England and Canada

Warnings: Child Abuse/Neglection, England is off hand after America leaves
A/N- Please don't read if it'll make you uncomfortable or trigger you. I'm kinda in a dark place and just needed to let it out somehow.
Warnings start at the beginning
*Pretend 'she's' are 'he's'

Concrete Angel

Matthew Williams always thought about how he wanted to be noticed. The love his older brother, Alfred, received from their father figure. But Alfred left, but promised to come back to him.

'Alfred packed his bags, stuffing clothes  and important items into the three bags he owned. Matthew watched with wide watery eyes but refused to let the dam break.

"Alfie...why are you leaving Mr. England and I? Do you still love us?" Matthew asked quietly, lip quivering as he looked down. Alfred stopped and looked at his little brother and frowned. He quuckly made his way over to the edge of Mattie's bed, where the small colony sat, and knelt down so they can look eye to eye.

"I love you, Mattie. It's just...I need to be the hero for my people. Iggy is just throwing some fit, but I'll be coming back for you, okay? I need to you to try hiding if Iggy gets silly after drinking his grown up drink, alright?" Matthew nodded his head obediently as his brother explained the situation. Smiling softly, Alfred stood up and kissed the colony on the head, ruffling the boys strawberry locks and left the room. When he heard the door slam shut, Matthew began to cry silently, going over to Alfred's bed and cuddling with the toy bunny the older left for him. He thought of how long he would have to wait for his brother. Though...his brother never came'

Matthew stood still, focusing on the clicks of Arthur's boots as the older nation paced around him. He heard the man mumbling nonsense to himself but Matthew understood how his caretaker was feeling. Arthur, after the Revolutionary War, Was devasted. He drank and kept to himself. But he began to yell at Matthew. Not calling him Alfred or something along those lines. No, he yelled at Matthew.

"You look just like him. A filthy disgrace" Arthur scowled, stopping in front of the small Canadian.  The boy kept his gaze down, knowing all to well what happens if he looked at his father figure. The abuse began an decade after Alfred won his independence. Before the physical abuse, it was mostly calling Matthew names or starving the boy. But now a new war has awoken. This war would soon be known as the War of 1812.

"ANSWER ME!" Matthew flinched and looked up in fear, only for an hand to connect with his pale tear stained cheek, a loud 'SLAP' sound echoing the small house. Hands suddenly gripped his shoulders in the usual tight bruising grip amd Matthew was immediately pushed up against a wall before he can fully be aware of what was happening. This was fearfully new. Usually Arthur would pish him on the floor and kick and punch and whip him.


"SHIT THE BLOODY HELL UP YOU BRAT!" Arthur roared, scarimg the boy to silence. Removing his belt in what seemed to be in a flash, Arthur grabbed a fistful of Matthew's hair and made the boy knedl down, back facing him. Gulping, Matthew couldn't even prepare himself for the next action. Arthur brought his belt down, the metal part hitting Matthew's covered skin harshly, getting a flinch out of the boy. This continued on for around 30 minutes, Matthew's shirt now shredded and blood escaping his new cuts. Tears kept streaming dowm the boy's cheeks as he was kicked to the ground, yelping as his busted up back connected with the cold floor.

"A-ah" Matthew whimpered, watching with frightened and watery lilac purple eyes as Arthur began to undress the both of them. Whenever the man would breathe against him, Matthew would smell the rum that tainted the man's breath and made a face, trying not to gag at the awful and strong smell.

"Why can't you ever be useful? Just a simple mistake. No one loves you. Not me, not Alfred. Not France" Matthew couldn't help but cry as his inncoent and naive 12 year old mind began to process what was being said to him. Why couldn't he just be useful. Worthy. Noticed properly. Before he can apologize, Arthur slammed into the boy's tight entrance, no prep. Matthew, breaking all the rules he was told, screamed as pain shot up through his spine and fire seemed to light up his lower half. He tried pushing Arthur away, but the man was simply to strong and big for him. He just wanted to die right htere.

"She walks to school with the lunch 
She packed
Nobody knows what she's
Holdin' back"

Alfred and Francis weren't dumb. Well, maybe they were, but that was war wise. Smiling, Francis realized how strong his little Matthew was becoming, defending his own city. But he frowned when he remebered how ruined and in ashes the city was. Alfred held the most guilt but he couldn't help but think of that night.

'Alfred crept along the trees, watching as Matthew seemed to cry and yell as he clenched onto his hair tightly and fell to his knees. The older twin felt bad for causing his baby brother so much pain and quietly walked over to him. Looking up, Matthew flinched and began to crawl away backwards, scarmbling to get back up. Confused and concerned, Alfred tried calming down his brother, who looked like a scared wild animal.

"Mattie? Mattie! Bro, what's wrong?" Alfred lay hid hands on Matthew's shoulder but the boy just simply began to wail and fight, thrashing against the soft hold of his brother. But he didnt, couldnt, realize the difference. The pain has already been scarred. He heard his soldiers shouting and soon began to retreat. Looking down at his still sobbing brother, Alfred pressed a kiss on Matthew's head and quickly retreated'

Wearin' the same dress
She wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with linen
And lace

(Oh oh)"

Matthew looked up at the ceiling, no more tears to cry and just letting Arthur violate his body. He tried hating Arthur, he really did. But he simply just couldn't. Feeling the man's thrust get sloppy before he released into Matthew once again, the colony watched with half lidded eyes as Arthur dressrd the both of them. The nation grabbed him by his upper arm and threw him out of the office they resided in. Wincing, Matthew stood on wobbly legs and limped to his room.

"The teacher wonders but she
Doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain
Behind the mask"

Matthew grabbed a cloth and wet it, making sure it was damp before cleaning the blood from his wounds. Alone, cold, beaten. The dam finally broke. The sobs he held back escaped as he cried for Alfred. For Francis. For someone to love him and care for him. He hated it so much. He finally wished he never existed.

"Bearing the burden
Of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was
Never born"

Growling, Arthur threw the cup of rum he was about to gulp down and stormed upstairs, knuckles clenched tight as he marched over to Matthew's shut door.

Hearing Arthur and his threats, Matthew's eyes widened but he quickly grabbed a wooden chair and places it under the doorknob, blocking anyone from opening or leaving.

"Open this bloody door right now, Matthew!" Arthur shouted, slamming his fists against the door, trying to break through.

"N-no! Leave m-me a-alone!" Matthew cried, hugging himself tightly.

"Please Matthew! I...I'm terribly sorry, poppet. I love you. I never met to hurt you. You know my drinking can go out of hand..." Matthew stared at the door, negative thoughts running through his mind, blocking out the yells that begged him to not open that door. To not run back to Arthur.

"Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel"

Alfred and Francis looked at the house, fidgeting or thinking of how to come up with an explanation. Surely Arthur would be glad to see Alfred. But Francis...he'll most likely throw steaming hot tea at the Frenchman. Knocking, Alfred raised a brow as the door opened slighlty. Concerned for the safety of his family, Alfred stormed in and looked around, noticing a broken cup and yells and cries from upstairs. Sharing a look, both nations ran to the direction, picking up their speed when they heard Matthew scream.

"Somebody cries in the middle 
Of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn
Out the lights

A fragile soul caught in the hands
Of fate
When morning comes
It'll be too late"

Reaching the doorway, Alfred stared in horror as Arthur held Matthew in a choking hold, the colony clearly going unconscious. Francis pushed the frozen American away and tackled Arthur, both men yelling curses at each other. Matthew gasped for breath, staring up at Alfred with years falling from his eyes.

"A-a...A-alfie" Matthew whispered. Alfred let out a cry and raced towards his brother, bringing him into a hug. Matthew cried against the comforting broad chest, taking in the lovely and familiar scent of his older brother. Franics, who knocked out Arthur, knelt down and brought both boys into a hug.

"Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel

A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot"

Matthew stood, smiling as Alfred remembered him on his birthday. Even if it a reminder that the American's birthday was in three days, it was another sentence that made him decide he wanted to keep living. He remembers the past clearly, but Alfred, Francis, and Arthur either forgot or pretending nothing happened. But he was fine. Broken, alone.

"Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel"

Somewhere in Ottawa, Canada, a tombstone would always have different types of flowers, notes, balloons, gifts on it or circled around it. Like a shield. The tombstone read:

Here Lies Matthew Williams
Brother, Child, Country
He will be dearly missed
To the forgotten
We shall move on

A/N- Did you enjoy it?
