e p i l o g u e

e d w a r d

"If you don't wake up right now, I will dump a bucket of ice cold water over you. I know you're awake, son." Dad threatens, and I turn my face so I can look at him.

Demi would've waken me up by either tickling me or kissing my face. But dad? His way of waking me up was torture.

"I'm good right here," I tell him before burying my face in my pillow, ignoring him.

I heard movement around me, but I chose to ignore it, content with being buried under the covers instead of facing the first day of school.

Suddenly, I felt ice cold water being thrown on me and I shriek, sitting up quickly and looking at dad.

He had a smug smile tugging on his lips, a blue bucket in his hands. "Don't underestimate me, now get up. You have school." He says, then turns around and leaving my room.

I watch him leave with shock, I couldn't believe he would've gone through with that. I sigh, shaking it off and jumping out of my now soggy bed.

I move to my bathroom, wanting to get out of these drench clothes and into some warm ones. Finishing my morning routine, I put on my dark red sweater and slide my Beats around my neck, connecting it to my phone.

I grab my new backpack, slinging it over my shoulder and climbing down the stairs to the kitchen.

Dad looks over at me and grins. "Great! Look, I made pancakes, eggs and bacon! See! I didn't burn them!" He tells me, motioning to the food on top of the counter.

My lips quirk in a small smile. "Cool." I took a seat on one of the stools and started to eat as dad tells me about my new school and everything. When I finished, he grabs his keys but slips an envelope to me.

"She wanted you to open this for today," he tells me and I look at him before the envelope.

Demi's handwriting was on it. First day of school, it said.

I grab it, nodding at him. He gives me a small smile before turning around and walking to the front door. I followed him, closing the door behind me before going to his car. I slide into the passenger seat, closing the door after me as dad turns on his car.

He drives me to school, saying he'll pick me up when school ends. When we arrived, I look at the big school, I sighed. I didn't wanted school to start, but I guess I had no choice.

I turn back to dad, and he holds out his fist to me. I pump my fist with his and got out of the car, closing it behind me. Dad leans over, looking at me through the open window.

"Hey, try to make some friends." He tells me and I nodded, my fingers curling around the strap of my backpack.

"Yeah. Okay." I don't really know about the making friends thing but okay I guess.

"Me and you pal," He says, and smiles at me.

"Me and you dad," I say before turning around and walking to the front doors to the high school. I ignore the looks that people gave me, only wanting to go to the office to pick up my schedule and head to my class.

Pushing open the door, I move inside, glad to see that the office was near by and not somewhere else. I went inside, telling them my name and they told me to wait while they go get my schedule. I nod, taking a empty seat.

While they get my schedule, I grab the envelope that Demi had left for me. I open it, and took out the letter.

'So, first day of school huh?

Bet you're nervous or something, but that's okay! Everyone is at the first day of school, even I was, you're not the only one. Anyways, I hope you have an amazing first day, and make some friends, I don't want you to be some depressed loner, alright?

Don't get into trouble, get good grades and be a good boy!

I love you, always remember that.

Love mom, xoxo.'

"Sir, here's your schedule." Someone says, making me look up from Demi's letter. The woman holds out a paper to me and I nod, standing up from my seat and walking over to her.

"Thanks," I tell her, grabbing my schedule from her.

"Welcome to Richwood High, have a nice first day." She tells me, and I said 'thank you' before getting out of the office. I look down at my schedule, to see that I had History first class.

Room two-someone bumps into me, knocking the papers out of my hands and onto the floor.

I grunt, but quickly grab the arms of the person since they were about to fall. They squeak, and I hold them steady.

It was a girl, with bright red hair, blue eyes and freckles adoring her skin.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," She tells me before quickly bending down to grab my papers.

I crouch, grabbing my schedule but she grabs Demi's letter before I could get it. I bit my lip as we stand up, and she looks at me.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either," I told her, but kept glancing at Demi's letter in her hand.

"Let me guess, you're new too?" She says, smiling at me as the bell rings, signaling for us to get to our classes. People move around us, wanting to get to their classes or talking with their friends.

"Yeah, I am." I say, and move to grab my letter from her. She pulls it back, out of my reach, and frowns at me as she watches me.

"Are you okay? You look a bit. . ." She trails off, and I sighed.

"I'm fine. Can I please have my paper back?" I motion to the letter she had in her grasp.

She nods.

"It looks like you've been hurt before," the redhead girl says, watching me as she hands me back Demi's letter.

My fingers curled around it, and I look down at her familiar handwriting, I bobble my head up and down. "I'm used to it." I shrug my shoulders, looking at her.

The girl frowns at me, her eyebrows ceasing together as she watches me. "No one should be used to it." She says, and my fingers folded the letter, then I stuff it back in my pocket.

"Yeah, well, some people just are. I'm one of them." I say, then move around her and starting to walk to the other direction, the halls already emptying.

"Wait!" I heard the girl call out, then I felt fingers digging into my arm and I was pulled back. I look at the girl with confusion, and she just gives me a small smile.

"I know you're hurt, but sometimes good things come out of bad things and bad things come out of good things. My name is Cecilia, everything will turn out okay in the end." The redhead tells me, then she stretches her hand out for me, smiling at me.

I look at her hand, then at her before slowly shaking her hand. "Edward." I say, and notice as her eyes always watch my lips whenever I speak.

"Do you want to kiss me or something? Why are you looking at my lips?" I ask her, and her eyes widen, she shakes her head quickly.

"Oh, no! Don't get the wrong idea! I don't wanna kiss you! I uh mean, I bet you are a good kisser but I practically don't know you, so uh, no kissing here. It's just, I'm deaf, and if I want to know what someone is saying, I just have to read their lips." Cecilia says, and I nod, a little shock. Well, that explains her watching my lips.

"Okay. Well, I should get to class. I'll see you around," I nodded at her before continuing to walk.

"Hold on, do you want to maybe after school go to a movie with me?" She asks me, and I turn around to look at her.

I raise a brow. "But you can't hear?" The words were filled of confusion.

She laughs. "There's a thing called subtitles, I'm sure you heard of it. Anyways, after school, right here. Bye!" Cecilia waves at me before turning around and running down the hall, before disappearing around a corner.

I smiled. Turning around, I quickly went to go find my class.

Maybe everything will be okay.

Maybe I will be okay.
