

The following day at school, I was half expecting Jesse standing by my locker but then I was rudely reminded that he broke up with me. As I walked toward my locker, I looked up and saw him and a beautiful brunette with the most gorgeous olive complexion I had ever seen. There was no doubt in my mind that I stood no chance.

    “Hey girl,” I heard Tara. “What’s going on with that?” she asked pointing over to Jesse.

    “That’s Jesse’s fiancée, Natalia,” I said.

    “What?” she exclaimed. “You two were just together last week.”

    “He broke up with me on Thanksgiving day.”

    “How can he just prance around with her hanging off of him like that? Does he not care that he hurt you like that?”

    “Apparently it’s an arranged marriage,” I said causing Tara to bust out laughing.

    “Oh my gosh, that is the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.”

I didn’t talk anymore about him so I just focused on getting my books from my locker. I heard everyone whispering around me and I felt like a complete fool. By the time lunch rolled around, I wanted to dart out the doors. I even had Jessica laughing in my face because of this. I skipped going to lunch because I could not handle any more of the stares and whispers going on around me so I just ran out to my car. 

I was starting to feel sorry for myself and I promised that wasn’t going to happen. While I was out there, I texted Clay and told him about everything. He told me that he was sorry for what was going on but he knew that I could make it through it. I told him thanks for talking me through it but I wasn’t sure if I could without going off on someone. 

After my pity party in the car, I decided that I was going to go back in the school with my head held high. I walked to my locker with a new determination and I wanted to dare someone to say one wrong word to me. As I pulled the next couple of lessons books out, I chanced a look over at Jesse. He was still wearing a solemn look as the beautiful girl hung to him but I wasn’t going to let it bother me any longer. I had already been burned by Duncan and I certainly wasn’t going to let Jesse get to me.

I continued my day like nothing had happened. When everyone saw that I wasn’t going to let it bother me anymore, it seemed like the rumors had quieted down, all except for Jessica. After classes, I ran once more to my locker to put my books up and grab the one I needed for homework. When I shut the door, I was startled to see Jesse and Natalia standing there.

   “Hi Claire,” he said.

    “Oh, hi there, you must be Jesse’s fiancée,” I smiled.

    “Natalia,” she introduced herself in the most beautiful voice. “You and Jesse are friends, no?”

    “I guess you could say that,” I said, looking beyond them as I saw a familiar face walking towards me. “Jesse saved me from falling on my face here awhile back when I was sick. If you all would excuse, I have an unexpected visitor,” I smiled and excused myself, walking closer to Clay.

    “Hey,” he smiled.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked.

    “You seemed a little upset earlier and I couldn’t leave with myself knowing that Jesse was hurting you.”

    “Well thanks. Who’s with your mom? You know I have dance practice, right?” I asked.

    “Yes, I know and Brent came over to stay with mom. I thought maybe if Barbie didn’t mind, I’d watch practice,” he smiled.

    “Well come on, my knight in shining camo. Let’s go,” I said, tugging him back the way I just came from and past Jesse and Natalia.

After practice, Clay walked me and the girls to the car. While they went ahead, Clay hung back with me. He mentioned how well we all danced and that he could really see it on my face how much I loved it. I admitted that as much as I loved dancing, running was better. He told me that we would have to make arrangements to go jogging together soon. I loved the idea of spending some alone time with Clay but I also knew how precious that time would be because there would not be a lot of it. 

    “So, are you coming over after you drop the girls off?” Clay asked. “Mom has been asking about you. She wants to know in full detail how it was visiting your friend the other day.”
  “Okay. Yeah, I’ll come over. What’s for supper?” I smiled.

    “I’m not sure yet,” he laughed. “So, we’ll see you a little while?”

    “Yeah, I’ve got to take a quick shower but me and my homework both will be over.”

    “Okay, see you in a bit.”

I stood outside of my car until he drove away then I hopped in a realized how cold it was so blasted the heater. I heard Lacey and Cassie start giggling so I turned to face them which they had nothing to say, at least until we got home. No sooner I parked, they were both jumping out and running inside. I left my backpack and just grabbed my purse and then went inside.

     “Oh mom, you should see the two of them together. They are so lost that it’s ridiculous,” Lacey said.

    “What are you talking about?” I asked.

    “You and Clay, you’re like perfect for each other,” Cassie answered.


    “Yeah, me and my homework will be there,” Lacey said trying, but failing, to mimic my voice.

    “Mom, I’m going to jump in the shower and the go to Caroline’s for a little bit.”

    “Okay honey. Be sure to tell Clay I said hi,’ she laughed as I walked upstairs. I really wish now that I never admitted to them that I was starting to like Clay because the behavior like this was constant. 

As I pulled into the driveway, I tugged on my coat. The temperature has dropped considerably since I got home and now it felt like it was going to snow. I probably should have stayed home but I promised that I would come over and I wanted to tell Caroline about my visit with Marley. I walked in and instantly was hit by something that smelled delicious and it got my mouth watering.

    “Claire,” I heard Hannah shout and then feet running downstairs.

    “Hey babe, how’s it going?”

    “Good,” she beamed. “I made an A on my math quiz today.”

    “That’s great. This calls for an ice cream sundae,” I smiled.

    “That’s what Clay said and he went out and got stuff for it. I can’t wait because Clay makes the best sundaes ever. Hey Claire, what do you want for Christmas?”

    “What?” I asked by her sudden question.

    “Christmas is coming up so I wanted to know what you want for Christmas.”

    “Hannah, you don’t have to get me anything.”

    “I’ll find something for you,” she smiled before running into the kitchen.

I followed her in there and saw Caroline sitting at the table listening to something that Mikey was telling her. Clay was standing at the stove stirring whatever was in pot. I walked over next to him and smelled the steam. 

    “What are you cooking, Paula Deen?”

    “Paula Deen?” he laughed. “You are mistaken,” he said, tapping my nose. “I’m more of a Rachael Ray.”

    “Okay Rachael, what are we having?”

    “Homemade chicken noodle soup and Parmesan garlic bread.”

   “Okay, so you must be Martha Stewart than, huh?” I laughed.

After picking on Clay for a little bit, I went and sat down with Caroline. She asked how the drive to New York was and back, asked if Brent behaved himself and how the overall visit went. I started from the very beginning until I woke up yesterday morning and had to rush to get ready for church. She laughed at the necessary parts and it was the best she had looked since I met her

 We sat and enjoyed Clay’s home cooked meal and afterwards, I helped clean the kitchen and load the dishwasher. I didn’t have much homework to do I brought my backpack into the kitchen and started doing it. I was halfway done when my phone started to ring.

     “Hey mom,” I answered.

    “Oh thank God,” she sighed.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “I take it you’re still over at the Reddens?”

    “Yes why?” I asked.

    “You are going to have to stay there tonight.”

    “What? Why?”

    “Honey, have you not looked out of a window or anything? There’s about a foot of snow on the ground and their calling that unless it’s an emergency, not to be out,” she said. I jumped up from the table and looked at of the kitchen window.

    “Oh my gosh, I knew when I got over here; it felt like the temperature had dropped a lot.”

    “I’m just glad you are not out in it. They’ve already canceled school for tomorrow because they are expecting another half a foot. Just promise me you won’t try to come home.”

    “I promise mom. I’m safe.”

    “Okay honey, I just could not live with myself knowing that you were out in this mess.”

    “I’m okay mom, I’m not going anywhere.

    “Good night honey.”

    “Good night mom. Love you,” I said before hanging up the phone.

    “What was that all about?” Clay asked. 

    “There’s a lot of snow on the ground and mom didn’t want me out in it.”

    “Oh yeah. I saw it snowing a little earlier but I didn’t think it came down that fast. So, how are you going to get home?”

    “Looks like I’m crashing here tonight,” I said.

When the kids heard about the snow, they were excited because I already told them that there was no school tomorrow. Hannah was even more excited that I was spending the night. I was not quite sure how to act because I would be this close to Clay at night time and not to mention, I didn’t have anything I could sleep in. 

Hannah told me to sleep in her room but she only had a twin size bed and I didn’t want to knock her out or anything. I told them that I would be fine on the couch but they would not agree to that so this was how I ended up in Clay’s room, slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. When I was dressed, I opened the door and Clay was standing there. 

    “Here’s an extra blanket in case the power goes out. Mikey and Hannah are already in the bed with mom so... yeah... I’ll be crashing on the couch,” he said.

    “Umm... Clay. Your bed is big enough and I’m sure that it will be okay if you want to sleep there also,” I said. Even as the words were coming out of my mouth, I was asking myself why I was saying that. 

    “No, I’ll be fine on the couch.”

    “Clay, will you stay warm enough if the power goes out?” I asked. He thought about it for a minute before turning back into the room. I looked and smiled at him as he walked in. 

    “We can put some pillows are something between to separate us.”

    “I’m not worried,” I said. “You’re a soldier, you have ridiculous self-control,” I finished, climbing under the covers. “It is awfully cold tonight.”

    “Yes, it is,” he answered, settling in beside me.

    “Good night Clay.”

    “Night Claire.”

I tossed and turned a little because it was a different house and bed so it took me a little bit to get comfortable and then it wasn’t before too long that I felt the deep feeling of sleep come to me. I barely remember mentioning how cold it was and then I felt an arm go around me, overtop of the blankets but I instantly felt warmer. The steady sound of Clay’s breathing was what put me to sleep before I knew it.


Okay... so that was chapter 22 for y'all... Did ya like it??? Let me know... you know what to do.

Also, I have to start my summer classes next which is a drag. Got two classes but have to go on campus twice a week for ONE class... ugh ! ! ! I really wish I didn't take summer now but oh well.

Have you all checked out, I MET HIM SPEED DATING{REWRIE}???? I really hope you do.

I guess that's all for now. Time to get my old man up and see if we're doing anything today.

