s i x t e e n

e d w a r d

Two weeks into the tour, I went up to Demi with a question.

"Can I get a video game?" I ask her as I went into the room in the back of the tour bus, she was busy doing something in her laptop, glasses on her nose.

Demi looks up at me and smiles. "Sure, I can tell that you're bored." I nodded.

"Yep, I don't wanna spend the next ten hours bored out of my mind." I say and she chuckles as she closes her laptop before standing up.

"Alright, I'll tell Zach to stop at a plaza. What game do you want?" She asks me as I follow her back to the lounge.

Nina was curled up in the couch, sleeping peacefully. While Nick was at the booth, guitar in hand and writing something into some notepad.

"The Last Of Us." I answer excitedly as she told Zach to pull over then turns to me.

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "That sounds like a apocalypse game," She says and I nod.

"It is, it's about Infected-"


"We call them Infected. And it's about this guy and girl- you know what? You just have to find out yourself," I say as Zach pulled into a plaza.

Demi grabs her purse before looking over at Nick. "Nick do you want anything?" She asks him and I look over at him.

He shakes his head, standing up. "No, but I gotta use the bathroom. I'll wake Nina up," He says and we nod so I follow Demi out of the tour bus.

I walk quickly in front of her to Game Stop.

"Is it bloody?" Demi asks me as we walk into the store.

I shrug. "I haven't played it but everyone say its a ten out of ten game, that you have to play it. I want to play it ever since it came out." I say as I walk over to the Playstation 3 games.

I skim through all the games, pointing out the ones that I thought was cool as Demi stood near me.

"Here it is," I grin as I grab it and show it to her. She grabs it from me and reads the description.

"Alright, but if you get freaked out, don't come to me at night when you'll get scared." She chuckles as I follow her to the register.

I scoff. "Like hell I will, I'm a man." I puff out my chest for effect and she laughs as she hands the game to the guy.

"You're my little man," Demi smiles at me before paying for my game and following me back to the tour bus.

I excitedly went to my Playstation 3 that I brought from home that is now hooked up to the tv in the tour bus. I put my game in and sat back on the couch with the controller in my hand, Demi sits next to me.

I waited till the game downloaded before starting to play.

We did the prologue and my jaw drop. "B-But, how could he?! That bastard! But I'm confuse, she's not the girl in the cover! What's-I don't even know." I rambled, pointing at the screen as I look at Demi.

Demi was just as confuse as me. "I have no idea what's going on." She says and I swat my hand at her before returning to my game.

Five freaking hours later, I was still playing. Demi had went sometime ago to probably take a nap or something, I don't remember.

"I can't pass this level! Why do they have to make this in the basement?! I don't want to turn the generator on! I know what's gonna happen! I keep getting killed! And it has to be in a dark basement!" I pretty much whined, then look over at Nick who was busy texting someone on his phone.

"Do you know how to play video games?" I ask him and he looks up at me.

He chuckles but shakes his head. "Nope, I'm shit at video games, trust me I have tried." He says as he gets up and sets his phone down before walking over to me and sitting down next to me.

I frown at him before looking over at Nina who was Skyping her boyfriend. "What about you? Do you know how to play video games?" I ask her.

She looks up at me from her laptop and shakes her head. "No, never was a fan of video games, sorry babe." She says and I sigh before handing the controller to Nick and walking over to Zach, the driver.

"What about you? Do you know how to play video games?" I ask him and he chuckled at me.

"Do I look like I play video games?" He says and I crack a grin at him.

"Touché." I say before turning around and walking to Demi's bed.

"Demi," I whisper, poking her sleeping figure. "Demi, get up, Demi." I whispered, and she stirs awake and blinks her eyes at me.

"What is it?" She asks me, groaning softly.

"Do you play video games?" I ask her quietly.

Her eyebrows furrow at me. "If you include Mario Kart, then yes." She says and I grin at her.

"That's good enough for me," I say before grabbing her wrist and yanking her up, she squeaks in surprise. I drag her back to the front of the bus, much to her dislike.

I made her sit down next to me while I sat between Nick and her. Grabbing the controller from Nick, I then handed Demi the controller.

"Pass this level for me." I say and she scrunch up her face at me.

"I feel like there is something there that's gonna kill me," She says and mumbles as she makes one of the main characters, Joel, move forward, crouching down.

I smiled at her, not wanting to spoil what happens next.

"Oh I so need to get this," Nick says before grabbing his phone and started to record us, Nina watch us too from the corner of her eye.

I guided Demi through the buttons and until she got it, I let her play.

"Okay," She mutters, eyes focus on the screen. "what does this do?" She mumbles to herself as she turns the generator on.

Loud shrieking came from the TV and Demi eyes widened with panic. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit what is that? What is that shrieking thing coming from?! Oh my god what are those?! No! Don't touch me! Die mother fuckers! Die! Stop clicking! What is that?! He's so big!" Demi screamed as the giant Bloater came at her and grab her character.

She screams as it tears his throat out, jumping and letting the controller go. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"

I was laughing hard at her face, so was Nick and Nina.

"No I'm serious! What was that thing? Guys that scared the shit out of me!" Demi says and looks at us with confuse yet panic looks.

"That was one of the Infected! Trust me, I tried to pass this but it's hard when he's following you and all the Infected come at you. Give me, let me try again." I say and she hands me back the controller.

After a couple of tries, I finally pass it.

"Yes!" I threw my hands in the air. "Go back to Ellie Joel, get back to her before something happens to her." I say before grabbing the controller again.

Making Joel go back to Ellie, I smiled after the scene happens between them.

"Guys," I started.


"I have something to confess."


"I have a crush on Ellie." I said and motion with my head to Ellie from the video game.

Nick snorts while Nina rolls her eyes at me, Demi laughs beside me. "Babe, you can't have a crush on a video game character." She says and I threw her a look.

"Why not? She's awesome and badass, plus she's like one year older than me. And I relate to her in someways, like I see myself in her. She is just so amazing. You can love whoever you want, whether it's fictional or not." I say and smirk at her. She purses her lips at me and takes a glance over my head at Nick.

"Yeah," She mutters quietly and leans back to sit next to me. I nudge her with my elbow, smiling to myself.

"No entiendo porque el no lo ves," (I don't understand why he can't see it,) Nina says and I nodded, letting out a laugh.

"Tampoco yo chica, tampoco yo. Tal vez es porque es ciego." (Me either girl, me either. Maybe just because he's blind.) I answer and she laugh.

"What did you guys said?" They both ask us in unison and we smirk.


Couple more hours later, I have finally finish the whole video game in one sitting. My butt hurts, my hands hurt and my eyes sting with tears as I watch the ending.

"How could you?!" I all but shouted at the TV screen. "How can you lie to a pretty face like hers?! Okay! Okay, Ellie, okay." My voice quiet down as the edits scrolled and buried my face in my hands, I was so freaking emotional but I willed myself not to cry.

That game was so fucking touching, and it is hands down my favorite game of all time. They were right, this game is a ten out of ten.

I sighed, before shutting the TV off and scrolling back to the bunk beds, now that it is night and almost everyone went to sleep except me and Zach.

I brush my teeth and climb into my own bunk, before closing my eyes and reminding myself of the game I just played for hours. It was so awesome.

"Psst," I heard someone whispering and my curtain was draw back. "can I sleep with you?" Demi asks me in the dark hallway.

A grin crept up on my lips as I looked at her. "And who said that I was gonna get scared?" I teased.

"Shut up." She mumbles before climbing into my bunk. I scooted to the wall so she can have some space but she wasn't having it, she wrap her arms around my middle and pulled me closer to her. She nuzzles her head against my neck and sighs contently. "I can't get the clicking sound out of my head, it's driving me insane." She whispers to me and I let out a small chuckle.

Just to tease her, I made clicking noises with my mouth. She shoves me a bit and I laugh a bit too loud. "Sorry, couldn't help it." I say sheepishly.

"Whatever," She mutters and holds me tighter. So I turn so my back was face to her, and she started to made random shapes on my stomach.

Demi move her hand to my chest, where my heart was, and laid it there, feeling for a beat. It was slow and steady.

Demi breathes deeply before tightening her hold on me even more if possible. "Goodnight, my zombie gamer dorky boy."

"Night, scaredy cat."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Then why are you here?"

"Uh just because I wanted to sleep with you, I'm not scared. Pssh who said I was scared? I'm not scared."

"Mhmm, whatever you say,"

"Shut it." She says and I smiled before turning my head, I press my ear against her chest to listen to her heart beat. It was slow, steady and calm. And slowly, it was the sound that drifted me off to sleep.

Hello, so yeah this chapter was based around the game The Last Of Us. I am not sorry for including this game in this chapter. This game is my fucking favorite, idk bout you guys but I am a gamer. I love video games.If you are a gamer and haven't played The Last Of Us then I encourage you to play it, it is worth playing that work of art. Promise it is not a let down, its a ten out of ten game and I wholeheartedly agree with it. :)

Oh, and the cute moments between Demi and Ed don't last forever ;)
