

Today was the day of Hannah's awards ceremony and I was almost livid with Brent. When I woke up, he was already gone and he promised us that he would be there for Hannah. I didn't let on how upset I was until after the kids went to school and I did my morning cleaning. After everything was done, I grabbed my cell phone and pressed his number to call him.

"Yello," he answered after two rings.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Aw honey, I didn't realize that we had that kind of relationship."

"Brent Buchanan, this is no time to joke around."

"Claire, I'll still be there," he said.

"You could have at least told me where you were going before dawn this morning."

"Legs relax. I will be there. I would not stand Hannah up like that. After the ceremony, we're still going out to eat."


"Claire, just let me take care of some business. The thing doesn't start until two and it's only ten. I have four hours to be there."

"You better be there early."

"Yes ma'am," he said. "I'll be there at one forty five. Save me a seat."

"Goodbye," I huffed and ended the call.

After talking to him, I was still a little upset. I just wanted everyone there in support of Hannah who was slowly starting to come out of whatever shell she put herself in. I called to remind mom about it and she told me that she remembered and that she and the girls would all be there. I already knew that Barbie and Haylee would be there so I opted out of calling them.

When I was certain that everything in the house that needed done was done, I went upstairs to start getting myself ready. I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the framed picture of me and my dad together. Things has changed so much and after losing him, I never wanted to experience losing someone else I loved because of the military again. For so long, I imagined the worst about Clay's disappearance but I was still trying to stay positive that he was going to come home. I just wished he was already here so he could be here for Hannah today.

It was already one fifteen by time I walked out of the door to head to the school. I had hoped that I could leave a little bit earlier but time got away from me. I was lucky that I found a close parking spot and swung my car into it. I was following behind a couple of others that decided to show up a little earlier. I only hoped that there would be enough seating in one area for all of us to be together. When I walked into the gym, Hannah's teacher was already there and had told me that she saved enough seats for all of us in the second row, behind the students.

I was there for about ten minutes, when mom, the twins, Haylee and Barbie showed up. I was looking around for Brent but never saw him. I asked Haylee if they had seen or heard from him but she said that they haven't heard from him since yesterday. As the time ticked down and the closer it got for the ceremony to start, the more nervous I got because Brent and Mikey still had not shown up. When the kids were being ushered into the gym and told where to sit, Brent still had yet to show his face. With two minutes left, I heard a rustle beside me and looked over.

"I told you I'd make it," Brent smiled and Mikey moved on past me to sit beside Haylee and Barbie.

"Yeah, just in the nick of time," I said.

"Better late than never?"

"You said you'd be here fifteen minutes ago," I said, looking around and spotting Hannah. She saw us and smiled, waving at us.

"Technically, I said I'd be here thirteen minutes ago. I'm sorry Legs. I got caught up. Couldn't find a parking spot."

"Excuses. At least you're here now."

"Exactly," he said and we fell into silence as the principal, Mr. Franklin, started speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Mothers and fathers. Friends, relatives and students. Welcome to East Hartford Elementary Schools annual awards ceremony. This is to present our students with outstanding grades and exceeding participation. We have a few teachers who would like to say a few words before the ceremony and I'll give the mic over to one of our fifth grade teachers, Mr. Kilmer."

We sat there and listened to what the teachers had to say and there was a lot of talking going on. I remember my on parents sitting through these award ceremonies when I was Hannah's age and no that I as older, I found myself being more appreciative for it. I never realized ho boring it actually was but I wasn't going to complain because of Hannah.

After listening to most of the teachers make their speeches and whatnot, we had to listen to some more people speak about the importance of keeping the kids interested in school and helping them with everything. I looked around at the different parents and while I was actually trying to listen to everything, I noticed a lot of the other parents were playing on their phones or whatever. My attention was brought back to the front when the awards in each grade were getting ready to be passed out.

I clapped as each child received some award for some reason but I was just ready for Hannah's grade to start. We had already been there for about an hour and a half before the fourth grade even got called. We sat there for a little more and listened to this child doing outstanding with their spelling and this child not missing a single day of school and right when I thought they would announce Hannah's name for something, the principal stood up, tapped the teacher on her shoulder, whispered something in her ear and stepped in her place in front of the microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman, before we continue with our awards, I would like to make my on special announcement. We have many of our students family that are unable to be here today because they are fighting for our freedom overseas. I would like a moment of silence to remember those who have fought and who are still continuing to fight for us and who have not been able to see their families in months. To the soldiers who have fought and lost their lives overseas and to those who we patiently wait to return," he said and then he bowed his head and I watched as the children did the same in the front and I slowly lowered my head, while closing my eyes and trying to keep the tears back.

When we looked back up, there was someone standing up on the stage wearing military fatigues. By the stature, I could tell it was a man and he also had his head bowed in prayer. When the principal starting speaking and everyone raised their head, the man on the stage still kept his head down.

"While there are so many soldiers who could not be here with us today, this young man made it home. He was missing in action for some time and is a former prisoner of war. He is home for good and would just like to say a few words of encouragement to the people here today," Mr. Franklin said.

I watched as Mr. Franklin stepped away from the mic and watched as the soldier slowly raised his head. All of a sudden, I heard a girl scream and watched as Hannah jumped up from her seat and ran to the stage. The man caught her as she jumped into his arms and he held onto her tight. Of course, I already knew who it was but I just sat there in shock, staring. As he released Hannah, he looked up and without having to look for me, his eyes landed right on mine. I still just sat there in total shock and just stared, my agape.

"I'm sorry Legs," I faintly heard Brent say. "He wanted me to keep it a secret."

I looked at Brent for a second and tried to comprehend what he just said to me. He wanted to keep it a secret. What was that suppose to mean? How long had Brent known Clay was alive?

"Claire," I heard his sweet voice float from the speakers. I took my eyes off of Brent and trained them on Clay. I knew I was dreaming and I was going to wake up any minute, I was just waiting for someone to start shaking me. I was waiting for the harsh reality that the love of my life really was not standing up there and that he would just vanish. "Claire, sweetheart. It's really me," I heard him again.

I closed my eyes and held my head in my hands for a minute before I looked back up again. He was still there, holding onto Hannah and now Mikey was standing proudly beside him. He was looking at me, smiling the smile he only had for me. I started crying and when I started to stand, my legs felt a little wobbly. I felt Brent's hands steady me and together we walked down the bleachers and towards the stage. I was about ten feet away from him when I saw that he was starting to walk toward me. In his left hand, helping him walk, he had a cane. It was than that I noticed he had a limp when he walked.

I tore out of Brent's hands and ran the few feet between us and threw my arms around his neck. I was bawling my eyes out that this was indeed not a dream. This was the real deal and I was wrapped in Clay's arms once again. He held onto me like his life depended on it and I held on him even tighter.

"Don't blame Brent, baby. I wanted to surprise you," he said. I pulled away from him for a minute and just looked at him.

"You're real, aren't you? I'm not dreaming?"

"No honey, you are not dreaming, not this time. I'm here, in the flesh."

"You've been gone..."

"I know," he said and just pulled me back to him. "The past is the past Claire-bear. I'm home now."

"For how long?" I whispered.

"For good," he answered, causing me to pull away from him for good.

"What?" I asked.

"I was released for medical reasoning. I told you I would come back home to you in one piece. I told you that it would be my last time and that when I got back, we could start our lives together."

"You don't have to go back?"

"No baby. I'm here for good. It's me, you and the kids now."

"Oh my god," I cried, squeezing him once again.

I'm not sure how long we stood up there just holding onto one another but eventually they brought out some chairs and told us that we could sit down on the stage so they could continue on with the awards. Hannah sat on Clay's lap and I never once let go of his hand or arm, I literally hung off of him. My life felt complete and full in that moment and I was never happier. I looked out into the audience and saw my mom, sisters, Barbie and Haylee all dabbing at their eyes. Mom noticed me looking and smiled and blew me a kiss. I smiled right back but turned my attention back to Clay. I was still waiting to wake up and find out that this was nothing but a bad dream. I was thankful that it never happened.

After the awards ceremony, we all walked outside together. I finally tore myself from hanging on Clay so everyone could give him a hug and congratulate him on his return home. Brent told us that he was still planning on taking everyone out to eat so we went straight to the restaurant. Brent drove my car and as much as I wanted to sit in the back with Clay, I sat up front and let Mikey and Hannah sit with their brother. When we got to the restaurant though, Clay insisted on me sitting next to him and I was grateful that I didn't have to say anything about it.

Dinner was an exciting time to catch up. No one asked Clay what actually happened to him but they did ask what kept him alive and his answer didn't falter when he looked from Hannah to Mikey and then finally to me and said that he had the greatest reasons to hang on and fight to come home. I couldn't hardly touch my food because as happy as I was that Clay was right here beside me once again, my stomach was in knots. I had worried for so long and now that my future with him was back on track, food was the last thing on my mind.

"I'd like to say a few words," Clay started to say. Everyone got quiet and looked over to his direction. "Being over there was the worst time of my life. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my work and I don't regret what I've done so far. Those days, when I thought that I wasn't going to come home, was harder than any of you ever imagine. The thought of Hannah, Mikey and Claire really ia the only thing that kept me going. Claire, I seen you so many times when I was on the verge of giving up my last breath and you would tell me to hold on just a little longer. It was so real that I had no choice but to hold on. I didn't want to imagine what life would have been like for you if something happened to me. Call me selfish but I didn't want to imagine you moving on with someone else. I want to be the only man in your life."

"You are," I said quietly. "Forever and always."

"Good," he smile and reached into his pocket. He pushed his chair out a little more and got down on one knee beside me. I gasped at the movement and I'm pretty sure that I quit breathing when he pulled out a red velvet box. "Claire Elizabeth Henderson. I love you with everything that I am. I have seen death and I never want to experience that again, at least without the love of my life by me, I want to grow old with you. I can't imagine a better role model for my little brother and sister than you. I want us to start our family and I want you to have my babies," he said laughing and then opened the box. "Will you marry me?"

I seemed to forget how to form words but I could feel my lips moving but I couldn't hear any words coming out. I already knew the answer and I've known it for a very long time but when the word wasn't coming out of my mouth, I just started nodding like crazy and threw my arms around his neck. He hugged me back and after a few minutes, I peeled myself off of him and he took the ring out of the box and very steadily slipped the ring onto my shaking hand.

"I love you, Claire."

"I love you, my soldier in combat boots," I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.



As of right now, this is the end. I have left it at a good spot and not sure if I need to do an epilogue so I'm not doing one. I am also unsure if I will make a sequeal seeing as though I just like to think that they llived happily ever after.

My life here recently has been nothing but a bunch of ups and downs and I have lost a lot of my inspiration to write. I have my really good days and I have my really bad days and I know that it sucks that it has taken me so long to finish this story but with everything that happened to me, it has been really hard.

Thank you all for sticking by my side and not giving up on me. I may have some more time on my hands here soon to write more because looks like school isn't going so well for me but that's a completely different story that I don't want to touch right now.

Anyway, let me know how you feel with the end and as always, hope you all stick by me when I come up with some more stories to give y'all.
