12. Severus

Severus was in his lab working on some potions that were needed for the Mediwing. Just as he was about to add 6 drops of salamander blood to the Pepper Up Potion he was making; an owl came screeching into his lab. Thanks to his quick reflexes he was able to save the potion from near disaster. After placing the cauldron under a stasis charm, he turned his murderous look to the owl.

The owl just sat on a stool and looked back as if to say, what did I do? Severus knew exactly who sent the owl because all other owls leave their mail on his desk in his office. In order to get into his lab a special spell has to be placed on the owl so they can pass the barriers Severus has put up so that he will not be disturbed while brewing. Only Dumbledore knows of this and only he would think he is important enough to disregard the potion master's safety.

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose while he counted to ten. It wasn't the owl's fault Dumbledore was such a pain in his backside. After he calmed down, he approached the owl and removed the letter from its leg. After being freed of its burden the owl gave a hoot and took off out of the room through the magical portal it entered through.

Severus read the leader.

Please report to my office as soon as you read this. It is of the utmost importance.
The password is licorice wands.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Severus decided it was best to see what the old man wanted this time and to finish the potions later. He straightened his clothes and grabbed his robes. He had the robes secured in place by the time he reached the door to his quarters. When he reached the gargoyles guarding the headmaster's office, he looked around to see if anyone was around to hear him say the ridiculous password. When he decided he was in the clear he spoke to the gargoyles, and they moved aside showing a spiral staircase going up. Severus quickly stepped onto the moving stairs and rode it up to the top.

Once he reached the door, Severus knocked. He heard a distinct "enter" so he did.

"Ah, Severus, my boy, so glad you could join me today."

"As if I had a choice."

"Be that as it may. How are you faring this beautiful day?"

Severus looked out the window at the rain and lightning and looked back at the old man asking, "Can we please just get to what you have called me here for?"

"As you wish. I am concerned with the bond between Harry and Remus. Things usually move fast with Werewolves, but they insist on taking their time."

"I do not keep track of the romantic couplings of others, so I have no knowledge of this. Quite frankly I shudder to even think about it."

"Oh, come now Severus, you must want your fellow man to be happy?"

"You mean the man who was part of a group who tormented me in my youth, and the boy who has been a pain in my backside since he entered this school? No."

"That may be your opinion, but I still need to ask a favor of you. When you prepare this month's Wolfsbane Potion I would need you to mix in a lust potion with it. To kind of get their motors running a bit, if you know what I mean."

"Headmaster, you can't be serious. The ingredients in both of those potions are explosive when mixed together. It is impossible."

"My dear boy, you are a potions master. I am sure you can substitute ingredients to make it work. I have faith in you."

"Is that all? May I return to my lab now?"

"That is all. You may leave."

Severus abruptly stood and exited the headmaster's office as if the hounds of hell were after him. As soon as he reached his lab, he pulled out parchment and quill and wrote a quick note to Remus and Harry informing them that they needed to meet to talk in private that very night.

Severus called his house elf, not trusting school house elves or owls to deliver this message. Bindy had been with him since he was a child and would do anything for Severus. She was the only one he trusted to deliver this letter, so no one was the wiser.

After Bindy left, Severus went to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a generous amount of Fire Whiskey. Sipping his drink, he contemplated their next step in fooling the crazy old man.
