t h r e e

d e m i

"Hey kid, wake up." I say to Edward, poking his cheek as he slept on my bed. Since he didn't had a bed yet, I let him sleep in my room while I slept in one of the guest rooms.

He groans softly, swatting my hand away as I smile softly. "Come on, we are going to shop till we drop." I say, poking his cheek again as he then buries his face in my pillow.

I chuckle, guess he wasn't a early bird. "I'll pour ice cold water on you if you don't wake up sport." I say and his eyes snap open before he quickly sats up and before I had a chance to move, we collided heads.

"Ah!" I yelp, wincing as I place a hand on my throbbing forehead. Ed hisses in pain as he puts a hand to his head, also feeling the slight pain.

"Ugh sorry bout that." He apologized and I wave him off, could feel the pain lessing by the second.

"It's fine, I made you some breakfast. I'll be downstairs when you are done getting ready." I say, smiling at him before getting off the bed and leaving the room. I walk toward the staircase but there was also a swirly slide next to it. Feeling lazy and childish, I went with the slide.

I laugh as I got to the bottom, before standing up and made my way to the living room. I plop my ass down on one of my white couches and took out my phone, my legs resting on the coffee table in front of me.

I decided to tell everyone that I adopted a boy and maybe do a question and answer later.

'Hey guys! Just to let you all know, I have adopted a teenage boy who name is Edward. I will be doing a question/answer later today, I can't wait for you guys to meet him! You'll love him! 😊😉' I tweeted before locking the screen when I saw Edward sliding down the swirly slide, laughter escaping him.

I grin as he got to the bottom and stands up, a grin on his lips. He wore a black and white flannel over a 1975 shirt, black jeans and white Converse.

"Hey kid, waffles and eggs are in the kitchen. Eat up so we can get going." I tell him as I got off the couch and walk toward him. He nods, starting to walk to the theatre room instead of the kitchen.

I giggle, grabbing a hold of his flannel and pull him to the right direction of the kitchen. "Kitchen's this way champ." I say and I could see the faint blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"I knew that." He says and I roll my eyes, smiling as we walk into my big kitchen.

"Of course you do," I say sarcastically and he just rolls his eyes at me but walks over to sit on the stool by my island counter, a plate of waffles and eggs waiting for him. I already ate, and was glad that I knew the basics of cooking. After Ed was done eating, he follows me out to the garage as I swung my purse on my shoulder.

"Okay rockstar, which car should we ride in?" I ask him, smiling as I put on my sunglasses.

"Chase, we are riding in Chase." He tells me, a grin on his face as he looks at me excitedly.

"Chase it is," I agree, grabbing the keys of the Ferrari and he jumps inside the passenger seat while I got in the driver seat. I put my purse in the back then turn on the Ferrari, it roars into life and Edward grins beside me.

"This is so cool," He gushes and I smile at him as I press a button on the panel, the garage door open and I drove out. After we left Tierra del Sol and started heading to the mall, Edward tells me to turn on the radio.

I did, turning up the volume and I grin as a familiar song came on. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song Can't Hold Us was blarring in the radio.

I nod my head to the song, Edward trying to keep up with the fast lyrics beside me and I press a button for the roof to open, it does and I then rolled down our windows. Grinning widely as Edward throws his arms in the air, whooping loudly over the blarring radio.

We were still rocking out to the radio as I stop on a red light, I was next to a red LA tour bus. I smile as they recognize me and I waved at them as they shouted things at me, I lower the volume of the radio a bit.

"Welcome to LA guys! I hope you guys have a amazing time here! Love you!" I say, smiling widely at them before the light turns green and I took off.

"Here we are kiddo," I say, turning off the radio as we got to the mall. I took a open parking space and we got out, I lock the doors on Chase before walking toward to the entrance of the mall, Edward by my side.

We shop for his things for a while, we got him more clothes, a new iPhone courtesy of moi and some other things. I was in the bathroom after we put our bags in Chase but had to go back because I needed to pee while I left Edward outside for a minute. When finished, I wash my hands before going out of the women's bathroom.

Edward was cornered against the wall, bout thrity or so girls surronded him and my eyes widened. I left him for a freaking minute and he already caught the attention of most of the girls in here.

He look slightly nervous as multiple girls ask him questions and I squeezed my way through them, going to Edward and standing in front of him protectively. I took off my sunglasses and brightly smiled at the group of girls in front of me.

"Hey girls, guess you have met my son, Edward Lovato. I'm sure you all know he isn't allow to date yet," I say, smiling widely as they started to scream and freak out as they saw me standing there.

"Who says I'm not allowed to date?" Edward whispers to me from behind and I smirk, turning my head to look at him.

"Says me," I say and he rolls his eyes at me, but there was a smile playing on his lips.

I started to sign autographs, taking picture with them and I look over at Edward from time to time, seeing as that some of the girls were asking to take pictures with him. A look much like surprise cross his face before he nodded, taking pictures with them. I smiled softly to myself as I talk to them for a bit, wondering where the hell was security since more and more fans surronded us. It was getting hetic, so I grab Edward's arm and pull him to my side, wrapping my arm around his shoulder protectively as security came to us. They escorted us outside, screams were heard from every direction as I waved at my fans goodbye as I help Edward into Chase. I then quickly got around and slip inside, thanking the security as they hold off the crowd as I back out and quickly drove away from the large crowd.

"Wow, that was-" Edward starts to say, his eyes wide, face drained from color as I smile softly at him, finishing off his sentence.

"Hetic? Yeah, it happens a lot. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Are you okay though? You look a bit pale," I say, my voice tinted with a hint of worry as he had a hand to his chest, where his heart was.

"Yeah," He breathes out. "I'll be okay." He tells me and nods slightly, glancing over at me. I nod, before turning my attention back to the road. At home, we brought all our bags inside and I fling myself on my couch, grabbing my laptop from the coffee table.

"Come on Ed, let's buy your furniture," I say to Ed and he walks over to me, sitting down next to me as he brings a bottle of water with him. We shop online for his furniture for a while, and the furniture would probably get here in about two hours.

So I changed out of my clothes into a old white flannel and short old jeans, pulling my hair up in a messy bun as I then grab the two buckets of blue paint. I walk over to Ed's room, setting the paint down.

"Hey hon, ready to do this?" I say to him as he walks into the room after changing out into some old clothes, he wore a worn out red shirt and grey basketball shorts.

"Yep, let's do this." He says and flashes me a grin. So we spread plastic sheets on the floor then grab paint brushes, we started to paint two of his walls blue.

"Hey Dems, you missed a spot." Edward tells me as I was painting the other wall, I look to my left at him and glance at the wall, it was almost done.

"Where? I don't thin- AH! OH MY GOD EDWARD!" I shriek loudly as he flings blue paint at me, the paint covers my clothes and skin. I drop my long paintbrush, wiping away the blue paint from my eyes. I glare at a laughing Edward, pointing his finger at me as he bents over.

"Oh you think that's funny? How about this?!" I say, grabbing the tray of blue paint beside my bare feet and flung blue paint at him. He yelps loudly, blue paint splattering onto his clothes and skin.

"Oh its so on," He says, smirking evilly at me before we both started to throw paint at each other, not caring as we mess the room up. I laugh as I grab him by the waist, taking the brush in my hand and brushing his face with blue paint. He groans as he tries to escape my grip while I laugh loudly, dropping the brush and wrapping my other arm around his waist, I kissed his blue cheek.

"Smurf," I say to him, grinning widely at him as he looks at me, most of his face cover in blue paint.

"You're a smurf too," He tells me, stucking his tongue out at me as I let go of him.

"Yeah but I'm a sexy Bluevato smurf," I say, winking at him as he throws his head back in laughter.

A ding was sounded through out El Palacio, and I knew it was the security up front.

"Be right back my little smurf!" I say to Ed, slipping on my sandals before running out of his room and to the slide, once at the bottom, I ran over to the front doors of El Palacio.

I press the button next to the buzzer. "Yes? Demi here," I say into the buzzer.

"Ms. Lovato, there's a truck here with some furniture you ordered, do you like me to send them in?" The familiar voice of Shawn, the security guard at the entrance of Tierra del Sol tells me.

I grin, wow that was quick. "Yeah Shawn, send them in." I say and he lets out a grumble 'okay' before the line went off. I waited patiently by the doors for the truck and when I saw them riding up the driveway, I grin. I open both the doors and greeted the guys.

"Hey guys, why don't you start bringing that up?" I tell them and they nod, giving me some weird looks since I was covered in blue paint before starting to unload the furniture. As they bring it upstairs and leaving it in the guest room, I figure since the paint will take a while to dry, I didn't wanted the furniture to stink of paint so they left it in the room across while Ed and me both finish painting the walls.

When that was done, the guys were already done moving the furniture in, unfortunately they don't put the furniture together. I payed them, thank them for the work and gave them bottles of water before they left.

"Okay," I say, letting out a breath as I sat down on the plastic sheets, leaning back on the wall that wasn't painted. "that's all done. Tomorrow I'll call some good friends of mine to help us unload the furniture and put it up with us, the paint should be dry by tomorrow." I tell Edward and he nods, taking a sip from his bottle of water as he sits next to me.

"Who friends are you calling?" He asks me and I smirk at him.

"Have you ever heard of The Jonas Brothers?"
