from his worries as he followed the slightly taller country.  The two walked to a small cafe, laughing and talking like they were long time friends. Finland had to admit, he loved Canada's cute litrle laugh and the way his eyes brighten from his dullness and depression. And Canada loved how Finland would shrug and seem to get lost whenever he talked about something he desired.

"You know, I kinda wish that I conquered you or knew you for a long time. Someone as beautiful as you should never be ignored" Finland spoke, all playfulness gone and he looked downright serious and sincere. Canada blushed and looked down at the table, his eyes stinging at the new feeling.

"T-thank you" he stuttered adorably, looking up at Finland and giving him a bright smilie. Finland smiled back and grabbed for Canada's hand, intertwining their fingers together. Both nations were blushing furiously, ignoring eveything that seemed to go on in the world. What was important was Finland and Canada. Their faces inches apart, until Finland took the brave move and captured the plump soft lips. Canada gasped into the kiss, but it felt nice and so gentle. He liked Finland. So he did the next big move and kissed back.

After a heated monent, Finland pulled away, his hands cupping Canada's face gently, caressing the soft pale sdkin. Canada leaned into the touch, until a hand seperated the two. Both looked up to see a woman and their bill. Canada patted his pockets and frowned, panic overtaking his relaxed state.

"I forgot my wallet!" He cried out, but watched as Finland paid the bill and smile at him. The younger suddenly felt bad for spending his new friend's money but will pay him back immediately.

"Im sorry" Canada whispered, embarrassed with himself. Finland chuckled and stood up, pulling up Canada as well. The slightly older nation wrapped an arm around the younger and they walked out the cafe.

"No need to apologize baby, I like to do things for you" Finland spoke, leaning down to place pecks on Canada's rosy colored cheek.

"Does this means we're together?" Canada asked, tilting his head up to look at his lover. Finland playfully looked to think about it but nodded, chuckling at his boyfriend's expression.

"Yes my love, we're together" Finland said. Canada smiled and leaned against the older, noticing that they were walking to the hotels they'll be staying at.

Canada felt lived and appreciated and happy. He knew he needed someone to just care about him, someone he could care for without being ignored.

"I trust you will my heart, Finland"
