

Over the next couple weeks, I really looked at Clay and Brent as really good friends. Even after having to tell Brent time and time again that I had a boyfriend, he still wouldn’t stop asking me out. I got so use to them tagging along when I took the kids out that it seemed weird if they didn’t go with me.

    "All I'm asking for is dinner and a movie," Brent said one day at the park while we had the kids at the park. I looked over to the skate park and saw Mikey with a couple of his friends and then I turned my attention back to the swings where Clay was pushing Hannah.

    "Brent, I'm not going to go out with you. You know I have a boyfriend."

    "Yeah, but it's a long distance. He'll never know," he smiled at me.

    "And we'll make it work."

    "That's what you think," he mumbled.

    "Brent, you're a great guy but there is something else factoring into the situation. I'm seventeen and your twenty-one. Even if I wasn't with Duncan, I wouldn't date someone that much older than me."

    "That much older? Are you calling me old? It's only four years," he started joking.

    "Brent," I smiled.


    "You are like my big brother," I said. Brent slapped his hand over his chest and gasped.

    "UGH! The evil sentence has been used. You're not like that with Clay."

    "I know. That's because he stays home with Caroline some of the time and you follow me around like a lost puppy. I bet I've seen you more since you've been home than your own family has." Brent thought about this for a minute, and then turned to me.

    "Woof," and then he licked my cheek.

    "Ew... Gross," I laughed, swiping at my cheek. Brent than sat at my feet with his tongue hanging out and panting. After sitting like that for a few more minutes, he started getting a sneaky look on his face. Getting back up and sitting beside me on the bench, he put an arm around me and smirked.

    "What's going on in that head of yours, Buchanan?"

    "I have it from good authority that dance team try-outs are in exactly two weeks,” he said. I looked up at him and he smiled back.

    "And?" I said.

    "I can make sure you and your sisters can get a spot."

    "That's cheating."

    "Aww, come on Claire. Their going to have sixteen spots and I can get you and your sisters in ," he smiled.

    "I don't even know if I'm going to try out but I know Cassie and Lacey will be excited about it," I said.

    "Claire, you have to try out."

    "How do you have connections?" I asked.

    "I can't tell you. If I do, I'd have to kill you," he smirked. I stayed quiet for a minute and then hatched a plan.

    "Brent. I'll make you a deal. If you tell me who your connections are, I'll try-out,” I told him.He thought about this for a minute and then came up with his own plan. He smiled as he thought about it.

    "Claire, I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you who my insider is if you go out with me. Not as a date, but as two friends who need a night out. If you don't have fun, I'll never ask you out again, if you do, I'll tell you my insider and I get to keep asking you out, no matter how many times you turn me down."

    "You're impossible."

    "It's my way or no way."

    "Then I guess I'll have to say ‘no’," I said making Brent's face fell.

    "Oh okay," he sighed. Felling guilty, I couldn’t help but go ahead and agree.

    "Brent, I'll go."

    "You will? That's great. We'll go this weekend. Friday or Saturday?" he asked.

    "Friday night is good. But I heard there is going to be a carnival in town. I'd rather go there instead of the movie. I haven't been to one for about three years."

    "That's fine. Why haven't you been to one since then?"

    "It was a thing that me and dad done. He would take me out the first night it was in, just by ourselves," I smiled.

    "Okay. But you do realize that at the carnival, you're going to have fun so I still get to ask you out?"

"I know," I said. "I think I would miss it because I'm so use to it now."

                               *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Before I knew it, Friday was here and I was getting ready. Brent, Clay and his date would arrive at my house in twenty minutes. As I started to pull my hair up, my sisters stepped into my room.

    "Hey Claire," Lacey said.

    "Hey guys. What's up?" I asked. The twins just looked at each other. I knew they wanted to say something but the other thought the other would do it.

    "We feel like you're cheating on Duncan," Cassie blurted out, suddenly. I smiled at my sisters.

    "Guys, I'm just going out with a friend. Brent and I are only that. I'm not the least bit interested in him."

    "Do you promise?" Lacey asked.

    "I promise. I still have a boyfriend and it's Duncan."

This seemed to please them and with that, they left me to finish getting ready. I decided to wear a yellow tank top and some faded blue jeans that were ripped at the knees. I slipped on my black and yellow plaid ballet flats just as the doorbell rang. I got downstairs at the same time mom opened the door.

Brent wore a pair of khaki short with a white and black plaid shirt with a black tank under. Clay was in a simple black tee and blue jeans and the petite blond at his side wore what had to be the lowest cut pink tank top and the shortest black miniskirt that had ever been made. Brent smile when he saw me, and Clay even nodded and grinned at me.

    "Hey beautiful," Brent said, hugging me.

    "Hey Brent. Clay," I said smiling at them.

    "Claire this is Jessica. Jess, this is Claire," Clay introduced us.

    "Nice to meet you," I said, smiling, offering my hand.

    "I'm sure," the girl sneered and turned to walk out the door, but stopped when she realized that no one was following her. I turned around and made a face at Brent.

    "Well, isn't she just a little ray of sunshine. And she does know that we're going to the carnival, right?" I whispered.

    "Yeah. Come on. Let's go," Brent smirked.

    "Hold on. Let me go say 'bye' to my mom," I said. Jessica mumbled something as I walked out but didn't quite catch it.

When we got to the carnival, I wanted to go straight to the bumper cars, so that’s where we went, much to Jessica’s dislike. If it had bee some kind of competition, I would have won but I just honestly loved seeing Jessica’s face every time I crashed into the car Clay shared with Jessica, Clay laughed the entire time on the bumper cars. By the time that we got off off the ride, everyone was ready to eat.

    “What can I get you, beautiful?” Brent asked.

    “I’ll get it,” I said.


    “Brent, this isn’t a date. I can pay for myself.”

    “Claire, just let someone do something nice for you.”

    “You bought my ticket.”

    “You will lose this argument, little girl, so you might as well just tell me what you want,” he huffed.

    “Claire, he’s right,” I heard Clay say behind me.

    “Fine. I’ll take nachos, extra cheese and hot peppers.”

While everyone stood at the concession stand, I went to grab an empty picnic table before they were all gone. When they got back, Brent sat down beside me and Clay right across from me. Brent handed me my nachos and I saw that he gotten two hot dogs with everything. Clay got a mushroom burger and when one of the mushrooms fell off, I quickly reached over, grabbed it and popped it in my mouth. I wasn’t surprised that the only thing Jessica had was water. Jessica kept sneering every time I ate a nacho. Finally I had enough of it and said something.

    "Do you have a problem with me or what?"

    "Whatever do you mean?" Jessica said, poison dripping on her words.

    "If you have something to say, say it," I said.

    "How can you eat that? It will add two pounds and you look like you could lose a few," Jessica laughed.

    "Jessica!" Clay shouted.

    "What?" she asked, innocently.

    "You know, I eat what I want. I may not be a stick like you, but I happen to like my curves. I can thank dancing for the reason why I can eat this today and not add any weight."

    "You're a dancer?" Jessica huffed.

    "I am. But there's no need to tell me what you are. A cheerleader. Queen Bee of the school and you're afraid you're going to lose that position when I start next month," I said.

    "As if," Jessica laughed. Just as I was about to retaliate, my phone started ringing. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face when I looked at the caller ID.

    “Excuse me,” I said, standing up and walking away. “Hey, I miss you.”

    “I miss you more, babe. What are you doing tonight?” Duncan asked.

    “Just hanging out at the carnival with a couple of friends and a witch.”

    “Okay, I don’t think I want to know,” he laughed. “So, how badly do you want to see me?”

    “Pretty bad. Why?”

    “I finally talked mom into letting me come up before school starts. Not sure when but it’ll be soon.”

    “Oh my go... That’s the absolute best news I’ve heard for a while,” I said, circling a building that i knew would lead me back to the table I just left.

    “I figured that would make you happy. I can’t wait to see you. Mom will be buying my plane ticket and arrangements for someone to drive me around.”

    “No, I’ll drive you. I have the Acadia now.”

    “Okay, I’ll let mom know. I can’t wait to see your face,” he said.

    “Same here,” I smiled. I was just at the corner and I could hear Jessica’s snide remarks and I knew she was saying something about me. The guys told her to shut up and then she called Clay baby which he wasn’t fond of.

    "Don't call me 'baby,'" Clay said, pulling his arm away from her, "and shut your mouth about Claire. You don't know anything about her and what she's been through."

    "Oh boo hoo. Time to get her big girl panties on and grow up," she said just before I walked back up, still on the phone.

    "Alright. Yeah, I can't wait to see you either. Love you to. Bye," I hung up smiling, almost giddy.

    "Good news?" Brent asked.

    "The best news I’ve gotten in a while. Duncan is coming up here sometime soon and I can't wait. Oh and Jessica dear, until you lose a parent, knowing that you'll never be able to say 'goodbye' to them again, don't judge me when I say 'goodbye' to my mother," I said, getting up, grabbing my nachos and walking away. Everyone sat there, shocked because no one had known that I was within listening distance.Brent got up and followed me. We were still in hearing distance when Clay made his move to leave.

    "That was really selfish of you. Her dad died a year ago. Do you know what it's like to lose a parent? No, you don't. I suggest you find another way home and I'll explain to your parents tomorrow at how rude you were with Claire," Clay said to Jessica, then walked in the direction that Brent and I had walked in.

Even though Jessica ruined the night, I wasn’t quite ready to go home yet. I told Brent to drive around for a little while and I would pay him gas money. After about thirty minutes, Clay suggested we go to a nearby lake. I agreed because I wanted to look at the stars.

When we got there, I stood in awe. It was the most absolute, breath-taking scene I had ever seen in my life. The stars were all out and along with the moon, you could see each reflection on the water. I walked closer to the edge of the water and sunk my toes into the wetness. I stood there and closed my eyes. I saw my dad as clear as day and he was splashing around in the water. When I heard him speak, it about unnerved me.

    “Come on, Claire bear. Daddy won’t let anything happen to you.”

I kept my eyes closed but the next image I saw was me, around three years old. We were in this lake and I wore a red bathing suit that was trimmed in white with white polka dots. I toddled to the water with ladybug arm floaties on and just as I reached the water, I squealed and ran back on the beach area. Dad came after me and reassured me that nothing would happen to me as long as he was by my side and after picking me up, we walked back into the water.

I dind’t realize I was crying until I felt two arms start tugging me out of the water. I just slumped against whoever it was and cried. I didn’t remember that and it was splitting me in half right now.  Why did I have to see that now and not while daddy was still alive.

    “Come on, Claire. It’s okay,” I heard either Clay or Brent say. Whoever held me for awhile longer and when I finally felt myself calm again, I was handed a cold bottle of soda. Brent handed me the pop so I knew I was still in Clay’s arms. At this time I realized that I was dripping wet.

    “You okay now, Claire?” Clay asked.

    “I think so. What happened?” I asked.

    “You were just like standing there with your eyes closed,” Brent started. “And something came over you and you started crying and before we knew it, you just dropped down like you had no bones in your body. Are you sure you’re okay?”

    “Had a flashback I didn’t know about.”

    “Your dad?” Clay asked.

    “Yeah,” I nodded, taking a drink of the cool liquid. “It was here actually, in this lake. I never knew that I spent anytime here other than visiting my grandparents on holidays.”

    “How old were you in it?” Brent asked.

    “About three.”

    “That’s why you don’t remember it,” Clay said. “It happened so long ago that you forgot about it.”

    “But being here made it come flooding back.”

    “Yeah,” Clay said.

    “Well, looks like I got you wet again, huh?”

    “That’s what she said,” Brent laughed.

    “Perv,” I laughed.

    “It’s nothing. I was just more concerned about you going face down in the water and drowning or something like that.”

    “Thanks again, Clay,” I smiled at him. I looked over at Brent and said, “I think I need to go home now.”

    “Okay, Legs. Let’s go,” he said, reaching his hands down to hoist me up.

    “Legs again?”

    “What? You have nice legs. I can’t help it.”

    “You’ll never grow up,” I laughed as we walked back to his car.

When we got to my house, Clay got out and opened the door for me and just before I walked away form him, he pulled me against his chest. He told me to remember that if I needed to talk to him, I knew where to find him. I squeezed him back and turned away. Brent walked me up to the door and when I was reaching to unlock the door, it was his turn to pull me against his chest. I effortlessly wrapped my arms around him.

    “I want you to know that as much as I cut up, I do have a serious side. When we saw you slink into the water, I about lost my breath. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I couldn’t imagine you not being in my life now. You and Clay are like my best friends.”

    “So, have you given up trying to ask me out?”

    “Never,” he smirked. “I’ll never take it seriously though. It’d be weird if you actually wanted to be my girlfriend.”

    “Not gonna happen.”

    “At least not with me,” he smiled and walked down the steps.

    “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

    “Goodnight, Legs,” he said and got in his car. With a final wave from both Brent and Clay, I unlocked the door and walked in.

I went straight to my room and pulled out some sweatpants and my dad’s shirt. After pulling out some clean underwear, I went to the bathroom for a warm shower. After drying off from the lake water, I felt sticky and slimy. It wasn’t necessarily the water but maybe it was part of my wall coming down.

When I was back in my room, I opened the bottle of dad’s cologne and sprayed a tiny bit right on the collar of the shirt. I climbed under my covers and pulled the edge of the shirt to my nose and fell asleep. I could smell him once agin. I could also see him and I once again felt his arms around me.


Not completely pleased with this chapter but I think it works... The next chapter will be in Clay's POV and it is this chapter from him.

I have been struck by the icky sickness again. This is unreal... This is the most I've gotten sick for awhile but it is still quite cold where I am. I CANNOT wait for warmer weather. I'm so sick of staying bundled up and cold. Tonight... I'm wrapped up in an orange and brown afghan looking like some old lady and sipping on blak cherry berry herbal tea.... mmmmm.....

Anyway... I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know how ya feel....
