10. Harry

It's been a month since Harry had been turned into a werewolf, and tonight was his first transformation. He was both worried and excited.

Harry wished his true mate was with him, but he at least had Remus. He knew he could do this with Remus's help. After all Remus had been going through his transformations all alone for most of his life.

James and Sirius decided to let Harry and Remus go through the transformation on their own. Harry was under the impression that they thought, if Remus and he were alone their relationship may progress. He knew this wouldn't happen because they were not true mates.

Severus, Remus and Harry, contemplated telling James and Sirius the truth however they decided that it would be best if only the three of them knew the truth. The fewer people that knew the better.

Harry was anxiously waiting for Remus. It was close to the time to head out to the Forbidden Forest. Harry hears the door open. "Harry are you in here?" Remus asks.

"Is it time to go?"

"Are you feeling anxious, and trapped in these rooms?"

"Now that you mention it, yes, that is exactly what I am feeling."

Remus smiles, "That's completely normal. That is your wolf feeling the moons pull and not wanting to be trapped in here when it happens. Let's head out."

The night was beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky. The moon was just rising. They reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest just as they felt the need to change. Harry heard a scream and walked towards Remus to see him fall to the ground. Just after that Harry knew no more as pain overtook his mind. He could feel his bones snapping and growing. He could feel the hair growing on his skin. Everything was magnified.

It felt like 20 minutes had passed but in reality, it was only about three. When Harry stood up, he was now on four legs. He could see clearly and further than he ever could before. He could hear things he could never hear before. And he could smell things that were so refreshing. He felt the loneliness due to his mate not being with him. At the same time, he felt a calmness because he felt like he was with family. When he looked to the left, he saw Remus, and Remus was just looking at him, waiting for him to be ready.

Harry gave a yip and ran to Remus nipping at his shoulder in a playful manner. Remus gave a bark and looked to the forest and back to Harry, indicating that he was ready to run and asking if Harry was ready to run. Harry gave a bark in reply and took off running with Remus fast on his tail.

Harry got distracted and played for several moments with a squirrel. He wasn't trying to hurt the squirrel he was just chasing it. He would catch it with his paw and then release it. After a while the squirrel realized what Harry was doing and stopped running. It turned around got up on its hind legs and gave Harry a firm talking to, batting his nose with its front leg, before running away.

Harry was stunned, in complete shock. Remus was cracking up laughing, as much as a wolf can crack up laughing. Harry didn't appreciate being laughed at, so he tackled Remus, and the battle began.

This being his first transformation, Harry got tired really fast. It takes a lot out of a person transforming into a wolf for the first time. So, after roughhousing for a short period of time, the two wolves decided to lay down and sleep for the rest of the night.

When they woke up the next morning, they were in their human form again and they were both tired and sore. Without saying a word, they both made their way to the hospital wing. As they entered, Madame Pomfrey simply led them to their beds and tended to their wounds.

Before she was even finished, they were sound asleep.
